diff -r 0944c9354e9c -r 7c6e2e97aa08 plugins/gallery/viewimage.php
--- a/plugins/gallery/viewimage.php	Sat Aug 21 23:25:41 2010 -0400
+++ b/plugins/gallery/viewimage.php	Sat Aug 21 23:32:06 2010 -0400
@@ -21,351 +21,354 @@
 function gallery_namespace_handler(&$page)
-  global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
-  if ( $page->namespace != 'Gallery' )
-    return false;
-  if ( $page->page_id == 'Root' )
-  {
-    page_Special_Gallery();
-    return true;
-  }
-  $row =& $page->image_info;
-  $db->free_result();
-  $img_id = $row['img_id'];
-  if ( !$row['folder_parent'] )
-    $row['folder_parent'] = ' IS NULL';
-  else
-    $row['folder_parent'] = '=' . $row['folder_parent'];
-  // Fetch image parent properties
-  $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT img_id, img_title FROM '.table_prefix.'gallery WHERE folder_parent' . $row['folder_parent'] . ' AND is_folder!=1 ORDER BY img_title ASC;');
-  if ( !$q )
-    $db->_die();
-  $folder_total = $db->numrows();
-  $folder_this = 0;
-  $prev = false;
-  $next = false;
-  $next_title = '';
-  $prev_title = '';
-  $i = 0;
-  while ( $r = $db->fetchrow() )
-  {
-    $i++;
-    if ( $i == $folder_total && $r['img_id'] == $img_id )
-    {
-      $folder_this = $i;
-      $next = false;
-    }
-    else if ( $i < $folder_total && $r['img_id'] == $img_id )
-    {
-      $folder_this = $i;
-      $next = true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if ( $next )
-      {
-        $next = $r['img_id'];
-        $next_title = $r['img_title'];
-        break;
-      }
-      $prev = $r['img_id'];
-      $prev_title = $r['img_title'];
-    }
-  }
-  if ( $next )
-  {
-    $next_sanitized = sanitize_page_id($next_title);
-    $next_url = ( isset($hier) ) ? makeUrlNS('Gallery', $hier . $next_sanitized ) : makeUrlNS('Gallery', $next);
-  }
-  if ( $prev )
-  {
-    $prev_sanitized = sanitize_page_id($prev_title);
-    $prev_url = ( isset($hier) ) ? makeUrlNS('Gallery', $hier . $prev_sanitized ) : makeUrlNS('Gallery', $prev);
-  }
-  $db->free_result();
-  $perms = $session->fetch_page_acl(strval($img_id), 'Gallery');
-  if ( isset($_POST['ajax']) && @$_POST['ajax'] === 'true' && isset($_POST['act']) )
-  {
-    $mode =& $_POST['act'];
-    $response = array();
-    switch($mode)
-    {
-      case 'add_tag':
-        if ( !$perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag') )
-        {
-          die(snapr_json_encode(array(
-              'mode' => 'error',
-              'error' => 'You don\'t have permission to add tags.'
-            )));
-        }
-        if ( empty($row['img_tags']) )
-        {
-          $row['img_tags'] = '[]';
-        }
-        $row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_decode($row['img_tags']);
-        $canvas_data = snapr_json_decode($_POST['canvas_params']);
-        $tag_data = array(
-            'tag' => sanitize_html($_POST['tag']),
-            'canvas_data' => $canvas_data
-          );
-        $row['img_tags'][] = $tag_data;
-        $tag_data['note_id'] = count($row['img_tags']) - 1;
-        $tag_data['mode'] = 'add';
-        $tag_data['initial_hide'] = false;
-        $tag_data['auth_delete'] = true;
-        $row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_encode($row['img_tags']);
-        $row['img_tags'] = $db->escape($row['img_tags']);
-        $q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . table_prefix . "gallery SET img_tags = '{$row['img_tags']}' WHERE img_id = $img_id;");
-        if ( !$q )
-          $db->die_json();
-        $response[] = $tag_data;
-        break;
-      case 'del_tag':
-        if ( !$perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag') )
-        {
-          die(snapr_json_encode(array(
-              'mode' => 'error',
-              'error' => 'You don\'t have permission to add tags.'
-            )));
-        }
-        if ( empty($row['img_tags']) )
-        {
-          $row['img_tags'] = '[]';
-        }
-        $row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_decode($row['img_tags']);
-        $tag_id = intval(@$_POST['tag_id']);
-        if ( isset($row['img_tags'][$tag_id]) )
-          unset($row['img_tags'][$tag_id]);
-        $row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_encode($row['img_tags']);
-        $row['img_tags'] = $db->escape($row['img_tags']);
-        $q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . table_prefix . "gallery SET img_tags = '{$row['img_tags']}' WHERE img_id = $img_id;");
-        if ( !$q )
-          $db->die_json();
-        $response[] = array(
-            'mode' => 'remove',
-            'note_id' => $tag_id
-          );
-        break;
-      case 'edit_tag':
-        if ( !$perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag') )
-        {
-          die(snapr_json_encode(array(
-              'mode' => 'error',
-              'error' => 'You don\'t have permission to edit tags.'
-            )));
-        }
-        if ( empty($row['img_tags']) )
-        {
-          $row['img_tags'] = '[]';
-        }
-        $row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_decode($row['img_tags']);
-        $tag_id = intval(@$_POST['tag_id']);
-        if ( isset($row['img_tags'][$tag_id]) )
-        {
-          $row['img_tags'][$tag_id]['tag'] = sanitize_html($_POST['tag']);
-          // copy it
-          $tag_return = $row['img_tags'][$tag_id];
-          unset($tag);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          die(snapr_json_encode(array(
-              'mode' => 'error',
-              'error' => 'That tag doesn\'t exist.'
-            )));
-        }
-        $row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_encode($row['img_tags']);
-        $row['img_tags'] = $db->escape($row['img_tags']);
-        $q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . table_prefix . "gallery SET img_tags = '{$row['img_tags']}' WHERE img_id = $img_id;");
-        if ( !$q )
-          $db->die_json();
-        $tag_return['mode'] = 'add';
-        $tag_return['canvas_data'] = snapr_json_decode($_POST['canvas_params']);
-        $tag_return['auth_delete'] = $perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag');
-        $tag_return['initial_hide'] = false;
-        $tag_return['note_id'] = $tag_id;
-        $response = array($tag_return);
-        break;
-      case 'get_tags':
-        if ( empty($row['img_tags']) )
-        {
-          $row['img_tags'] = '[]';
-        }
-        $response = snapr_json_decode($row['img_tags']);
-        foreach ( $response as $key => $_ )
-        {
-          unset($_);
-          $tag = $response[$key];
-          unset($response[$key]);
-          $tag['note_id'] = intval($key);
-          $tag['mode'] = 'add';
-          $tag['initial_hide'] = true;
-          $tag['auth_delete'] = $perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag');
-          $response[intval($key)] = $tag;
-        }
-        $response = array_values($response);
-        unset($tag);
-        break;
-    }
-    $encoded = snapr_json_encode($response);
-    header('Content-type: text/plain');
-    echo $encoded;
-    return true;
-  }
-  $have_notes = ( empty($row['img_tags']) ) ? false : ( count(snapr_json_decode($row['img_tags'])) > 0 );
-  $template->add_header('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . scriptPath . '/plugins/gallery/canvas.js"></script>');
-  $template->add_header('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . scriptPath . '/plugins/gallery/tagging.js"></script>');
-  $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = 'Gallery image: ' . htmlspecialchars($row['img_title']);
-  if ( is_object(@$GLOBALS['output']) )
-  {
-    global $output;
-    $output->set_title('Gallery image: ' . $row['img_title']);
-  }
-  else if ( method_exists($template, 'assign_vars') )
-  {
-    $template->assign_vars(array(
-        'PAGE_NAME' => 'Gallery image: ' . htmlspecialchars($row['img_title'])
-      ));
-  }
-  $title_spacey = strtolower(htmlspecialchars($row['img_title']));
-  $template->header();
-  $img_id = intval($img_id);
-  $bc_folders = gallery_imgid_to_folder($img_id);
-  $bc_folders = array_reverse($bc_folders);
-  $bc_url = '';
-  $breadcrumbs = array();
-  $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'Gallery') . '">Gallery index</a>';
-  foreach ( $bc_folders as $folder )
-  {
-    $bc_url .= '/' . dirtify_page_id($folder);
-    $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'Gallery' . $bc_url, false, true) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($folder) . '</a>';
-  }
-  $breadcrumbs[] = htmlspecialchars($row['img_title']);
-  // From here, this breadcrumb stuff is a piece of... sourdough French bread :-) *smacks lips*
-  echo '<div class="breadcrumbs" style="padding: 4px; margin-bottom: 7px;">';
-  // The actual breadcrumbs
-  echo '<small>' . implode(' &raquo; ', $breadcrumbs) . '</small>';
-  echo '</div>';
-  echo '<div style="text-align: center; margin: 10px auto; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; padding: 7px 10px; display: table;">';
-  $img_url  = makeUrlNS('Special', 'GalleryFetcher/preview/' . $img_id);
-  $img_href = makeUrlNS('Special', 'GalleryFetcher/full/' . $img_id);
-  // The actual image
-  $iehack = ( strstr(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') ) ? ' style="width: 1px;"' : '';
-  echo '<div snapr:imgid="' . $img_id . '"' . $iehack . '><img onload="snapr_lock_onload_img = false; snapr_tags_onload_real();" alt="Image preview (640px max width)" src="' . $img_url . '" id="snapr_preview_img" style="border-width: 0; margin-bottom: 5px; display: block;" /></div>';
-  echo '<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td style="text-align: left; width: 24px;">';
-  // Prev button
-  if ( $prev )
-    echo '<a href="' . $prev_url . '"><img style="border-width: 0px;" alt="&lt; Previous" src="' . scriptPath . '/plugins/gallery/prev.gif" /></a>';
-  //echo '</td><td style="text-align: left;">';
-  // if ( $prev )
-  //   echo '<a href="' . $prev_url . '">previous image</a>';
-  echo '</td><td style="text-align: center; letter-spacing: 5px;">';
-  // Image title
-  echo $title_spacey;
-  echo '</td><td style="text-align: right; width: 24px;">';
-  // Next button
-  if ( $next )
-  //  echo '<a href="' . $next_url . '">next image</a>';
-  //echo '</td><td style="text-align: right;">';
-  if ( $next )
-    echo '<a href="' . $next_url . '"><img style="border-width: 0px;" alt="&lt; Previous" src="' . scriptPath . '/plugins/gallery/next.gif" /></a>';
-  echo '</td></tr>';
-  echo '<tr><td colspan="3">' . "image $folder_this of $folder_total" . '</td></tr>';
-  if ( $perms->get_permissions('gal_full_res') || $have_notes )
-  {
-    echo '<tr><td colspan="3"><small>';
-    if ( $perms->get_permissions('gal_full_res') )
-      echo "<a href=\"$img_href\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href, '', 'toolbar=no,address=no,menus=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes'); return false;\">View in original resolution</a>";
-    if ( $perms->get_permissions('gal_full_res') && $have_notes )
-      echo ' :: ';
-    if ( $have_notes )
-      echo 'Mouse over photo to view tags';
-    echo '</small></td></tr>';
-  }
-  echo '</table>';
-  echo '</div>';
-  if ( $session->user_level >= USER_LEVEL_ADMIN || $perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag') )
-  {
-    echo '<div style="float: right;">';
-    if ( $session->user_level >= USER_LEVEL_ADMIN )
-      echo '[ <a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'GalleryUpload', 'edit_img=' . $img_id, true) . '">edit image</a> ] ';
-    if ( $perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag') )
-      echo '[ <a href="#" onclick="snapr_add_tag(); return false;"><img alt=" " src="' . scriptPath . '/plugins/gallery/tag-image.gif" style="border-width: 0;" /> add a tag</a> ] ';
-    echo '</div>';
-  }
-  if ( !empty($row['img_desc']) )
-  {
-    echo '<h2>Image description</h2>';
-    $desc = RenderMan::render($row['img_desc']);
-    echo $desc;
-  }
-  echo '<div class="tblholder" style="font-size: smaller; display: table;' . ( empty($row['img_desc']) ? '' : 'margin: 0 auto;' ) . '">
-          <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">';
-  // By the time I got to this point, it was 1:32AM (I was on vacation) and my 5-hour playlist on my iPod had been around about 3 times today.
-  // So I'm glad this is like the last thing on the list tonight.
-  $ext = get_file_extension($row['img_filename']);
-  $ext = strtoupper($ext);
-  echo '<tr><th colspan="2">Image details</th></tr>';
-  echo '<tr><td class="row2">Uploaded:</td><td class="row1">' . date('F d, Y h:i a', $row['img_time_upload']) . '</td></tr>';
-  echo '<tr><td class="row2">Last modified:</td><td class="row1">' . date('F d, Y h:i a', $row['img_time_mod']) . '</td></tr>';
-  echo '<tr><td class="row2">Original format:</td><td class="row1">' . $ext . '</td></tr>';
-  echo '<tr><td class="row3" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"><a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'GalleryFetcher/full/' . $img_id, 'download', 'true') . '">Download image</a></td></tr>';
-  echo '</table></div>';
-  $template->footer();
+	global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+	if ( $page->namespace != 'Gallery' )
+		return false;
+	if ( $page->page_id == 'Root' )
+	{
+		page_Special_Gallery();
+		return true;
+	}
+	$row =& $page->image_info;
+	$db->free_result();
+	$img_id = $row['img_id'];
+	if ( !$row['folder_parent'] )
+		$row['folder_parent'] = ' IS NULL';
+	else
+		$row['folder_parent'] = '=' . $row['folder_parent'];
+	// Fetch image parent properties
+	$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT img_id, img_title FROM '.table_prefix.'gallery WHERE folder_parent' . $row['folder_parent'] . ' AND is_folder!=1 ORDER BY img_title ASC;');
+	if ( !$q )
+		$db->_die();
+	$folder_total = $db->numrows();
+	$folder_this = 0;
+	$prev = false;
+	$next = false;
+	$next_title = '';
+	$prev_title = '';
+	$i = 0;
+	while ( $r = $db->fetchrow() )
+	{
+		$i++;
+		if ( $i == $folder_total && $r['img_id'] == $img_id )
+		{
+			$folder_this = $i;
+			$next = false;
+		}
+		else if ( $i < $folder_total && $r['img_id'] == $img_id )
+		{
+			$folder_this = $i;
+			$next = true;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if ( $next )
+			{
+				$next = $r['img_id'];
+				$next_title = $r['img_title'];
+				break;
+			}
+			$prev = $r['img_id'];
+			$prev_title = $r['img_title'];
+		}
+	}
+	if ( $next )
+	{
+		$next_sanitized = sanitize_page_id($next_title);
+		$next_url = ( isset($hier) ) ? makeUrlNS('Gallery', $hier . $next_sanitized ) : makeUrlNS('Gallery', $next);
+	}
+	if ( $prev )
+	{
+		$prev_sanitized = sanitize_page_id($prev_title);
+		$prev_url = ( isset($hier) ) ? makeUrlNS('Gallery', $hier . $prev_sanitized ) : makeUrlNS('Gallery', $prev);
+	}
+	$db->free_result();
+	$perms = $session->fetch_page_acl(strval($img_id), 'Gallery');
+	if ( isset($_POST['ajax']) && @$_POST['ajax'] === 'true' && isset($_POST['act']) )
+	{
+		$mode =& $_POST['act'];
+		$response = array();
+		switch($mode)
+		{
+			case 'add_tag':
+				if ( !$perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag') )
+				{
+					die(snapr_json_encode(array(
+							'mode' => 'error',
+							'error' => 'You don\'t have permission to add tags.'
+						)));
+				}
+				if ( empty($row['img_tags']) )
+				{
+					$row['img_tags'] = '[]';
+				}
+				$row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_decode($row['img_tags']);
+				$canvas_data = snapr_json_decode($_POST['canvas_params']);
+				$tag_data = array(
+						'tag' => sanitize_html($_POST['tag']),
+						'canvas_data' => $canvas_data
+					);
+				$row['img_tags'][] = $tag_data;
+				$tag_data['note_id'] = count($row['img_tags']) - 1;
+				$tag_data['mode'] = 'add';
+				$tag_data['initial_hide'] = false;
+				$tag_data['auth_delete'] = true;
+				$row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_encode($row['img_tags']);
+				$row['img_tags'] = $db->escape($row['img_tags']);
+				$q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . table_prefix . "gallery SET img_tags = '{$row['img_tags']}' WHERE img_id = $img_id;");
+				if ( !$q )
+					$db->die_json();
+				$response[] = $tag_data;
+				break;
+			case 'del_tag':
+				if ( !$perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag') )
+				{
+					die(snapr_json_encode(array(
+							'mode' => 'error',
+							'error' => 'You don\'t have permission to add tags.'
+						)));
+				}
+				if ( empty($row['img_tags']) )
+				{
+					$row['img_tags'] = '[]';
+				}
+				$row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_decode($row['img_tags']);
+				$tag_id = intval(@$_POST['tag_id']);
+				if ( isset($row['img_tags'][$tag_id]) )
+					unset($row['img_tags'][$tag_id]);
+				$row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_encode($row['img_tags']);
+				$row['img_tags'] = $db->escape($row['img_tags']);
+				$q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . table_prefix . "gallery SET img_tags = '{$row['img_tags']}' WHERE img_id = $img_id;");
+				if ( !$q )
+					$db->die_json();
+				$response[] = array(
+						'mode' => 'remove',
+						'note_id' => $tag_id
+					);
+				break;
+			case 'edit_tag':
+				if ( !$perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag') )
+				{
+					die(snapr_json_encode(array(
+							'mode' => 'error',
+							'error' => 'You don\'t have permission to edit tags.'
+						)));
+				}
+				if ( empty($row['img_tags']) )
+				{
+					$row['img_tags'] = '[]';
+				}
+				$row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_decode($row['img_tags']);
+				$tag_id = intval(@$_POST['tag_id']);
+				if ( isset($row['img_tags'][$tag_id]) )
+				{
+					$row['img_tags'][$tag_id]['tag'] = sanitize_html($_POST['tag']);
+					// copy it
+					$tag_return = $row['img_tags'][$tag_id];
+					unset($tag);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					die(snapr_json_encode(array(
+							'mode' => 'error',
+							'error' => 'That tag doesn\'t exist.'
+						)));
+				}
+				$row['img_tags'] = snapr_json_encode($row['img_tags']);
+				$row['img_tags'] = $db->escape($row['img_tags']);
+				$q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . table_prefix . "gallery SET img_tags = '{$row['img_tags']}' WHERE img_id = $img_id;");
+				if ( !$q )
+					$db->die_json();
+				$tag_return['mode'] = 'add';
+				$tag_return['canvas_data'] = snapr_json_decode($_POST['canvas_params']);
+				$tag_return['auth_delete'] = $perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag');
+				$tag_return['initial_hide'] = false;
+				$tag_return['note_id'] = $tag_id;
+				$response = array($tag_return);
+				break;
+			case 'get_tags':
+				if ( empty($row['img_tags']) )
+				{
+					$row['img_tags'] = '[]';
+				}
+				$response = snapr_json_decode($row['img_tags']);
+				foreach ( $response as $key => $_ )
+				{
+					unset($_);
+					$tag = $response[$key];
+					unset($response[$key]);
+					$tag['note_id'] = intval($key);
+					$tag['mode'] = 'add';
+					$tag['initial_hide'] = true;
+					$tag['auth_delete'] = $perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag');
+					$response[intval($key)] = $tag;
+				}
+				$response = array_values($response);
+				unset($tag);
+				break;
+		}
+		$encoded = snapr_json_encode($response);
+		header('Content-type: text/plain');
+		echo $encoded;
+		return true;
+	}
+	$have_notes = ( empty($row['img_tags']) ) ? false : ( count(snapr_json_decode($row['img_tags'])) > 0 );
+	$template->add_header('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . scriptPath . '/plugins/gallery/canvas.js"></script>');
+	$template->add_header('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . scriptPath . '/plugins/gallery/tagging.js"></script>');
+	$template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = 'Gallery image: ' . htmlspecialchars($row['img_title']);
+	if ( is_object(@$GLOBALS['output']) )
+	{
+		global $output;
+		$output->set_title('Gallery image: ' . $row['img_title']);
+	}
+	else if ( method_exists($template, 'assign_vars') )
+	{
+		$template->assign_vars(array(
+				'PAGE_NAME' => 'Gallery image: ' . htmlspecialchars($row['img_title'])
+			));
+	}
+	$title_spacey = strtolower(htmlspecialchars($row['img_title']));
+	$template->header();
+	$img_id = intval($img_id);
+	$bc_folders = gallery_imgid_to_folder($img_id);
+	$bc_folders = array_reverse($bc_folders);
+	$bc_url = '';
+	$breadcrumbs = array();
+	$breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'Gallery') . '">Gallery index</a>';
+	foreach ( $bc_folders as $folder )
+	{
+		$bc_url .= '/' . dirtify_page_id($folder);
+		$breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'Gallery' . $bc_url, false, true) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($folder) . '</a>';
+	}
+	$breadcrumbs[] = htmlspecialchars($row['img_title']);
+	// From here, this breadcrumb stuff is a piece of... sourdough French bread :-) *smacks lips*
+	echo '<div class="breadcrumbs" style="padding: 4px; margin-bottom: 7px;">';
+	// The actual breadcrumbs
+	echo '<small>' . implode(' &raquo; ', $breadcrumbs) . '</small>';
+	echo '</div>';
+	echo '<div style="text-align: center; margin: 10px auto; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; padding: 7px 10px; display: table;">';
+	$img_url  = makeUrlNS('Special', 'GalleryFetcher/preview/' . $img_id);
+	$img_href = makeUrlNS('Special', 'GalleryFetcher/full/' . $img_id);
+	// The actual image
+	$iehack = ( strstr(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') ) ? ' style="width: 1px;"' : '';
+	echo '<div snapr:imgid="' . $img_id . '"' . $iehack . '><img onload="snapr_lock_onload_img = false; snapr_tags_onload_real();" alt="Image preview (640px max width)" src="' . $img_url . '" id="snapr_preview_img" style="border-width: 0; margin-bottom: 5px; display: block;" /></div>';
+	echo '<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td style="text-align: left; width: 24px;">';
+	// Prev button
+	if ( $prev )
+		echo '<a href="' . $prev_url . '"><img style="border-width: 0px;" alt="&lt; Previous" src="' . scriptPath . '/plugins/gallery/prev.gif" /></a>';
+	//echo '</td><td style="text-align: left;">';
+	// if ( $prev )
+	//   echo '<a href="' . $prev_url . '">previous image</a>';
+	echo '</td><td style="text-align: center; letter-spacing: 5px;">';
+	// Image title
+	echo $title_spacey;
+	echo '</td><td style="text-align: right; width: 24px;">';
+	// Next button
+	if ( $next )
+	//  echo '<a href="' . $next_url . '">next image</a>';
+	//echo '</td><td style="text-align: right;">';
+	if ( $next )
+		echo '<a href="' . $next_url . '"><img style="border-width: 0px;" alt="&lt; Previous" src="' . scriptPath . '/plugins/gallery/next.gif" /></a>';
+	echo '</td></tr>';
+	echo '<tr><td colspan="3">' . "image $folder_this of $folder_total" . '</td></tr>';
+	if ( $perms->get_permissions('gal_full_res') || $have_notes )
+	{
+		echo '<tr><td colspan="3"><small>';
+		if ( $perms->get_permissions('gal_full_res') )
+			echo "<a href=\"$img_href\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href, '', 'toolbar=no,address=no,menus=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes'); return false;\">View in original resolution</a>";
+		if ( $perms->get_permissions('gal_full_res') && $have_notes )
+			echo ' :: ';
+		if ( $have_notes )
+			echo 'Mouse over photo to view tags';
+		echo '</small></td></tr>';
+	}
+	echo '</table>';
+	echo '</div>';
+	if ( $session->user_level >= USER_LEVEL_ADMIN || $perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag') )
+	{
+		echo '<div style="float: right;">';
+		if ( $session->user_level >= USER_LEVEL_ADMIN )
+			echo '[ <a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'GalleryUpload', 'edit_img=' . $img_id, true) . '">edit image</a> ] ';
+		if ( $perms->get_permissions('snapr_add_tag') )
+			echo '[ <a href="#" onclick="snapr_add_tag(); return false;"><img alt=" " src="' . scriptPath . '/plugins/gallery/tag-image.gif" style="border-width: 0;" /> add a tag</a> ] ';
+		echo '</div>';
+	}
+	if ( !empty($row['img_desc']) )
+	{
+		echo '<h2>Image description</h2>';
+		$desc = RenderMan::render($row['img_desc']);
+		echo $desc;
+	}
+	echo '<div class="tblholder" style="font-size: smaller; display: table;' . ( empty($row['img_desc']) ? '' : 'margin: 0 auto;' ) . '">
+					<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">';
+	// By the time I got to this point, it was 1:32AM (I was on vacation) and my 5-hour playlist on my iPod had been around about 3 times today.
+	// So I'm glad this is like the last thing on the list tonight.
+	$ext = get_file_extension($row['img_filename']);
+	$ext = strtoupper($ext);
+	$user_link = '';
+	echo '<tr><th colspan="2">Image details</th></tr>';
+	echo '<tr><td class="row2">Uploaded:</td><td class="row1">' . date('F d, Y h:i a', $row['img_time_upload']) . '</td></tr>';
+	echo '<tr><td class="row2">Last modified:</td><td class="row1">' . date('F d, Y h:i a', $row['img_time_mod']) . '</td></tr>';
+	echo '<tr><td class="row2">Original format:</td><td class="row1">' . $ext . '</td></tr>';
+	echo '<tr><td class="row2">Author:</td><td class="row1">' . $user_link . '</td></tr>';
+	echo '<tr><td class="row3" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"><a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'GalleryFetcher/full/' . $img_id, 'download', 'true') . '">Download image</a></td></tr>';
+	echo '</table></div>';
+	$template->footer();
@@ -374,153 +377,153 @@
 class Namespace_Gallery extends Namespace_Default
-  public $image_info;
-  function __construct($page_id, $namespace, $revision_id = 0)
-  {
-    global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
-    $this->page_id = sanitize_page_id($page_id);
-    $this->namespace = $namespace;
-    $this->revision_id = intval($revision_id);
-    // only do this if calling from the (very heavily feature filled) abstract
-    // this will still be called if you're using your own handler but not replacing the constructor
-    if ( __CLASS__ == 'Namespace_Gallery' )
-    {
-      $this->exists = false;
-      // NOTE! These should already be WELL sanitized before we reach this stage.
-      if ( preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $this->page_id) )
-      {
-        $img_id = intval($this->page_id);
-        if ( !$img_id )
-        {
-          $this->exists = false;
-          return;
-        }
-        $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT img_id, img_title, img_desc, print_sizes, img_time_upload, img_time_mod, img_filename, folder_parent, img_tags FROM '.table_prefix.'gallery WHERE img_id=' . $img_id . ';');
-        if ( !$q )
-          $db->_die();
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // Ech... he sent us a string... parse it and see what we get
-        if ( strstr($this->page_id, '/') )
-        {
-          $folders = explode('/', $this->page_id);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          $folders = array($this->page_id);
-        }
-        foreach ( $folders as $i => $_crap )
-        {
-          $folder =& $folders[$i];
-          $folder = dirtify_page_id($folder);
-          $folder = str_replace('_', ' ', $folder);
-        }
-        unset($folder);
-        $folders = array_reverse($folders);
-        // This is one of the best MySQL tricks on the market. We're going to reverse-travel a folder path using LEFT JOIN and the incredible power of metacoded SQL
-        $sql = 'SELECT g0.img_id, g0.img_title, g0.img_desc, g0.print_sizes, g0.img_time_upload, g0.img_time_mod, g0.img_filename, g0.folder_parent, g0.img_tags FROM '.table_prefix.'gallery AS g0';
-        $where = "\n  " . 'WHERE g0.img_title=\'' . $db->escape($folders[0]) . '\'';
-        foreach ( $folders as $i => $folder )
-        {
-          if ( $i == 0 )
-            continue;
-          $i_dec = $i - 1;
-          $folder = $db->escape($folder);
-          $sql .= "\n  LEFT JOIN ".table_prefix."gallery AS g{$i}\n    ON ( g{$i}.img_id=g{$i_dec}.folder_parent AND g{$i}.img_title='$folder' )";
-          $where .= "\n    ".'AND g'.$i.'.img_id IS NOT NULL';
-        }
-        $where .= "\n    AND g{$i}.folder_parent IS NULL";
-        $sql .= $where . ';';
-        if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) )
-        {
-          $db->_die('The image metadata could not be loaded.');
-        }
-        // Now that the folder data is no longer needed, we can fool around with it a little
-        $folders = $this->page_id;
-        if ( !strstr($folders, '/') )
-        {
-          $hier = '/';
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          $hier = preg_replace('/\/([^\/]+)$/', '/', $folders);
-          $hier = sanitize_page_id($hier);
-        }
-      }
-      if ( $db->numrows() < 1 )
-      {
-        // Image not found
-        $this->exists = false;
-        $this->cdata = array(
-            'urlname' => $this->page_id,
-            'namespace' => $this->namespace,
-            'name' => 'Image not found',
-            'special' => 0,
-            'visible' => 0,
-            'comments_on' => 0,
-            'protected' => 0,
-            'delvotes' => 0,
-            'delvote_ips' => '',
-            'wiki_mode' => 0,
-            'page_exists' => false,
-            'page_format' => getConfig('default_page_format', 'wikitext')
-          );
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        $this->image_info = $db->fetchrow();
-        $this->exists = true;
-        $this->cdata = array(
-            'urlname' => $this->page_id,
-            'namespace' => $this->namespace,
-            'name' => $this->image_info['img_title'],
-            'special' => 1,
-            'visible' => 1,
-            'comments_on' => 1,
-            'protected' => 0,
-            'delvotes' => 0,
-            'delvote_ips' => '',
-            'wiki_mode' => 0,
-            'page_exists' => true,
-            'page_format' => getConfig('default_page_format', 'wikitext')
-          );
-      }
-      $this->title =& $this->cdata['name'];
-      $this->cdata = Namespace_Default::bake_cdata($this->cdata);
-      $db->free_result();
-    }
-  }
-  function send()
-  {
-    if ( $this->exists )
-    {
-      gallery_namespace_handler($this);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      global $output;
-      $output->header();
-      $this->error_404();
-      $output->footer();
-    }
-  }
-  function error_404()
-  {
-    echo '<h3>There is no image in the gallery with this ID.</h3>';
-    echo '<p>You have requested an image that couldn\'t be looked up. Please check the URL and try again, or visit the <a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'Gallery') . '">Gallery index</a>.</p>';
-  }
+	public $image_info;
+	function __construct($page_id, $namespace, $revision_id = 0)
+	{
+		global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+		$this->page_id = sanitize_page_id($page_id);
+		$this->namespace = $namespace;
+		$this->revision_id = intval($revision_id);
+		// only do this if calling from the (very heavily feature filled) abstract
+		// this will still be called if you're using your own handler but not replacing the constructor
+		if ( __CLASS__ == 'Namespace_Gallery' )
+		{
+			$this->exists = false;
+			// NOTE! These should already be WELL sanitized before we reach this stage.
+			if ( preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $this->page_id) )
+			{
+				$img_id = intval($this->page_id);
+				if ( !$img_id )
+				{
+					$this->exists = false;
+					return;
+				}
+				$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT img_id, img_title, img_desc, print_sizes, img_time_upload, img_time_mod, img_filename, folder_parent, img_tags FROM '.table_prefix.'gallery WHERE img_id=' . $img_id . ';');
+				if ( !$q )
+					$db->_die();
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// Ech... he sent us a string... parse it and see what we get
+				if ( strstr($this->page_id, '/') )
+				{
+					$folders = explode('/', $this->page_id);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					$folders = array($this->page_id);
+				}
+				foreach ( $folders as $i => $_crap )
+				{
+					$folder =& $folders[$i];
+					$folder = dirtify_page_id($folder);
+					$folder = str_replace('_', ' ', $folder);
+				}
+				unset($folder);
+				$folders = array_reverse($folders);
+				// This is one of the best MySQL tricks on the market. We're going to reverse-travel a folder path using LEFT JOIN and the incredible power of metacoded SQL
+				$sql = 'SELECT g0.img_id, g0.img_title, g0.img_desc, g0.print_sizes, g0.img_time_upload, g0.img_time_mod, g0.img_filename, g0.folder_parent, g0.img_tags FROM '.table_prefix.'gallery AS g0';
+				$where = "\n  " . 'WHERE g0.img_title=\'' . $db->escape($folders[0]) . '\'';
+				foreach ( $folders as $i => $folder )
+				{
+					if ( $i == 0 )
+						continue;
+					$i_dec = $i - 1;
+					$folder = $db->escape($folder);
+					$sql .= "\n  LEFT JOIN ".table_prefix."gallery AS g{$i}\n    ON ( g{$i}.img_id=g{$i_dec}.folder_parent AND g{$i}.img_title='$folder' )";
+					$where .= "\n    ".'AND g'.$i.'.img_id IS NOT NULL';
+				}
+				$where .= "\n    AND g{$i}.folder_parent IS NULL";
+				$sql .= $where . ';';
+				if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) )
+				{
+					$db->_die('The image metadata could not be loaded.');
+				}
+				// Now that the folder data is no longer needed, we can fool around with it a little
+				$folders = $this->page_id;
+				if ( !strstr($folders, '/') )
+				{
+					$hier = '/';
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					$hier = preg_replace('/\/([^\/]+)$/', '/', $folders);
+					$hier = sanitize_page_id($hier);
+				}
+			}
+			if ( $db->numrows() < 1 )
+			{
+				// Image not found
+				$this->exists = false;
+				$this->cdata = array(
+						'urlname' => $this->page_id,
+						'namespace' => $this->namespace,
+						'name' => 'Image not found',
+						'special' => 0,
+						'visible' => 0,
+						'comments_on' => 0,
+						'protected' => 0,
+						'delvotes' => 0,
+						'delvote_ips' => '',
+						'wiki_mode' => 0,
+						'page_exists' => false,
+						'page_format' => getConfig('default_page_format', 'wikitext')
+					);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				$this->image_info = $db->fetchrow();
+				$this->exists = true;
+				$this->cdata = array(
+						'urlname' => $this->page_id,
+						'namespace' => $this->namespace,
+						'name' => $this->image_info['img_title'],
+						'special' => 1,
+						'visible' => 1,
+						'comments_on' => 1,
+						'protected' => 0,
+						'delvotes' => 0,
+						'delvote_ips' => '',
+						'wiki_mode' => 0,
+						'page_exists' => true,
+						'page_format' => getConfig('default_page_format', 'wikitext')
+					);
+			}
+			$this->title =& $this->cdata['name'];
+			$this->cdata = Namespace_Default::bake_cdata($this->cdata);
+			$db->free_result();
+		}
+	}
+	function send()
+	{
+		if ( $this->exists )
+		{
+			gallery_namespace_handler($this);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			global $output;
+			$output->header();
+			$this->error_404();
+			$output->footer();
+		}
+	}
+	function error_404()
+	{
+		echo '<h3>There is no image in the gallery with this ID.</h3>';
+		echo '<p>You have requested an image that couldn\'t be looked up. Please check the URL and try again, or visit the <a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'Gallery') . '">Gallery index</a>.</p>';
+	}