And signature. Also hid labels for image and table buttons, so the toolbar doesn't wrap at 1024x768 in Enanium.
"Plugin Name" : "GUI Editor",
"Plugin URI" : "",
"Description" : "Adds a toolbar to the editor interface, allowing point-and-click insertion of most formatting elements",
"Author" : "Dan Fuhry",
"Version" : "0.1",
"Author URI" : "",
"Version list" : ['0.1']
$plugins->attachHook('compile_template', 'guied_attach_script();');
function guied_attach_script()
global $template;
$template->add_header_js('<style type="text/css">
select.guied_dropdown {
font-size: 10px;
padding: 0;
border: 1px solid #aaaaff;
background-color: white;
color: #202020;
</style><script type="text/javascript" src="' . scriptPath . '/plugins/guieditor/editor.js"></script>');
// Image search autofill
$plugins->attachHook('autofill_json_request', 'guied_image_autofill($dataset);');
function guied_image_autofill(&$dataset)
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
if ( $_GET['type'] == 'guied_image' )
$results = perform_search($_GET['userinput'], $warnings, false, $word_list);
foreach ( $results as $i => $result )
if ( $result['namespace'] != 'File' || !preg_match('/\.(png|jpeg|jpg|gif)$/i', $result['page_id']) )
if ( count($results) > 5 )
$results = array_slice($results, 0, 5);
foreach ( $results as $result )
$dataset[] = array(
0 => $result['page_id'],
'title' => str_replace(array('<highlight>', '</highlight>'), array('<b>', '</b>'), $result['page_name']),
'thumbnail' => makeUrlNS('Special', "DownloadFile/{$result['page_id']}", "preview&width=80&height=80"),
'score' => $result['score'],
'type' => isset($result['page_note']) ? $result['page_note'] : '',
'size' => $result['page_length'],
eng: {
categories: ['meta', 'guied'],
strings: {
meta: {
guied: 'GUI Editor',
guied: {
btn_bold: 'Bold',
btn_italic: 'Italic',
btn_underline: 'Underline',
btn_intlink: 'Internal link',
btn_extlink: 'External link',
btn_image: 'Image',
btn_table: 'Table',
btn_ulist: 'Bulleted list',
btn_olist: 'Numbered list',
btn_signature: 'Signature',
sample_heading: 'Heading',
sample_bold: 'Bold text',
sample_italic: 'Italic text',
sample_underline: 'Underlined text',
// translators: translating this may be easier if you understand wiki-table syntax
sample_table: '|-\n! Column header 1\n! Column header 2\n|-\n| Row 1, column 1\n| Row 1, column 2\n|-\n| Row 2, column 1\n| Row 2, column 2',
sample_ulist: '\n* Bulleted list\n** Sub-level\n*** Deeper indent\n* Back to one indent',
sample_olist: '\n# Numbered list\n## Sub-level\n### Deeper indent\n# Back to one indent',
lbl_heading: 'Heading',
intlink_title: 'Insert internal link',
intlink_lbl_page: 'Page:',
intlink_lbl_text: 'Link text:',
intlink_af_hint: 'Type a few letters to search.',
intlink_text_hint: 'If left blank, the title of the page linked to will be displayed.',
extlink_title: 'Insert external link',
extlink_lbl_link: 'Link:',
extlink_lbl_text: 'Link text: ',
extlink_link_hint: 'Supported link types: http, https, irc, mailto, ftp',
extlink_text_hint: 'If left blank, the link URL will be displayed.',
image_title: 'Insert image',
image_lbl_image: 'Image file:',
image_btn_upload: 'Upload a file',
image_lbl_caption: 'Caption:',
image_af_hint: 'Type a few letters to search.',
image_lbl_resize: 'Resize image:',
image_checkbox_resize: 'Resize',
image_lbl_dimensions: 'Dimensions:',
image_resize_or: 'Or',
image_resize_lbl_default: 'Use default preview size',
image_msg_preserve_aspect: 'The image\'s aspect ratio will be preserved.',
image_lbl_mode: 'Display mode:',
image_lbl_framed: 'Framed',
image_lbl_inline: 'Inline',
image_lbl_raw: 'Raw',
image_mode_hint_framed: 'Display the image off to the left or right in a frame.',
image_mode_hint_inline: 'Display the image in the middle of the paragraph.',
image_mode_hint_raw: 'Display just the image without linking to the file page - useful for putting images into links.',
image_framed_lbl_side: 'Display on:',
image_framed_left: 'Left side',
image_framed_right: 'Right side',
image_lbl_alttext: 'Alternate text:',
image_raw_msg_noopt: 'No additional options for raw image display.',
btn_insert: 'Insert'