--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Docs/ExperienceUI/pages/history.htm Tue Oct 16 00:07:41 2007 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ <head>
+ <title>ExperienceUI Documentation Content Frame</title>
+ <link rel=stylesheet href=style.css type=text/css>
+ <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
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+ function url(uri) {
+ target="browser.htm?url="+uri+"&return=history.htm";
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+ }
+ parent.window.location=target;
+ }
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+ <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="background-color:#FFFFFF" style="margin:0px;padding:0px">
+ <table border=0 width=100% height=100%>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign=top style=margin:10px;padding:10px>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.00in">
+ <h1>Version History</h1>
+ <h2 style=margin-left:0.2in>1.11</h2>
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>Completely rewrote skinning engine to work faster and more efficiently</li>
+ <li>Added ${Page} command</li>
+ <li>Revised documentation <acronym title="Table of Contents">TOC</acronym> to be more human readable</li>
+ <li>Removed control 1005 on all dialogs; now using the FindWindow and SetCtlColors commands to skin dialog backgrounds</li>
+ <li>Entire window can now use a single bitmap instead of three different ones (~6k bigger but easier to design; also allows for bitmap behind main page area)</li>
+ <li>Made the compiler issue an error when language files are inserted after pages because this would cause serious errors with "unnamed" LangStrings and whatnot.
+ <li>Changed behavior of interface insertion</li>
+ <li>Made the icon(s) have a more "glassy" look</li>
+ <li>Fixed many bugs that were introduced in 1.1</li>
+ </ul>
+ </font>
+ <h2 style=margin-left:0.2in>1.1</h2>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ Added:<br>
+ </p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>Support for Modern UI, UltraModernUI, and InstallSpider UI scripts</li>
+ <li>WAnsis-compatible skinning system</li>
+ <li>InstallOptions Automization</li>
+ <li>Abort Warnings</li>
+ <li>Language selection page</li>
+ <li>Modern UI language file support</li>
+ <li>Right-to-left language support</li><br><br>
+ </ul>
+ </font>
+ </p>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ Changed:<br>
+ </p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>XPUI.nsh is now a single file again, instead of "Components" folder</li>
+ <li>Left Logo size change: new recommended size is 240x349px.</li>
+ <li>Documentation has less bloat and more float</li><br><br>
+ </ul>
+ </font>
+ </p>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ Fixed:<br>
+ </p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>Fixed a nasty bug on the Components page that caused the tree view to be blacked out when a SectionGroup was expanded and multiple InstTypes were used – see <a href="javascript:url(escape('http://xpui.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14'));">this forum thread</a> for more information.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </font>
+ </p>
+ <h2 style=margin-left:0.2in>1.08</h2>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ Added:<br>
+ </p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>Nav Bar, Tutorial, and Dynamic Browser in readme</li>
+ <li>New Left Logo by ZmAn3</li>
+ <li>The "Left Branding Image" is now the "Left Logo"</li>
+ <li>Various readme layout changes</li><br><br>
+ </ul>
+ </font>
+ </p>
+ <h2 style=margin-left:0.2in>1.07</h2>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ Fixed:<br>
+ </p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>Start Menu Page: Page did not show when the user clicked "Back"</li>
+ <li>Installation wizard: various bugs were fixed</li>
+ <li>Finish Page: Link did not work in the uninstaller</a><br><br>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </font>
+ </p>
+ <h2 style=margin-left:0.2in>1.06</h2>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.20in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ <b>Note:</b> A new version "1.06b" was released shortly after 1.06 (3 hours later); this update contained a new automatic download wizard.
+ </font>
+ </p>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ Added:<br>
+ <br>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>Update Wizard</li>
+ <li>Finish Page</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ Changed:<br>
+ <br>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>XPUI.nsh script structure: there is now a "Components" folder in which all of the ExperienceUI's code is (easier editing for me <font face=Wingdings>J</font>)
+ </ul>
+ </font>
+ </p>
+ <h2 style=margin-left:0.2in>1.05</h2>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ Added:<br>
+ </p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>Start Menu Page<br>
+ <li>Abort Page</a><br><br>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ Changed:<br>
+ </p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>README REDONE (YAY!)</li>
+ <li>The readme will always be done by hand from now on; harder to edit, easier to understand</li>
+ <li>Installers finally delete temp files automatically</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ Removed:<br>
+ </p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>XPUI_TEMPFILES_DELETE - now integrated into .onGUIEnd</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ Fixed:<br>
+ </p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>XPUI.NSH verbose bug</li>
+ </ul>
+ </font>
+ </p>
+ <h2 style=margin-left:0.2in>1.04</h2>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ Added:<br>
+ <br>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li><a>Multi-language support</a><br>
+ <li><a>Page-mode support</a>
+ </ul>
+ </font><br>
+ </p>
+ <a name=history103 id=history103></a>
+ <h2 style=margin-left:0.2in>1.03</h2>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ Changed:<br><br>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>Readme and Setup MIDI pages: both are now HTA<br>
+ <li>More visual FX in the readme<br>
+ <li>Patching engine updates<br>
+ <li>Moved the "Patching System" section in the readme up above the Version History section<br>
+ </ul>
+ <br>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ Fixed:<br>
+ </p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>The NotifyIcon "bug" (yay!)<br>
+ <li>Internet Explorer kill bug (finally!) (fixed by killing mshta.exe instead :) )<br>
+ <li>The Internet Explorer Readme Compatibility bug<br>
+ <li>Various script bugfixes<br>
+ </ul>
+ </font><br>
+ </p>
+ <h2 style=margin-left:0.2in>1.02</h2>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ Added:<br><br>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>Patch/Skin Installing Engine<br>
+ <li>Visual FX on text.html section expand/collapse buttons<br>
+ </ul>
+ <br>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ Fixed:<br></p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>Some LeftBranding Images<br>
+ <li>XPUI.NSH Updates<br>
+ </ul>
+ </font><br>
+ </p>
+ <h2 style=margin-left:0.2in>1.01</h2>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.20in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.40in">
+ Added:<br></p>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li>Reserve File Macros<br>
+ <li>Delete File Macros<br>
+ <li>Header File Bugfixes<br>
+ <li>Faster Installer<br>
+ <li>The version history list you're reading right now
+ </ul>
+ </font><br>
+ </p>
+ <h2 style=margin-left:0.2in>1.00</h2>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.20in">
+ <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt color=#000000>
+ Initial Release. Features:<br>
+ <br>
+ <ul style=margin-left:0.60in>
+ <li><b>Very</b> small overhead<br>
+ <li>4 skins (Base, Windows XP, Orange, and Modern-Blue)<br>
+ <li>New pages the the Modern UI simply doesn't have (unless you write them yourself)<br>
+ <li>Left info panel that can show time remaining, messages, you name it!<br>
+ <li>Awesome header image effects<br>
+ <li>Extremely flexible skin support<br>
+ <li>Much, <b>much</b> more
+ </ul>
+ </font>
+ </p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign=bottom style=margin:0px;padding:0px>
+ <p class=footer>Copyright © 2004-2006 Dan Fuhry. All rights except those explicitly given in the <a href=license_agreement.htm style=color:#A0A0D0 onmouseover="this.style.color='#A0A0A0'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#A0A0D0'">license agreement</a> reserved.</p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </body>