1 !ifdef MAKEFILE |
2 !verbose 0 |
3 !else |
4 !define VERSION 1.1 |
5 !endif |
6 ;!define BETA |
7 !define BETA_IP |
8 !define BETA_PORT 8765 |
9 SetCompress off |
10 XPStyle on |
11 Icon Update.ico |
12 Name "ExperienceUI Downloader" |
13 Caption "ExperienceUI Update Wizard" |
14 OutFile ..\Updater.exe |
15 ChangeUI all ..\..\UIs\tinyui.exe |
16 SubCaption 3 " " |
17 SubCaption 4 " " |
18 InstallColors 0x000000 0xFFFFFF |
19 BrandingText " " |
20 CompletedText "Done." |
21 !define VER_MAJOR 1 |
22 !define VER_TENS 1 |
23 !define VER_ONES 0 |
24 |
25 Page custom welcome lock |
26 Page custom infonotice lock |
27 Page instfiles |
28 |
29 Function welcome |
30 LockWindow on |
31 SetOutPath $TEMP |
32 File Updater.ini |
33 InstallOptions::initDialog /NOUNLOAD $TEMP\Updater.ini |
34 Pop $1 |
35 SetCtlColors $1 0xFFFFFF 0xFFFFFF |
36 GetDlgItem $0 $1 1200 |
37 SetCtlColors $0 0xC0C0C0 0xFFFFFF |
38 CreateFont $2 "Verdana" 28 100 |
39 SendMessage $0 0x30 $2 "" |
40 GetDlgItem $0 $1 1201 |
41 SetCtlColors $0 0x000000 transparent |
42 CreateFont $2 "MS Sans Serif" 8 700 |
43 SendMessage $0 0x30 $2 "" |
44 !ifdef BETA |
45 SendMessage $0 0xC 0 "STR:This is a ßeta release." |
46 !endif |
47 GetDlgItem $0 $1 1202 |
48 SetCtlColors $0 0x000000 transparent |
49 CreateFont $2 "MS Sans Serif" 8 350 |
50 SendMessage $0 0x30 $2 "" |
51 !ifdef BETA |
52 SendMessage $0 0xC 0 "STR:This updater will fail unless you have a computer with the IP address ${BETA_IP} on your network, and it has the file xpui/updates.ini on port ${BETA_PORT}. Please e-mail dandaman32@users.sourceforge.net for an updated version of this program!" |
53 !endif |
54 LockWindow off |
55 InstallOptions::show |
56 FunctionEnd |
57 |
58 Function infonotice |
59 SetOutPath $TEMP |
60 File Updater.ini |
61 WriteINIStr $TEMP\Updater.ini "Field 1" Left -173 |
62 InstallOptions::initDialog /NOUNLOAD $TEMP\Updater.ini |
63 Pop $1 |
64 SetCtlColors $1 0xFFFFFF 0xFFFFFF |
65 GetDlgItem $0 $1 1200 |
66 SetCtlColors $0 0xC0C0C0 0xFFFFFF |
67 CreateFont $2 "Verdana" 28 100 |
68 SendMessage $0 0x30 $2 "" |
69 SendMessage $0 0xC 0 "STR:privacy notice" |
70 GetDlgItem $0 $1 1201 |
71 SetCtlColors $0 0x000000 transparent |
72 CreateFont $2 "MS Sans Serif" 8 700 |
73 SendMessage $0 0x30 $2 "" |
74 SendMessage $0 0xC 0 "STR:Your privacy is important." |
75 GetDlgItem $0 $1 1202 |
76 SetCtlColors $0 0x000000 transparent |
77 CreateFont $2 "MS Sans Serif" 8 350 |
78 SendMessage $0 0x30 $2 "" |
79 SendMessage $0 0xC 0 "STR:This program does not send any information about to or your computer to anyone. The only thing it does is download a text file from my web server and check its version information." |
80 LockWindow off |
81 InstallOptions::show |
82 FunctionEnd |
83 |
84 Function lock |
85 LockWindow on |
86 FunctionEnd |
87 |
88 Function .onUserAbort |
89 LockWindow off |
90 FunctionEnd |
91 |
92 !define LVM_DELETEALLITEMS 0x1009 |
93 !macro CLS |
94 Push $0 |
95 FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT |
96 GetDlgItem $0 $0 1016 |
97 SendMessage $0 ${LVM_DELETEALLITEMS} 0 0 |
98 Pop $0 |
99 !macroend |
100 |
101 Section |
102 LockWindow off |
103 GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 1044 |
104 ShowWindow $0 0 |
105 GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 3 |
106 ShowWindow $0 0 |
107 FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT |
108 GetDlgItem $0 $0 1004 |
109 ShowWindow $0 0 |
110 FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT |
111 GetDlgItem $0 $0 1027 |
112 ShowWindow $0 0 |
113 GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 1 |
114 ShowWindow $0 0 |
115 DetailPrint "Connecting to the Internet..." |
116 Dialer::AttemptConnect |
117 IfErrors noie3 |
118 Pop $R0 |
119 !insertmacro CLS |
120 DetailPrint "Connecting to the Internet...$R0" |
121 StrCmp $R0 "online" connected |
122 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "The ExperienceUI was unable to establish a connection to the Internet. A few possible reasons for this are:$\n$\n1) You have an Internet provider that requires authentication (such as dial-up) and you did not supply a valid$\n username or password.$\n2) Your firewall is preventing this program ($CMDLINE) from accessing the Internet.$\n3) You do not have an Internet connection set up on this computer.$\n$\nThe updater cannot continue. Please click OK to exit." |
123 Call cleanup |
124 Abort "Unable to connect." |
125 noie3: |
126 !insertmacro CLS |
127 DetailPrint "Connecting to the Internet...cannot find IE3 or later" |
128 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "The ExperienceUI has detected that you do not have Microsoft Internet Explorer 3 or later installed. The automatic internet connection feature requires MSIE3 or later to work right.$\n$\nPlease connect to the Internet now, and then click OK to continue updating the ExperienceUI." |
129 connected: |
130 !ifdef BETA |
131 nsisdl::download /TRANSLATE "Downloading the update information file..." "Initializing..." " " " " " " s " " "Time left: %d %s%s" "http://${BETA_IP}:${BETA_PORT}/xpui/Updates.ini" "$TEMP\xpuiupd.ini" |
132 !else |
133 nsisdl::download /TRANSLATE "Downloading the update information file..." "Initializing..." " " " " " " s " " "Time left: %d %s%s" http://xpui.sourceforge.net/bin/Updates.ini "$TEMP\xpuiupd.ini" |
134 !endif |
135 Pop $0 |
136 StrCmp $0 success GoodINI |
137 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "The ExperienceUI updater was unable to download the update information file from the web site.$\nThe web server may be down, or there may be a problem with your Internet connection.$\n$\nError: $0" |
138 Call cleanup |
139 SetDetailsPrint textonly |
140 DetailPrint "The updater cannot continue. Click Cancel to exit." |
141 SetDetailsPrint listonly |
142 Abort "Release info download failed: $0" |
143 Goto Done |
144 GoodINI: |
145 DetailPrint "Checking version..." |
146 DetailPrint " Current: ${VERSION}" |
147 ReadINIStr $0 $TEMP\xpuiupd.ini ExperienceUI Display |
148 DetailPrint " Latest: $0" |
149 ReadINIStr $1 $TEMP\xpuiupd.ini ExperienceUI Major |
150 ReadINIStr $2 $TEMP\xpuiupd.ini ExperienceUI Tens |
151 ReadINIStr $3 $TEMP\xpuiupd.ini ExperienceUI Ones |
152 ReadINIStr $4 $TEMP\xpuiupd.ini ExperienceUI Size |
153 IntCmp $1 ${VER_MAJOR} "" "" Updates |
154 IntCmp $2 ${VER_TENS} "" "" Updates |
155 IntCmp $3 ${VER_ONES} "" "" Updates |
156 Goto NoUpdates |
157 Updates: |
158 ReadINIStr $5 $TEMP\xpuiupd.ini ExperienceUI Class |
159 ReadINIStr $6 $TEMP\xpuiupd.ini ExperienceUI HighlightsLine1 |
160 ReadINIStr $7 $TEMP\xpuiupd.ini ExperienceUI HighlightsLine2 |
161 ReadINIStr $8 $TEMP\xpuiupd.ini ExperienceUI TimeID |
162 DetailPrint "Update ready!" |
163 MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "An update is available!$\n$\nYour version: ${VERSION}$\nNew version: $0 (Release ID: $8) $\n$\nThis update is classified as $5.$\n$\nRelease highlights:$\n$6$\n$7$\n$\nDownload it now? (size: ~$4kb)" IDYES Download |
164 DetailPrint "Update found, but not downloaded." |
165 Goto done |
166 Download: |
167 !ifdef BETA |
168 nsisdl::download /TRANSLATE "Downloading ExperienceUI version $0..." "Connecting to server..." second minute hour s "%dKB (%d%%) of %dKB at %d.%01dKB/second" "; Time left: %d %s%s" http://${BETA_IP}:${BETA_PORT}/xpui/$0/ExperienceUISetup$0.exe "$DESKTOP\ExperienceUI Setup $0.exe" |
169 !else |
170 nsisdl::download /TRANSLATE "Downloading ExperienceUI version $0..." "Connecting to server..." second minute hour s "%dKB (%d%%) of %dKB at %d.%01dKB/second" "; Time left: %d %s%s" http://internap.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/xpui/ExperienceUISetup$0.exe "$DESKTOP\ExperienceUI Setup $0.exe" |
171 !endif |
172 Pop $0 |
173 StrCmp $0 cancel DLCancelled |
174 StrCmp $0 success "" DLError |
175 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "The file was downloaded successfully to your Desktop." |
176 DetailPrint "Update found and downloaded successfully." |
177 Goto done |
178 DLCancelled: |
179 DetailPrint "Download cancelled." |
180 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "The download was cancelled." |
181 Goto done |
182 DLError: |
183 SetDetailsPrint textonly |
184 DetailPrint "The updater cannot continue. Click Cancel to exit." |
185 SetDetailsPrint listonly |
186 Call Cleanup |
187 Abort "Download error: $0" |
188 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "The updater was unable to download the file from the web site.$\n$\nThe following error occurred:$\n$0" |
189 Goto done |
190 NoUpdates: |
191 DetailPrint "No updates available." |
192 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "No updates are available at this time. Please try again later.$\n$\nCurrent version: ${VERSION}$\nLatest version: $0$\n" |
193 Done: |
194 Call Cleanup |
195 SectionEnd |
196 |
197 Function cleanup |
198 SetDetailsPrint none |
199 Delete $TEMP\xpuiupd.ini |
200 SetDetailsPrint both |
201 FindWindow $R0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT |
202 GetDlgItem $R0 $R0 1016 |
203 ShowWindow $R0 5 |
204 GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1 |
205 ShowWindow $R0 5 |
206 Functionend |