changeset 0 67e1cc6cd929
child 2 0c0d5dadfca3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pages/StackSelect.nsi	Wed May 27 01:05:23 2009 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+Page custom StackSelectCreate StackSelectLeave " - Select stack"
+Function StackSelectCreate
+  ; Only show this page if both WAMPStack and WAPPStack are installed.
+  StrCmp $wampstack_installed 0 "" +3
+    Call StackSelectLeave
+    Return
+  StrCmp $wappstack_installed 0 "" +3
+    Call StackSelectLeave
+    Return
+  StrCmp $XPUI_ABORTED 1 "" +2
+    Abort
+  !insertmacro XPUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT_AS "pages\StackSelect.ini" "StackSelect.ini"
+  !insertmacro XPUI_HEADER_TEXT "Select server stack" "Choose which BitNami stack installation you want to use to run $(^Name)."
+  !insertmacro XPUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "StackSelect.ini"
+Function StackSelectLeave
+  ; Here is where we make the final decision on which stack will be used.
+  IfFileExists "$PLUGINSDIR\StackSelect.ini" "" OnlyOneStackInstalled
+    !macro ConfigCheck
+      IfFileExists "$stack_instdir\apps\${PRODUCT_SHORTNAME}\htdocs\config.php" 0 +3
+        MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Setup has found that $(^Name) is already installed on this stack. If you continue, the existing installation's configuration file will be deleted and your existing website will be replaced with a fresh one.$\n$\nDo you want to delete your existing $(^Name) website?" IDYES +2
+          Abort
+    !macroend
+    ; Both stacks are installed; decide based on user selection
+    ReadINIStr $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\StackSelect.ini" "Field 1" "State"
+    StrCmp $0 1 "" UserSelectedWAPP
+      ; User selected WAMP
+      Call BNSetVarsForWAMP
+      !insertmacro ConfigCheck
+      Return
+    UserSelectedWAPP:
+      ; User selected WAPP
+      Call BNSetVarsForWAPP
+      !insertmacro ConfigCheck
+      Return
+  OnlyOneStackInstalled:
+  StrCmp $wampstack_installed 0 +3
+    ; MySQL
+    Call BNSetVarsForWAMP
+    !insertmacro ConfigCheck
+    Return
+    ; PostgreSQL
+    Call BNSetVarsForWAPP
+    !insertmacro ConfigCheck
+    Return
+Function BNSetVarsForWAMP
+  StrCpy $stack_type "WAMP"
+  StrCpy $stack_instdir "$wampstack_installed"
+  StrCpy $db_driver "mysql"
+  StrCpy $db_dbmsname "MySQL"
+  StrCpy $db_rootuser "root"
+  ReadINIStr $db_port "$stack_instdir\properties.ini" "MySQL" "mysql_port"
+  StrCpy $stack_portbit ""
+  ReadINIStr $0 "$stack_instdir\properties.ini" "Apache" "apache_server_port"
+  StrCmp $0 "80" +2
+    StrCpy $stack_portbit ":$0"
+Function BNSetVarsForWAPP
+  StrCpy $stack_type "WAPP"
+  StrCpy $stack_instdir "$wappstack_installed"
+  StrCpy $db_driver "postgresql"
+  StrCpy $db_dbmsname "PostgreSQL"
+  StrCpy $db_rootuser "postgres"
+  ; NOTE: WAPPStack doesn't record the port of PostgreSQL - we have to assume the default
+  StrCpy $db_port 5432
+  StrCpy $stack_portbit ""
+  ReadINIStr $0 "$stack_instdir\properties.ini" "Apache" "apache_server_port"
+  StrCmp $0 "80" +2
+    StrCpy $stack_portbit ":$0"
\ No newline at end of file