--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/inst-resources/str_replace.nsh Wed May 27 01:05:23 2009 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+; StrReplace
+; Replaces all ocurrences of a given needle within a haystack with another string
+; Written by Dan Fuhry
+!ifndef _StrRep
+!define _StrRep
+Var sr_haystack
+Var sr_needle
+Var sr_replace
+Var sr_pos
+Var sr_needlelen
+Var sr_p_before
+Var sr_stacklen
+Var sr_p_after
+Var sr_newpos
+Var sr_test
+Function str_replace
+ Exch $sr_replace
+ Exch 1
+ Exch $sr_needle
+ Exch 2
+ Exch $sr_haystack
+ StrCpy $sr_pos -1
+ StrLen $sr_needlelen $sr_needle
+ StrLen $sr_stacklen $sr_haystack
+ loop:
+ IntOp $sr_pos $sr_pos + 1
+ StrCpy $sr_test $sr_haystack $sr_needlelen $sr_pos
+ StrCmp $sr_test $sr_needle found
+ StrCmp $sr_pos $sr_stacklen done
+ Goto loop
+ found:
+ StrCpy $sr_p_before $sr_haystack $sr_pos
+ IntOp $sr_newpos $sr_pos + $sr_needlelen
+ StrCpy $sr_p_after $sr_haystack "" $sr_newpos
+ StrCpy $sr_haystack $sr_p_before$sr_replace$sr_p_after
+ StrCpy $sr_pos $sr_newpos
+ StrLen $sr_stacklen $sr_haystack
+ Goto loop
+ done:
+ Pop $sr_needle ; Prevent "invalid opcode" errors and keep the
+ Pop $sr_needle ; stack as it was before the function was called
+ Exch $sr_haystack
+!endif ; _StrRep
+!ifndef StrReplace
+ !macro _strReplaceConstructor OUT NEEDLE NEEDLE2 HAYSTACK
+ Push `${HAYSTACK}`
+ Push `${NEEDLE}`
+ Push `${NEEDLE2}`
+ Call str_replace
+ Pop `${OUT}`
+ !macroend
+ !define StrReplace '!insertmacro "_strReplaceConstructor"'
+ !define str_replace '!insertmacro "_strReplaceConstructor"'
+; StrStr
+; input, top of stack = string to search for
+; top of stack-1 = string to search in
+; output, top of stack (replaces with the portion of the string remaining)
+; modifies no other variables.
+; Usage:
+; Push "this is a long ass string"
+; Push "ass"
+; Call StrStr
+; Pop $R0
+; ($R0 at this point is "ass string")
+!macro StrStr un
+Function ${un}StrStr
+Exch $R1 ; st=haystack,old$R1, $R1=needle
+ Exch ; st=old$R1,haystack
+ Exch $R2 ; st=old$R1,old$R2, $R2=haystack
+ Push $R3
+ Push $R4
+ Push $R5
+ StrLen $R3 $R1
+ StrCpy $R4 0
+ ; $R1=needle
+ ; $R2=haystack
+ ; $R3=len(needle)
+ ; $R4=cnt
+ ; $R5=tmp
+ loop:
+ StrCpy $R5 $R2 $R3 $R4
+ StrCmp $R5 $R1 done
+ StrCmp $R5 "" done
+ IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1
+ Goto loop
+ StrCpy $R1 $R2 "" $R4
+ Pop $R5
+ Pop $R4
+ Pop $R3
+ Pop $R2
+ Exch $R1
+!insertmacro StrStr ""
+; !insertmacro StrStr "un."