# HG changeset patch # User Dan # Date 1191807074 14400 # Node ID c63c5ee6c6d6b6d1cf627c87bdf92a52ca4bfe06 # Parent 36b287f1d85cae005fa08208f71f09cf0820e7a1# Parent 9b4279c25d33b1108621a48320e367c8685fe9fa Sync changes in from Nighthawk diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 .hgtags --- a/.hgtags Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/.hgtags Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -3,3 +3,6 @@ 8df3abef66473fef1a8ecbbd60a4e94e4f466ec4 release ca9118d9c0f2be22407860f41523f47b2862b34a rebrand 6f0bbf88c3251ca597cb76ac8b59a1ee61d6dd3d rebrand +0b5244001799fa29e83bf06c5f14eb69350f171c rebrand +42c6c83b8a004163c9cc2d85f3c8eada3b73adf6 rebrand +d53cc29308f4f4b97fc6d054e9e0855f37137409 rebrand diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 ajax.php --- a/ajax.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/ajax.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between - * Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau) + * Version 1.1.1 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 includes/captcha.php --- a/includes/captcha.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/includes/captcha.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ 35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('h b;j(!b)b={};b.15=1;b.1J=2;j(!b.c)b.c={};b.c.4Z={43:p(19,1c,1e,r){j(19>r)q 1e+1c;q 1c+(19/r)*1e},4q:p(19,1c,1e,r){j(19>r)q 1e+1c;q 1c+((-1g.5W((19/r)*1g.5V)/2)+0.5)*1e},6a:p(19,1c,1e,r){j(19>r)q 1e+1c;q 1c+1g.4C(19/r,2)*1e},7G:p(19,1c,1e,r){j(19>r)q 1e+1c;q 1c+1g.50(19/r)*1e},3I:p(19,1c,1e,r){j(19>r)q 1e+1c;q 1c+1g.50((-1g.5W((19/r)*1g.5V)/2)+0.5)*1e},5Z:p(19,1c,1e,r){j(19>r)q 1e+1c;h 1F=19/r;q 1c+1g.50(1-1g.4C((1F-1),2))*1e},7J:p(19,1c,1e,r){j(19>r)q 1e+1c;q 1c+(0.5+1g.7E(17*19/r)/2)*1e},7D:p(19,1c,1e,r){j(19>r)q 1e+1c;h 1F=19/r;q 1c+(5*1g.4C(1F,3)-6.4*1g.4C(1F,2)+2*1F)*1e}};18(h 51 3K b.c.4Z){b[51]=b.c.4Z[51]}b.c.3V=p(){8.2R=[]};b.c.3V.w.4W=p(k,d){h a={};a.k=b.c.1x(k);a.d=d;18(h i=0;i<8.2R.M;i++)j(8.5U(8.2R[i],a))q 8.2R[i].J;q D};b.c.3V.w.6e=p(J,k,d){j(!8.4W(k,d)){h 2C=8.2R.M;8.2R[2C]={};h 4F=8.2R[2C];4F.J=J;4F.k=b.c.1x(k);4F.d=d}};b.c.3V.w.5U=p(3U,32){j(3U.k!=32.k)q D;h 52=b.c.m.6b(3U.d,32.d);j(52){j(1n 32.d.3A==\'p\')3U.d.3A=32.d.3A;j(1n 32.d.3o==\'p\')3U.d.3o=32.d.3o}q 52};h 4R=B b.c.3V;j(!b.c.m)b.c.m={};b.c.m.1D=p(61){7V(\'b.c 7W: \'+61)};b.c.m.21=p(J){b.c.m.1D(\'7S \'+J+\' 7R 7N\\\'t 7M 7w 7P a 5o p 7Q. \'+"\\n"+\'7Y 7r b 7c 7f 7e.\');q D};b.c.m.1G=p(){8.x=0;8.y=0;8.N="1Q"};b.c.m.2d=p(){8.A=0;8.C=0;8.N="1Q"};b.c.m.3m=p(5R){h 1H=5R.7h(16);j(1H.M==1)1H="0"+1H;q 1H};b.c.m.2e=p(64){q Y(64,16)};b.c.m.3j=p(5Q,5J,5I){h 3m=b.c.m.3m;h 5L=3m(5Q);h 5O=3m(5J);h 5N=3m(5I);4i=5L.7a(5O,5N).6i();4i=\'#\'+4i;q 4i};b.c.m.5k=p(2K){j(2K.7j(/^#[0-7s-f]{3}$/i)){h 3x=2K.6l(\'\');h 2K=\'#\';18(h i=1;i<3x.M;i++){2K+=3x[i]+\'\'+3x[i]}}q 2K};b.c.m.5f=p(4k){j(4k.25(\'-\')==-1){q 4k}h 44=4k.6l(\'-\');h 53=O;h 4y=\'\';18(h i=0;i<44.M;i++){j(44[i].M>0){j(53){4y=44[i];53=D}H{h s=44[i];4y+=s.7q(0).6i()+s.2s(1)}}}q 4y};b.c.m.1N=p(1i){h 1H=D;j(1n 1i==\'58\'&&1i.M>0&&1i.33("%")>0)1H=O;q 1H};b.c.m.1k=p(1i){h 1H=0;38{1H=4a(1i.2s(0,1i.33("%")))}37(e){b.c.m.1D(\'b.c.m.1k: \'+e)}q 1H};b.c.m.2A=p(1i){h 1H=0;j(1n 1i==\'5T\')q 1i;h 4j=1i.33("1Q");j(4j==-1)4j=1i.M;38{1H=Y(1i.2s(0,4j),10)}37(e){}q 1H};b.c.m.6r=p(2X){j(2X){h 3e=2X.7l;71(3e){j(3e.5b==1)q 3e;3e=3e.7k}}q z};b.c.m.6A=p(3L,4Y){j(!3L||3L.5b!=1||!4Y)q;j(3L.7m()){h 2g=3L.7Z(\'7n\');h 6h=2g.M;18(h i=0;i<6h;i++){h 4X=2g[i];h 4T=b.c.4b(4X);4Y.7O([4X,4T.A,4T.C])}}};b.c.m.6b=p(35,3p){j(35==z&&3p==z)q O;j(35!=z&&3p!=z){h 4S=0;h 4U=0;18(h 8x 3K 35)4S++;18(h 8y 3K 3p)4U++;j(4S!=4U)q D;18(h 1y 3K 35){h 4V=1n 35[1y];h 6f=1n 3p[1y];j(4V!=6f||(4V!=\'3D\'&&35[1y]!=3p[1y]))q D}q O}q D};b.c.m.23=p(54,k,d){j(!d)h d={};d.1t=54;h 40=4R.4W(k,d);j(!40){40=B b.c[54](k,d);4R.6e(40,k,d)}40.2J();q O};j(!b.m)b.m={};b.m.2y=p(){8.2m=[];8.3Y=0};b.m.2y.w.2N=p(36){j(!36)q;h 2C=8.2m.M;18(h i=0;i<2C;i++)j(8.2m[i]==36)q;8.2m[2C]=36};b.m.2y.w.8n=p(36){j(!36)q;18(h i=0;i<8.2m.M;i++){j(8.2m[i]==36){8.2m.88(i,1);3P}}};b.m.2y.w.2t=p(3X,55){j(!3X)q;j(!8.3Y){h 2C=8.2m.M;18(h i=0;i<2C;i++){h 3y=8.2m[i];j(3y){j(1n 3y=="p")3y(3X,8,55);H j(3y[3X])3y[3X](8,55)}}}};b.m.2y.w.69=p(){j(--8.3Y<0){8.3Y=0;b.c.m.1D("82 69() 1s!\\n")}};b.m.2y.w.84=p(){++8.3Y};b.c.1x=p(2Q){h k=2Q;j(1n 2Q=="58")k=3f.70(2Q);j(k==z)b.c.m.1D(\'8c "\'+2Q+\'" 8j 4p.\');q k};b.c.1a=p(k,1y){h 1i;h 5e=b.c.m.5f(1y);38{j(k.11)1i=k.11[5e];j(!1i){j(3f.4J&&3f.4J.2x){h 5d=3f.4J.2x(k,z);1i=5d?5d.8m(1y):z}H j(k.57){1i=k.57[5e]}}}37(e){b.c.m.1D(\'b.c.1a: \'+e)}q 1i==\'8d\'?z:1i};b.c.1h=p(k,1y,1i){38{k.11[b.c.m.5f(1y)]=1i}37(e){b.c.m.1D(\'b.c.1h: \'+e)}};b.c.2Z=p(k,1y,3i){h 1z=3i?3i:k;h 3k=b.c.1a(1z,\'1R\');h 4E=b.c.1a(1z,\'2l\');j(3k==\'1Z\'){b.c.1h(1z,\'2l\',\'3d\');b.c.1h(1z,\'1R\',\'3T\');j(47.56)1z.5M()}h 6q=b.c.1a(k,1y);j(3k==\'1Z\'){b.c.1h(1z,\'1R\',\'1Z\');b.c.1h(1z,\'2l\',4E)}q 6q};b.c.2L=p(k){h 1F=b.c.1a(k,\'1L\');j(!1F||1F==\'5o\'){k.11.1L=\'6g\';j(47.56){k.11.1b=0;k.11.1f=0}}};b.c.5i=p(k){h 3E=b.c.1a(k,\'1R\');j(3E&&3E.3C()==\'1Z\')q O;h 3B=b.c.1a(k,\'2l\');j(3B&&3B.3C()==\'3d\')q O;q D};b.c.2o=p(k){h 3E=b.c.1a(k,\'1R\');j(3E&&3E.3C()==\'1Z\')b.c.1h(k,\'1R\',\'3T\');h 3B=b.c.1a(k,\'2l\');j(3B&&3B.3C()==\'3d\')b.c.1h(k,\'2l\',\'8h\')};b.c.3l=p(k){h 3z=b.c.1a(k,\'3z\');j(!3z||(3z.3C()!=\'3d\'&&3z.3C()!=\'81\')){h 5c=0;h 5g=/2M 7.0/.1j(27.26)&&/5n 5D/.1j(27.26);j(5g)5c=b.c.2n(k).C;b.c.1h(k,\'3z\',\'3d\');j(5g)b.c.1h(k,\'C\',5c+\'1Q\')}};b.c.65=p(k){h 6j=k.6t.M;18(h i=6j-1;i>=0;i--){h 2X=k.6t[i];j(2X.5b==3&&!/\\S/.1j(2X.8I))38{k.8z(2X)}37(e){b.c.m.1D(\'b.c.65: \'+e)}}};b.c.2x=p(k){q/2M/.1j(27.26)?k.57:3f.4J.2x(k,z)};b.c.4b=p(k){h 1T=B b.c.m.2d;h 1d=z;j(k.11.A&&/1Q/i.1j(k.11.A))1T.A=Y(k.11.A,10);H{1d=b.c.2x(k);h 1W=1d&&1d.A&&/1Q/i.1j(1d.A);j(1W)1T.A=Y(1d.A,10);j(!1W||1T.A==0)1T.A=k.8p}j(k.11.C&&/1Q/i.1j(k.11.C))1T.C=Y(k.11.C,10);H{j(!1d)1d=b.c.2x(k);h 1W=1d&&1d.C&&/1Q/i.1j(1d.C);j(1W)1T.C=Y(1d.C,10);j(!1W||1T.C==0)1T.C=k.8t}q 1T};b.c.2n=p(k,3i){h 1z=3i?3i:k;h 3k=b.c.1a(1z,\'1R\');h 4E=b.c.1a(1z,\'2l\');j(3k==\'1Z\'){b.c.1h(1z,\'2l\',\'3d\');b.c.1h(1z,\'1R\',\'3T\');j(47.56)1z.5M()}h 1T=b.c.4b(k);j(3k==\'1Z\'){b.c.1h(1z,\'1R\',\'1Z\');b.c.1h(1z,\'2l\',4E)}q 1T};b.c.5w=p(k){h o=b.c.1a(k,"1E");j(1n o==\'3D\'||o==z)o=1.0;q o};b.c.4G=p(2Q){q b.c.1a(2Q,"4e-2K")};b.c.3W=p(e,1y){h i=Y(b.c.1a(e,1y),10);j(5F(i))q 0;q i};b.c.48=p(k){h 1L=B b.c.m.1G;h 1d=z;j(k.11.1f&&/1Q/i.1j(k.11.1f))1L.x=Y(k.11.1f,10);H{1d=b.c.2x(k);h 1W=1d&&1d.1f&&/1Q/i.1j(1d.1f);j(1W)1L.x=Y(1d.1f,10);j(!1W||1L.x==0)1L.x=k.8g}j(k.11.1b&&/1Q/i.1j(k.11.1b))1L.y=Y(k.11.1b,10);H{j(!1d)1d=b.c.2x(k);h 1W=1d&&1d.1b&&/1Q/i.1j(1d.1b);j(1W)1L.y=Y(1d.1b,10);j(!1W||1L.y==0)1L.y=k.8a}q 1L};b.c.87=b.c.48;b.c.X=p(d){b.m.2y.1s(8);8.1t=\'X\';8.k=z;8.2D=0;8.8E=\'1Z\';8.1u=D;8.49=z;8.2f=0;j(!d)h d={};j(d.F)8.E=D;H 8.E=b.15;h 1q=8;j(d.3A!=z)8.2N({3Q:p(){38{1q.d.3A(1q.k,1q)}37(e){b.c.m.1D(\'b.c.X.w.2J: 3A 5Y: \'+e)}}});j(d.3o!=z)8.2N({3J:p(){38{1q.d.3o(1q.k,1q)}37(e){b.c.m.1D(\'b.c.X.w.29: 3o 5Y: \'+e)}}});8.d={r:1O,F:D,u:b.43,3c:16};8.5X(d);j(d.u)8.59(d.u);j(d.v)8.5a(d.v)};b.c.X.w=B b.m.2y();b.c.X.w.1v=b.m.X;b.c.X.w.1Y=O;b.c.X.w.5X=p(d){j(!d)q;18(h 1y 3K d)8.d[1y]=d[1y]};b.c.X.w.59=p(u){j(1n u==\'5T\'||u=="1"||u=="2")7d(Y(u,10)){5S 1:u=b.43;3P;5S 2:u=b.4q;3P;7g:b.c.m.1D(\'4Q u\')}H j(1n u==\'58\'){j(1n 47[u]==\'p\')u=47[u];H j(1n b[u]==\'p\')u=b[u];H b.c.m.1D(\'4Q u\')}8.d.u=u;j(1n 8.G!=\'3D\'){h l=8.G.M;18(h i=0;i8.d.r)3P;h 3S=4o+((5h-4o)/2);3F=1g.77(8.d.u(3S,1,-1,8.d.r)*1O)/1O;j(3F==8.2f){8.2D-=3S;4p=O}j(3F<8.2f){5h=3S;29=3F}H{4o=3S;2J=3F}}}8.2f=0}8.2t(\'3Q\',8);j(4K==D){h 1q=8;8.49=5x(p(){1q.4D()},8.d.3c)}8.1u=O};b.c.X.w.4A=p(){j(8.49){8e(8.49);8.49=z}8.2D=0};b.c.X.w.29=p(){8.4A();8.2t(\'3J\',8);8.1u=D};b.c.X.w.4z=p(){h 14=8.2I();j(8.2D>0&&14<8.d.r)8.2f=8.d.u(14,0,1,8.d.r);8.4A();8.2t(\'5G\',8);8.1u=D};b.c.X.w.4D=p(){h 1u=O;8.2t(\'4L\',8);h 75=8.2I();j(1n 8.d.u!=\'p\'){b.c.m.1D(\'4Q u\');q}8.3r();j(75>8.d.r){1u=D;8.29()}q 1u};b.c.X.w.2I=p(){j(8.2D>0){h 4H=B 78();q(4H.76()-8.2D)}q 0};b.c.X.w.K=p(){j(!8.E){8.E=b.15;q}j(8.d.F==O){j(8.E==b.15){8.E=b.1J;8.2t(\'5H\',8)}H j(8.E==b.1J){8.E=b.15}}};b.c.X.w.2W=p(){j(8.d&&8.d.F)8.K()};b.c.X.w.3r=p(){};b.c.X.w.4L=p(6X){j(6X!=8)8.2t(\'4L\',8)};b.c.1A=p(k,Z,13,d){8.4P=D;j(3Z.M==3){d=13;13=Z;Z=b.c.48(k);8.4P=O}b.c.X.1s(8,d);8.1t=\'1A\';8.k=b.c.1x(k);j(!8.k)q;j(Z.N!=13.N)b.c.m.1D(\'b.c.1A: 6H N (\'+Z.N+\', \'+13.N+\')\');8.N=Z.N;8.3H=4a(Z.x);8.46=4a(13.x);8.3s=4a(Z.y);8.42=4a(13.y)};b.c.1A.w=B b.c.X();b.c.1A.w.1v=b.c.1A;b.c.1A.w.3r=p(){h 1f=0;h 1b=0;h P=1g.P;h 14=8.2I();j(8.E==b.15){1f=P(8.d.u(14,8.3H,8.46-8.3H,8.d.r));1b=P(8.d.u(14,8.3s,8.42-8.3s,8.d.r))}H j(8.E==b.1J){1f=P(8.d.u(14,8.46,8.3H-8.46,8.d.r));1b=P(8.d.u(14,8.42,8.3s-8.42,8.d.r))}8.k.11.1f=1f+8.N;8.k.11.1b=1b+8.N};b.c.1A.w.2W=p(){j(8.d&&8.d.F)8.K();j(8.4P==O){h Z=b.c.48(8.k);8.3H=Z.x;8.3s=Z.y;8.8v=8.3H-8.46;8.8B=8.3s-8.42}};b.c.1P=p(k,T,12,d){8.5B=D;j(3Z.M==3){d=12;12=T;T=b.c.2n(k);8.5B=O}b.c.X.1s(8,d);8.1t=\'1P\';8.k=b.c.1x(k);j(!8.k)q;k=8.k;j(T.N!=12.N){b.c.m.1D(\'b.c.1P: 6H N (\'+T.N+\', \'+12.N+\')\');q D}8.N=T.N;h 1m=b.c.2n(k);8.2b=1m.A;8.2r=1m.C;8.1K=T.A;8.1M=T.C;8.28=12.A;8.2c=12.C;8.2g=B 63();j(8.d.1S){b.c.2L(8.k);h 1l=b.c.3W;8.6I=1l(k,\'4s-1b-A\');8.6J=1l(k,\'4s-4O-A\');8.6T=1l(k,\'4s-1f-A\');8.6S=1l(k,\'4s-4N-A\');8.6U=1l(k,\'4m-1b\');8.6V=1l(k,\'4m-4O\');8.6W=1l(k,\'4m-1f\');8.6R=1l(k,\'4m-4N\');8.6Q=1l(k,\'3n-1b\');8.6L=1l(k,\'3n-4O\');8.6K=1l(k,\'3n-4N\');8.6M=1l(k,\'3n-1f\');8.8i=1l(k,\'1f\');8.8b=1l(k,\'1b\')}j(8.d.2G)b.c.m.6A(k,8.2g);8.4M=1.0;h 2z=b.c.1a(8.k,\'80-5r\');j(2z&&/74\\s*$/.1j(2z))8.4M=85(2z);h 4c=b.c.m.1N;j(4c(8.1K)){h 6v=b.c.m.1k(8.1K);8.1K=1m.A*(6v/W)}j(4c(8.1M)){h 6u=b.c.m.1k(8.1M);8.1M=1m.C*(6u/W)}j(4c(8.28)){h 6w=b.c.m.1k(8.28);8.28=1m.A*(6w/W)}j(4c(8.2c)){h 6x=b.c.m.1k(8.2c);8.2c=1m.C*(6x/W)}8.2o=b.c.5i(8.k)};b.c.1P.w=B b.c.X();b.c.1P.w.1v=b.c.1P;b.c.1P.w.3r=p(){h A=0;h C=0;h 2z=0;h E=0;h P=1g.P;h 14=8.2I();j(8.E==b.15){A=P(8.d.u(14,8.1K,8.28-8.1K,8.d.r));C=P(8.d.u(14,8.1M,8.2c-8.1M,8.d.r));E=1}H j(8.E==b.1J){A=P(8.d.u(14,8.28,8.1K-8.28,8.d.r));C=P(8.d.u(14,8.2c,8.1M-8.2c,8.d.r));E=-1}h 2a=A/8.2b;2z=8.4M*2a;h 1w=8.k.11;j(A<0)A=0;j(C<0)C=0;1w.A=A+8.N;1w.C=C+8.N;j(1n 8.d.1S!=\'3D\'&&8.d.1S==O){h 1l=b.c.3W;h 79=1l(8.k,\'1b\');h 6C=1l(8.k,\'1f\');h 73=1l(8.k,\'3n-1b\');h 6D=1l(8.k,\'3n-1f\');h 39=2a;h 34=C/8.2r;h 6P=P(8.6I*34);h 6O=P(8.6J*34);h 6N=P(8.6T*39);h 6y=P(8.6S*39);h 6z=P(8.6U*34);h 6Y=P(8.6V*34);h 6B=P(8.6W*39);h 6G=P(8.6R*39);h 5t=P(8.6Q*34);h 6F=P(8.6L*34);h 6E=P(8.6K*39);h 5l=P(8.6M*39);1w.7X=6P+8.N;1w.7H=6O+8.N;1w.8C=6N+8.N;1w.7i=6y+8.N;1w.8s=6z+8.N;1w.8F=6Y+8.N;1w.8o=6B+8.N;1w.8f=6G+8.N;1w.8k=5t+8.N;1w.89=6F+8.N;1w.8D=5l+8.N;1w.8A=6E+8.N;1w.1f=P(6C+6D-5l)+8.N;1w.1b=P(79+73-5t)+8.N}j(8.d.2G){18(h i=0;i<8.2g.M;i++){8.2g[i][0].11.A=2a*8.2g[i][1]+8.N;8.2g[i][0].11.C=2a*8.2g[i][2]+8.N}8.k.11.2z=2z+\'74\'}j(8.2o){b.c.2o(8.k);8.2o=D}};b.c.1P.w.2W=p(){j(8.d&&8.d.F)8.K();j(8.5B==O){h T=b.c.4b(k);8.1K=T.A;8.1M=T.C;8.86=8.1K-8.28;8.8H=8.1M-8.2c}};b.c.24=p(k,2h,2v,d){8.5v=D;j(3Z.M==3){d=2v;2v=2h;2h=b.c.5w(k);8.5v=O}b.c.X.1s(8,d);8.1t=\'24\';8.k=b.c.1x(k);j(!8.k)q;j(/2M/.1j(27.26)&&(!8.k.8w))b.c.1h(8.k,\'83\',\'1\');8.2h=2h;8.2v=2v;8.2o=b.c.5i(8.k)};b.c.24.w=B b.c.X();b.c.24.w.1v=b.c.24;b.c.24.w.3r=p(){h 1E=0;h 14=8.2I();j(8.E==b.15)1E=8.d.u(14,8.2h,8.2v-8.2h,8.d.r);H j(8.E==b.1J)1E=8.d.u(14,8.2v,8.2h-8.2v,8.d.r);j(1E<0)1E=0;j(/2M/.1j(27.26)){h 4d=b.c.1a(8.k,\'4w\');j(4d){4d=4d.5E(/4r\\(1E=[0-9]{1,3}\\)/g,\'\')}8.k.11.4w=4d+"4r(1E="+1g.P(1E*W)+")"}H 8.k.11.1E=1E;j(8.2o){b.c.2o(8.k);8.2o=D}};b.c.24.w.2W=p(){j(8.d&&8.d.F)8.K();j(8.5v==O){8.2h=b.c.5w(k);8.8G=8.2h-8.2v}};b.c.2E=p(k,1U,2w,d){8.5u=D;j(3Z.M==3){d=2w;2w=1U;1U=b.c.4G(k);8.5u=O}b.c.X.1s(8,d);8.1t=\'2E\';8.k=b.c.1x(k);j(!8.k)q;8.1U=1U;8.2w=2w;8.3g=b.c.m.2e(1U.2u(1,2));8.3w=b.c.m.2e(1U.2u(3,2));8.3h=b.c.m.2e(1U.2u(5,2));8.3R=b.c.m.2e(2w.2u(1,2));8.3M=b.c.m.2e(2w.2u(3,2));8.3N=b.c.m.2e(2w.2u(5,2))};b.c.2E.w=B b.c.X();b.c.2E.w.1v=b.c.2E;b.c.2E.w.3r=p(){h 4h=0;h 4g=0;h 4f=0;h P=1g.P;h 14=8.2I();j(8.E==b.15){4h=P(8.d.u(14,8.3g,8.3R-8.3g,8.d.r));4g=P(8.d.u(14,8.3w,8.3M-8.3w,8.d.r));4f=P(8.d.u(14,8.3h,8.3N-8.3h,8.d.r))}H j(8.E==b.1J){4h=P(8.d.u(14,8.3R,8.3g-8.3R,8.d.r));4g=P(8.d.u(14,8.3M,8.3w-8.3M,8.d.r));4f=P(8.d.u(14,8.3N,8.3h-8.3N,8.d.r))}8.k.11.7F=b.c.m.3j(4h,4g,4f)};b.c.2E.w.2W=p(){j(8.d&&8.d.F)8.K();j(8.5u==O){8.1U=b.c.4G(k);8.3g=b.c.m.2e(1U.2u(1,2));8.3w=b.c.m.2e(1U.2u(3,2));8.3h=b.c.m.2e(1U.2u(5,2));8.7b=8.3g-8.3R;8.7v=8.3w-8.3M;8.7u=8.3h-8.3N}};b.c.U=p(d){b.c.X.1s(8,d);8.1t=\'U\';8.G=B 63();8.1C=-1;h 62=p(J,45){8.J=J;8.45=45;8.1u=D};8.5s=62};b.c.U.w=B b.c.X();b.c.U.w.1v=b.c.U;b.c.U.w.5x=p(3c){h l=8.G.M;8.d.3c=3c;18(h i=0;i(8.G.M-1)&&8.E==b.15)||(8.1C<0&&8.E==b.1J))3q=O;H 18(h i=8.1C;i!=29;i+=3O){j((i>8.1C&&8.E==b.15||i<8.1C&&8.E==b.1J)&&8.G[i].45=="5K")3P;8.G[i].J.2J(O);8.G[i].1u=O;8.1C=i}q 3q};b.c.U.w.5m=p(){j(!8.E){8.E=b.15;q}j(8.d.F==O){j(8.E==b.15){8.E=b.1J;8.2t(\'5H\',8);8.1C=8.G.M}H j(8.E==b.1J){8.E=b.15;8.1C=-1}}H{j(8.E==b.15)8.1C=-1;H j(8.E==b.1J)8.1C=8.G.M}};b.c.U.w.K=p(){8.5m();18(h i=0;i<8.G.M;i++){j(8.G[i].J.d&&(8.G[i].J.d.F!=z))j(8.G[i].J.d.F==O)8.G[i].J.K()}};b.c.U.w.4z=p(){18(h i=0;i<8.G.M;i++)j(8.G[i].J.1u)8.G[i].J.4z();h 14=8.2I();j(8.2D>0&&14<8.d.r)8.2f=8.d.u(14,0,1,8.d.r);8.4A();8.2t(\'5G\',8);8.1u=D};b.c.U.w.1V=p(J){J.2N(8);8.G[8.G.M]=B 8.5s(J,"5K");j(8.G.M==1){8.k=J.k}};b.c.U.w.2k=p(J){j(8.G.M==0||8.G[8.G.M-1].45!=\'5P\')J.2N(8);8.G[8.G.M]=B 8.5s(J,"5P");j(8.G.M==1){8.k=J.k}};b.c.U.w.2W=p(){8.5m()};b.c.30=p(k,d){j(!8.1Y)q b.c.m.21(\'30\');b.c.U.1s(8,d);8.1t=\'30\';h k=b.c.1x(k);8.k=k;j(!8.k)q;h R=1O;h 1r=0.0;h 1p=W.0;h K=D;h u=b.3I;h v=60;h 1I=0;j(/2M/.1j(27.26))1I=Y(b.c.2Z(8.k,\'4w\').5E(/4r\\(1E=([0-9]{1,3})\\)/g,\'$1\'),10);H 1I=Y(b.c.2Z(8.k,\'1E\')*W,10);j(5F(1I))1I=W;j(d){j(d.r!=z)R=d.r;j(d.L!=z){j(b.c.m.1N(d.L))1r=b.c.m.1k(d.L)*1I/W;H 1r=d.L}j(d.I!=z){j(b.c.m.1N(d.I))1p=b.c.m.1k(d.I)*1I/W;H 1p=d.I}j(d.F!=z)K=d.F;j(d.u!=z)u=d.u;j(d.v!=z)v=d.v;H 8.d.u=u}1r=1r/W.0;1p=1p/W.0;d={r:R,F:K,u:u,L:1r,I:1p,v:v};h 4x=B b.c.24(k,1r,1p,d);8.1V(4x)};b.c.30.w=B b.c.U();b.c.30.w.1v=b.c.30;b.c.2Y=p(k,d){j(!8.1Y)q b.c.m.21(\'2Y\');b.c.U.1s(8,d);8.1t=\'2Y\';h k=b.c.1x(k);8.k=k;j(!8.k)q;h R=1O;h K=D;h V=b.5Z;h v=60;h 2F=D;b.c.3l(k);h 1m=b.c.2n(k);h 4l=1m.C;h 4I=0;h 4u=d?d.L:1m.C;h 4t=d?d.I:0;h 2j=D;j(d){j(d.r!=z)R=d.r;j(d.L!=z){j(b.c.m.1N(d.L))4l=b.c.m.1k(d.L)*1m.C/W;H 4l=b.c.m.2A(d.L)}j(d.I!=z){j(b.c.m.1N(d.I))4I=b.c.m.1k(d.I)*1m.C/W;H 4I=b.c.m.2A(d.I)}j(d.F!=z)K=d.F;j(d.u!=z)V=d.u;j(d.v!=z)v=d.v;j(d.1S!=z)2j=d.1S}h T=B b.c.m.2d;T.A=1m.A;T.C=4l;h 12=B b.c.m.2d;12.A=1m.A;12.C=4I;d={r:R,F:K,u:V,2G:2F,1S:2j,L:4u,I:4t,v:v};h 6s=B b.c.1P(k,T,12,d);8.1V(6s)};b.c.2Y.w=B b.c.U();b.c.2Y.w.1v=b.c.2Y;b.c.2O=p(k,d){j(!8.1Y)q b.c.m.21(\'2O\');b.c.U.1s(8,d);8.1t=\'2O\';h R=1O;h 1B="#8u";h K=D;h V=b.4q;h v=60;h k=b.c.1x(k);8.k=k;j(!8.k)q;h 1o=b.c.4G(k);j(1o=="8q")1o="#8r";j(d){j(d.r!=z)R=d.r;j(d.L!=z)1o=d.L;j(d.I!=z)1B=d.I;j(d.F!=z)K=d.F;j(d.u!=z)V=d.u;j(d.v!=z)v=d.v}j(1o.25(\'3j\')!=-1)h 1o=b.c.m.3j(Y(1o.2s(1o.25(\'(\')+1,1o.25(\',\')),10),Y(1o.2s(1o.25(\',\')+1,1o.33(\',\')),10),Y(1o.2s(1o.33(\',\')+1,1o.25(\')\')),10));j(1B.25(\'3j\')!=-1)h 1B=b.c.m.3j(Y(1B.2s(1B.25(\'(\')+1,1B.25(\',\')),10),Y(1B.2s(1B.25(\',\')+1,1B.33(\',\')),10),Y(1B.2s(1B.33(\',\')+1,1B.25(\')\')),10));h 1o=b.c.m.5k(1o);h 1B=b.c.m.5k(1B);8.6m=b.c.1a(k,\'4e-5j\');d={r:R,F:K,u:V,v:v};h 6k=B b.c.2E(k,1o,1B,d);8.1V(6k);8.2N({3Q:p(J){b.c.1h(J.k,\'4e-5j\',\'1Z\')},3J:p(J){b.c.1h(J.k,\'4e-5j\',J.6m);j(J.E==b.15&&J.d.6n)b.c.1h(k,\'4e-2K\',J.d.6n)}})};b.c.2O.w=B b.c.U();b.c.2O.w.1v=b.c.2O;b.c.2P=p(k,d){j(!8.1Y)q b.c.m.21(\'2P\');b.c.U.1s(8,d);8.1t=\'2P\';h k=b.c.1x(k);8.k=k;j(!8.k)q;h R=1O;h K=D;h V=b.4q;h v=60;h 31=D;h 2i=b.c.m.6r(k);h E=-1;j(/2M 7.0/.1j(27.26)&&/5n 5D/.1j(27.26))b.c.2L(k);b.c.3l(k);j(/2M 6.0/.1j(27.26)&&/5n 5D/.1j(27.26)){h 1F=b.c.1a(k,\'1L\');j(1F&&(1F==\'5o\'||1F==\'8l\')){b.c.1h(k,\'1L\',\'6g\');b.c.1h(k,\'1b\',\'\');b.c.1h(k,\'1f\',\'\')}}j(2i){b.c.2L(2i);b.c.3l(2i);h 68=b.c.2n(2i,k);b.c.1h(2i,\'A\',68.A+\'1Q\')}h 22=b.c.2n(k);h 2S=B b.c.m.2d();h 1X=B b.c.m.2d();2S.A=1X.A=22.A;2S.C=1X.C=22.C;j(!8.d.I){j(!d)d={};d.I=\'0%\'}j(d&&d.67!==z&&d.67===O)31=O;j(d.r!=z)R=d.r;j(d.L!=z){j(31){j(b.c.m.1N(d.L))22.A=2S.A*b.c.m.1k(d.L)/W;H 22.A=b.c.m.2A(d.L)}H{j(b.c.m.1N(d.L))22.C=2S.C*b.c.m.1k(d.L)/W;H 22.C=b.c.m.2A(d.L)}}j(d.I!=z){j(31){j(b.c.m.1N(d.I))1X.A=2S.A*b.c.m.1k(d.I)/W;H 1X.A=b.c.m.2A(d.I)}H{j(b.c.m.1N(d.I))1X.C=2S.C*b.c.m.1k(d.I)/W;H 1X.C=b.c.m.2A(d.I)}}j(d.F!=z)K=d.F;j(d.u!=z)V=d.u;j(d.v!=z)v=d.v;d={r:R,u:V,2G:D,F:K,v:v};h 5r=B b.c.1P(k,22,1X,d);8.2k(5r);j((22.A<1X.A&&31)||(22.C<1X.C&&!31))E=1;h Z=B b.c.m.1G();h 13=B b.c.m.1G();13.x=Z.x=b.c.3W(2i,\'1f\');13.y=Z.y=b.c.3W(2i,\'1b\');13.N=Z.N;j(31)13.x=Y(Z.x+E*(22.A-1X.A),10);H 13.y=Y(Z.y+E*(22.C-1X.C),10);j(E==1){h 3x=Z;h Z=13;h 13=3x}d={r:R,u:V,F:K,L:Z,I:13,v:v};h 66=B b.c.1A(2i,Z,13,d);8.2k(66)};b.c.2P.w=B b.c.U();b.c.2P.w.1v=b.c.2P;b.c.2q=p(k,d){j(!k)q;j(!8.1Y)q b.c.m.21(\'2q\');b.c.U.1s(8,d);8.1t=\'2q\';h R=1O;h K=D;h 2F=O;h 5q=D;h 5p=O;h 2j=D;h V=b.6a;h v=60;h k=b.c.1x(k);8.k=k;j(!8.k)q;b.c.3l(k);h 4v=b.c.2n(k);h 2b=4v.A;h 2r=4v.C;h 2a=(2b==0)?1:2r/2b;h T=B b.c.m.2d;T.A=0;T.C=0;h 12=B b.c.m.2d;12.A=2b;12.C=2r;h 4u=d?d.L:4v.A;h 4t=d?d.I:0;h 2p=b.c.m.2A;j(d){j(d.5C!=z)5p=d.5C;j(d.r!=z)R=d.r;j(d.1S!=z)2j=d.1S;j(d.2G!=z)2F=d.2G;j(d.L!=z){j(b.c.m.1N(d.L)){T.A=2b*(b.c.m.1k(d.L)/W);T.C=2r*(b.c.m.1k(d.L)/W)}H{j(5q){T.C=2p(d.L);T.A=2p(d.L)/2a}H{T.A=2p(d.L);T.C=2a*2p(d.L)}}}j(d.I!=z){j(b.c.m.1N(d.I)){12.A=2b*(b.c.m.1k(d.I)/W);12.C=2r*(b.c.m.1k(d.I)/W)}H{j(5q){12.C=2p(d.I);12.A=2p(d.I)/2a}H{12.A=2p(d.I);12.C=2a*2p(d.I)}}}j(d.F!=z)K=d.F;j(d.u!=z)V=d.u;j(d.v!=z)v=d.v}d={r:R,F:K,u:V,2G:2F,1S:2j,v:v};h 3G=B b.c.1P(k,T,12,d);8.2k(3G);j(5p){b.c.2L(k);h Q=B b.c.m.1G();Q.x=Y(b.c.2Z(k,"1f"),10);Q.y=Y(b.c.2Z(k,"1b"),10);j(!Q.x)Q.x=0;j(!Q.y)Q.y=0;d={r:R,F:K,u:V,L:4u,I:4t,v:v};h Z=B b.c.m.1G;Z.x=Q.x+(2b-T.A)/2.0;Z.y=Q.y+(2r-T.C)/2.0;h 13=B b.c.m.1G;13.x=Q.x+(2b-12.A)/2.0;13.y=Q.y+(2r-12.C)/2.0;h 3v=B b.c.1A(k,Z,13,d);8.2k(3v)}};b.c.2q.w=B b.c.U();b.c.2q.w.1v=b.c.2q;b.c.2H=p(k,d){j(!8.1Y)q b.c.m.21(\'2H\');b.c.U.1s(8,d);8.d.E=D;j(8.d.F)8.d.F=D;8.1t=\'2H\';h k=b.c.1x(k);8.k=k;j(!8.k)q;h R=W;h V=b.43;h v=60;h 3u=4;j(d){j(d.r!=z)3u=1g.4n(8.d.r/R)-1;j(d.v!=z)v=d.v;j(d.u!=z)V=d.u}b.c.2L(k);h Q=B b.c.m.1G();Q.x=Y(b.c.1a(k,"1f"),10);Q.y=Y(b.c.1a(k,"1b"),10);j(!Q.x)Q.x=0;j(!Q.y)Q.y=0;h 41=B b.c.m.1G;41.x=Q.x;41.y=Q.y;h 3b=B b.c.m.1G;3b.x=Q.x+20;3b.y=Q.y+0;h 3t=B b.c.m.1G;3t.x=Q.x+ -20;3t.y=Q.y+0;d={r:1g.4n(R/2),F:D,v:v,u:V};h J=B b.c.1A(k,41,3b,d);8.1V(J);d={r:R,F:D,v:v,u:V};h 6d=B b.c.1A(k,3b,3t,d);h 6c=B b.c.1A(k,3t,3b,d);18(h i=0;i<3u;i++){j(i%2==0)8.1V(6d);H 8.1V(6c)}h 1F=(3u%2==0)?3b:3t;d={r:1g.4n(R/2),F:D,v:v,u:V};h J=B b.c.1A(k,1F,41,d);8.1V(J)};b.c.2H.w=B b.c.U();b.c.2H.w.1v=b.c.2H;b.c.2H.w.K=p(){};b.c.2U=p(k,d){j(!8.1Y)q b.c.m.21(\'2U\');j(!d)d={};j(!d.I)d.I=\'0%\';j(!d.L)d.L=\'W%\';d.5C=D;b.c.2q.1s(8,k,d);8.1t=\'2U\'};b.c.2U.w=B b.c.2q();b.c.2U.w.1v=b.c.2U;b.c.2B=p(k,d){j(!8.1Y)q b.c.m.21(\'2B\');b.c.U.1s(8,d);8.d.E=D;j(8.d.F)8.d.F=D;h k=b.c.1x(k);h 1I=0;8.k=k;j(!8.k)q;8.1t=\'2B\';h R=W;h 1r=W.0;h 1p=0.0;h K=D;h V=b.43;h v=60;j(/2M/.1j(27.26))1I=Y(b.c.2Z(8.k,\'4w\').5E(/4r\\(1E=([0-9]{1,3})\\)/g,\'$1\'),10);H 1I=Y(b.c.2Z(8.k,\'1E\')*W,10);j(5F(1I)){1I=W}j(d){j(d.L!=z){j(b.c.m.1N(d.L))1r=b.c.m.1k(d.L)*1I/W;H 1r=d.L}j(d.I!=z){j(b.c.m.1N(d.I))1p=b.c.m.1k(d.I)*1I/W;H 1p=d.I}j(d.u!=z)V=d.u;j(d.v!=z)v=d.v}d={r:R,F:K,u:V,v:v};1r=1r/W.0;1p=1p/W.0;h 4x=B b.c.24(k,1r,1p,d);h 6p=B b.c.24(k,1p,1r,d);h 3u=Y(8.d.r/7o,10);18(h i=0;i<3u;i++){8.1V(4x);8.1V(6p)}};b.c.2B.w=B b.c.U();b.c.2B.w.1v=b.c.2B;b.c.2B.w.K=p(){};b.c.3a=p(k,d){j(!8.1Y)q b.c.m.21(\'3a\');b.c.U.1s(8,d);h k=b.c.1x(k);8.k=k;j(!8.k)q;8.1t=\'3a\';h K=D;h 2F=D;h R=1O;h V=b.3I;h v=60;b.c.2L(k);j(d){j(d.F!=z)K=d.F;j(d.r!=z)R=d.r;j(d.u!=z)V=d.u;j(d.v!=z)v=d.v}h 1m=b.c.4b(k);h 1K=1m.A;h 1M=1m.C;d={r:R,F:K,u:V,v:v};h 1r=1.0;h 1p=0.0;h 4B=B b.c.24(k,1r,1p,d);8.2k(4B);h Z=b.c.48(k);h 13=B b.c.m.1G;13.x=1K/2.0*-1.0;13.y=1M/2.0*-1.0;d={r:R,F:K,u:V,L:Z,I:13,v:v};h 3v=B b.c.1A(k,Z,13,d);8.2k(3v);h 1q=8;8.2N({3Q:p(){j(1q.E==b.1J){1q.k.11.1R=\'3T\'}},3J:p(){j(1q.E==b.15){1q.k.11.1R=\'1Z\'}}})};b.c.3a.w=B b.c.U;b.c.3a.w.1v=b.c.3a;b.c.2T=p(k,d){j(!8.1Y)q b.c.m.21(\'2T\');b.c.U.1s(8,d);h k=b.c.1x(k);8.k=k;j(!8.k)q;h R=1O;h v=60;h V=b.3I;h E=b.15;h K=D;8.1t=\'2T\';b.c.2L(k);j(d){j(d.r!=z)R=d.r;j(d.F!=z)K=d.F;j(d.v!=z)v=d.v;j(d.u!=z)V=d.u;j(d.7p!=z)E=-1}h Q=B b.c.m.1G();Q.x=Y(b.c.1a(k,"1f"),10);Q.y=Y(b.c.1a(k,"1b"),10);j(!Q.x)Q.x=0;j(!Q.y)Q.y=0;h Z=B b.c.m.1G;Z.x=Q.x+0;Z.y=Q.y+0;h 13=B b.c.m.1G;13.x=Q.x+0;13.y=Q.y+(E*7t);d={L:Z,I:13,r:R,F:K,u:V,v:v};h 3v=B b.c.1A(k,d.L,d.I,d);8.2k(3v);h 1r=1.0;h 1p=0.0;d={r:R,F:K,u:V,v:v};h 4B=B b.c.24(k,1r,1p,d);8.2k(4B);h 1q=8;8.2N({3Q:p(){1q.k.11.1R=\'3T\'},3J:p(){j(1q.E==b.15){1q.k.11.1R=\'1Z\'}}})};b.c.2T.w=B b.c.U();b.c.2T.w.1v=b.c.2T;b.c.2V=p(k,d){j(!8.1Y)q b.c.m.21(\'2V\');b.c.U.1s(8,d);h k=b.c.1x(k);8.k=k;j(!8.k)q;8.1t=\'2V\';h R=1O;h K=D;h 2F=O;h 2j=D;h V=b.3I;h v=v;b.c.3l(k);h 1m=b.c.2n(k);h 1K=1m.A;h 1M=1m.C;h 28=1K;h 2c=1M/5;h T=B b.c.m.2d;T.A=1K;T.C=1M;h 12=B b.c.m.2d;12.A=28;12.C=2c;j(d){j(d.r!=z)R=1g.4n(d.r/2);j(d.F!=z)K=d.F;j(d.1S!=z)2j=d.1S;j(d.v!=z)v=d.v;j(d.u!=z)V=d.u}d={r:R,F:K,2G:2F,1S:2j,u:V,v:v};h 3G=B b.c.1P(k,T,12,d);8.1V(3G);T.A=12.A;T.C=12.C;12.A=\'0%\';h 3G=B b.c.1P(k,T,12,d);8.1V(3G)};b.c.2V.w=B b.c.U();b.c.2V.w.1v=b.c.2V;b.c.7T=p(k,d){q b.c.m.23(\'30\',k,d)};b.c.7U=p(k,d){q b.c.m.23(\'2Y\',k,d)};b.c.7L=p(k,d){q b.c.m.23(\'2O\',k,d)};b.c.7K=p(k,d){q b.c.m.23(\'2P\',k,d)};b.c.7B=p(k,d){q b.c.m.23(\'2q\',k,d)};b.c.7C=p(k,d){q b.c.m.23(\'2H\',k,d)};b.c.7A=p(k,d){q b.c.m.23(\'2U\',k,d)};b.c.7z=p(k,d){q b.c.m.23(\'2B\',k,d)};b.c.7x=p(k,d){q b.c.m.23(\'3a\',k,d)};b.c.7y=p(k,d){q b.c.m.23(\'2T\',k,d)};b.c.7I=p(k,d){q b.c.m.23(\'2V\',k,d)};',62,541,'||||||||this|||Spry|Effect|options||||var||if|element||Utils|||function|return|duration|||transition|fps|prototype|||null|width|new|height|false|direction|toggle|effectsArray|else|to|effect|doToggle|from|length|units|true|floor|startOffsetPosition|durationInMilliseconds||fromRect|Cluster|kindOfTransition|100|Animator|parseInt|fromPos||style|toRect|toPos|elapsed|forwards|||for|time|getStyleProp|top|begin|computedStyle|change|left|Math|setStyleProp|value|test|getPercentValue|intProp|originalRect|typeof|fromColor|toOpacity|self|fromOpacity|call|name|isRunning|constructor|elStyle|getElement|prop|refElement|Move|toColor|currIdx|showError|opacity|pos|Position|result|originalOpacity|backwards|startWidth|position|startHeight|isPercentValue|1000|Size|px|display|useCSSBox|dimensions|startColor|addNextEffect|tryComputedStyle|toDim|notStaticAnimator|none||showInitError|fromDim|DoEffect|Opacity|indexOf|userAgent|navigator|stopWidth|stop|propFactor|originalWidth|stopHeight|Rectangle|hexToInt|cancelRemaining|childImages|startOpacity|firstChildElt|fullCSSBox|addParallelEffect|visibility|observers|getDimensionsRegardlessOfDisplayState|enforceVisible|pixelValue|Grow|originalHeight|substring|notifyObservers|substr|stopOpacity|stopColor|getComputedStyle|Notifier|fontSize|getPixelValue|Pulsate|len|startMilliseconds|Color|doScaleContent|scaleContent|Shake|getElapsedMilliseconds|start|color|makePositioned|MSIE|addObserver|Highlight|Slide|ele|effects|initDim|DropOut|Squish|Fold|prepareStart|node|Blind|getStylePropRegardlessOfDisplayState|Fade|slideHorizontally|effectB|lastIndexOf|heightFactor|optionsA|observer|catch|try|widthFactor|Puff|rightPos|interval|hidden|childCurr|document|startRedColor|startBlueColor|displayElement|rgb|displayOrig|makeClipping|intToHex|margin|finish|optionsB|allEffectsDidRun|animate|startY|leftPos|steps|moveEffect|startGreenColor|tmp|obs|overflow|setup|propVisible|toLowerCase|undefined|propDisplay|middle|sizeEffect|startX|fifthTransition|onPostEffect|in|startEltIn|stopGreenColor|stopBlueColor|step|break|onPreEffect|stopRedColor|half|block|effectA|Registry|intPropStyle|methodName|suppressNotifications|arguments|ef|centerPos|stopY|linearTransition|oStringList|kind|stopX|window|getPosition|timer|Number|getDimensions|isPercent|tmpval|background|blueColor|greenColor|redColor|compositeColorHex|unitIndex|stringToCamelize|fromHeightPx|padding|ceil|startTime|found|sinusoidalTransition|alpha|border|optionTo|optionFrom|dimRect|filter|fadeEffect|camelizedString|cancel|stopFlagReset|opacityEffect|pow|drawEffect|visibilityOrig|eff|getBgColor|currDate|toHeightPx|defaultView|withoutTimer|onStep|fontFactor|right|bottom|dynamicFromPos|unknown|SpryRegistry|objectCountA|dimensionsCurr|objectCountB|typeA|getRegisteredEffect|imgCurr|targetImagesOut|Transitions|sqrt|trans|compare|isFirstEntry|effectName|data|opera|currentStyle|string|setTransition|setFps|nodeType|heightCache|css|camelized|camelize|needsCache|stopTime|isInvisible|image|longColorVersion|margin_left|toggleCluster|Windows|static|growFromCenter|calcHeight|size|ClusteredEffect|margin_top|dynamicStartColor|dynamicStartOpacity|getOpacity|setInterval|baseEffectIsStillRunning|initNextEffectsRunning|evalNextEffectsRunning|dynamicFromRect|growCenter|NT|replace|isNaN|onCancel|onToggle|blueInt|greenInt|queue|redHex|focus|blueHex|greenHex|parallel|redInt|integerNum|case|number|effectsAreTheSame|PI|cos|setOptions|callback|circleTransition||msg|_ClusteredEffect|Array|hexStr|cleanWhitespace|move|horizontal|childRect|enableNotifications|squareTransition|optionsAreIdentical|effectToLeft|effectToRight|addEffect|typeB|relative|imageCnt|toUpperCase|childCountInit|highlightEffect|split|restoreBackgroundImage|restoreColor|setDuration|appearEffect|styleProp|getFirstChildElement|blindEffect|childNodes|startHeightPercent|startWidthPercent|stopWidthPercent|stopHeightPercent|border_right|padding_top|fetchChildImages|padding_left|origLeft|origMarginLeft|margin_right|margin_bottom|padding_right|Conflicting|startFromBorder_top|startFromBorder_bottom|startFromMargin_right|startFromMargin_bottom|startFromMargin_left|border_left|border_bottom|border_top|startFromMargin_top|startFromPadding_right|startFromBorder_right|startFromBorder_left|startFromPadding_top|startFromPadding_bottom|startFromPadding_left|el|padding_bottom|id|getElementById|while|emergency|origMarginTop|em|timeElapsed|getTime|round|Date|origTop|concat|redColorRange|Effects|switch|documentation|migration|default|toString|borderRightWidth|match|nextSibling|firstChild|hasChildNodes|img|200|dropIn|charAt|read|9a|160|blueColorRange|greenColorRange|accessed|DoPuff|DoDropOut|DoPulsate|DoSquish|DoGrow|DoShake|growSpecificTransition|sin|backgroundColor|squarerootTransition|borderBottomWidth|DoFold|pulsateTransition|DoSlide|DoHighlight|be|can|push|as|anymore|class|The|DoFade|DoBlind|alert|ERR|borderTopWidth|Please|getElementsByTagName|font|scroll|Unbalanced|zoom|disableNotifications|parseFloat|widthRange|getOffsetPosition|splice|marginBottom|offsetTop|startTop|Element|auto|clearInterval|paddingRight|offsetLeft|visible|startLeft|not|marginTop|fixed|getPropertyValue|removeObserver|paddingLeft|offsetWidth|transparent|ffff99|paddingTop|offsetHeight|ffffff|rangeMoveX|hasLayout|propA|propB|removeChild|marginRight|rangeMoveY|borderLeftWidth|marginLeft|repeat|paddingBottom|opacityRange|heightRange|nodeValue'.split('|'),0,{})) diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 includes/clientside/static/ajax.js --- a/includes/clientside/static/ajax.js Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/includes/clientside/static/ajax.js Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -822,6 +822,33 @@ window.location = loc; } +var navto_ns; +var navto_pg; +var navto_ul; + +function ajaxLoginNavTo(namespace, page_id, min_level) +{ + // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility + if ( KILL_SWITCH ) + return true; + navto_pg = page_id; + navto_ns = namespace; + navto_ul = min_level; + if ( auth_level < min_level ) + { + ajaxPromptAdminAuth(function(k) { + ENANO_SID = k; + auth_level = navto_ul; + var loc = makeUrlNS(navto_ns, navto_pg); + if ( (ENANO_SID + ' ').length > 1 ) + window.location = loc; + }, min_level); + return false; + } + var loc = makeUrlNS(navto_ns, navto_pg); + window.location = loc; +} + function ajaxAdminUser(username) { // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility @@ -1142,7 +1169,6 @@ keepalive_interval = setInterval('ajaxPingServer();', 600000); var span = document.getElementById('keepalivestat'); span.firstChild.nodeValue = 'Turn off keep-alive'; - ajaxPingServer(); } else { @@ -1155,6 +1181,36 @@ function aboutKeepAlive() { - new messagebox(MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, 'About the keep-alive feature', 'Keep-alive is a new Enano feature that keeps your administrative session from timing out while you are using the administration panel. This feature can be useful if you are editing a large page or doing something in the administration interface that will take longer than 15 minutes.

For security reasons, Enano mandates that high-privilege logins last only 15 minutes, with the time being reset each time a page is loaded (or, more specifically, each time the session API is started). The consequence of this is that if you are performing an action in the administration panel that takes more than 15 minutes, your session may be terminated. The keep-alive feature attempts to relieve this by sending a "ping" to the server every 10 minutes.

Please note that keep-alive state is determined by a cookie. Thus, if you log out and then back in as a different administrator, keep-alive will use the same setting that was used when you were logged in as the first administrative user. In the same way, if you log into the administration panel under your account from another computer, keep-alive will be set to "off".'); + new messagebox(MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, 'About the keep-alive feature', 'Keep-alive is a new Enano feature that keeps your administrative session from timing out while you are using the administration panel. This feature can be useful if you are editing a large page or doing something in the administration interface that will take longer than 15 minutes.

For security reasons, Enano mandates that high-privilege logins last only 15 minutes, with the time being reset each time a page is loaded (or, more specifically, each time the session API is started). The consequence of this is that if you are performing an action in the administration panel that takes more than 15 minutes, your session may be terminated. The keep-alive feature attempts to relieve this by sending a "ping" to the server every 10 minutes.

Please note that keep-alive state is determined by a cookie. Thus, if you log out and then back in as a different administrator, keep-alive will use the same setting that was used when you were logged in as the first administrative user. In the same way, if you log into the administration panel under your account from another computer, keep-alive will be set to "off".

For more information:
Overview of Enano'+"'"+'s security model'); } +function ajaxShowCaptcha(code) +{ + var mydiv = document.createElement('div'); + mydiv.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF'; + mydiv.style.padding = '10px'; + mydiv.style.position = 'absolute'; + mydiv.style.top = '0px'; + mydiv.id = 'autoCaptcha'; + var img = document.createElement('img'); + img.onload = function() + { + if ( this.loaded ) + return true; + var mydiv = document.getElementById('autoCaptcha'); + var width = getWidth(); + var divw = $(mydiv).Width(); + var left = ( width / 2 ) - ( divw / 2 ); + mydiv.style.left = left + 'px'; + fly_in_top(mydiv, false, true); + this.loaded = true; + }; + img.src = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Captcha/' + code); + img.onclick = function() { this.src = this.src + '/a'; }; + img.style.cursor = 'pointer'; + mydiv.appendChild(img); + domObjChangeOpac(0, mydiv); + var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; + body.appendChild(mydiv); +} + diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 includes/clientside/static/enano-lib-basic.js --- a/includes/clientside/static/enano-lib-basic.js Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/includes/clientside/static/enano-lib-basic.js Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ 'flyin.js', 'paginate.js', 'pwstrength.js', + 'SpryEffects.js', 'loader.js' ]; diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 includes/clientside/static/misc.js --- a/includes/clientside/static/misc.js Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/includes/clientside/static/misc.js Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -301,6 +301,53 @@ var ajax_auth_prompt_cache = false; var ajax_auth_mb_cache = false; var ajax_auth_level_cache = false; +var ajax_auth_error_string = false; +var ajax_auth_show_captcha = false; + +function ajaxAuthErrorToString($data) +{ + var $errstring = $data.error; + // this was literally copied straight from the PHP code. + switch($data.error) + { + case 'key_not_found': + $errstring = 'Enano couldn\'t look up the encryption key used to encrypt your password. This most often happens if a cache rotation occurred during your login attempt, or if you refreshed the login page.'; + break; + case 'key_wrong_length': + $errstring = 'The encryption key was the wrong length.'; + break; + case 'too_big_for_britches': + $errstring = 'You are trying to authenticate at a level that your user account does not permit.'; + break; + case 'invalid_credentials': + $errstring = 'You have entered an invalid username or password. Please enter your login details again.'; + if ( $data.lockout_policy == 'lockout' ) + { + $errstring += ' You have used up '+$data['lockout_fails']+' out of '+$data['lockout_threshold']+' login attempts. After you have used up all '+$data['lockout_threshold']+' login attempts, you will be locked out from logging in for '+$data['lockout_duration']+' minutes.'; + } + else if ( $data.lockout_policy == 'captcha' ) + { + $errstring += ' You have used up '+$data['lockout_fails']+' out of '+$data['lockout_threshold']+' login attempts. After you have used up all '+$data['lockout_threshold']+' login attempts, you will have to enter a visual confirmation code before logging in, effective for '+$data['lockout_duration']+' minutes.'; + } + break; + case 'backend_fail': + $errstring = 'You entered the right credentials and everything was validated, but for some reason Enano couldn\'t register your session. This is an internal problem with the site and you are encouraged to contact site administration.'; + break; + case 'locked_out': + $attempts = parseInt($data['lockout_fails']); + if ( $attempts > $data['lockout_threshold']) + $attempts = $data['lockout_threshold']; + window.console.debug('server time ', $data.server_time, ', last time ', $data['lockout_last_time'], ', duration ', $data['lockout_duration']); + $time_rem = $data.lockout_duration - Math.round( ( $data.server_time - $data.lockout_last_time ) / 60 ); + $s = ( $time_rem == 1 ) ? '' : 's'; + $errstring = "You have used up all "+$data['lockout_threshold']+" allowed login attempts. Please wait "+$time_rem+" minute"+$s+" before attempting to log in again"; + if ( $data['lockout_policy'] == 'captcha' ) + $errstring += ', or enter the visual confirmation code shown above in the appropriate box'; + $errstring += '.'; + break; + } + return $errstring; +} function ajaxPromptAdminAuth(call_on_ok, level) { @@ -319,6 +366,17 @@ var title = ( level > USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) ? 'You are requesting a sensitive operation.' : 'Please enter your username and password to continue.'; ajax_auth_mb_cache = new messagebox(MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONLOCK, title, loading_win); ajax_auth_mb_cache.onbeforeclick['OK'] = ajaxValidateLogin; + ajax_auth_mb_cache.onbeforeclick['Cancel'] = function() + { + if ( document.getElementById('autoCaptcha') ) + { + var to = fly_out_top(document.getElementById('autoCaptcha'), false, true); + setTimeout(function() { + var d = document.getElementById('autoCaptcha'); + d.parentNode.removeChild(d); + }, to); + } + } ajaxAuthLoginInnerSetup(); } @@ -334,23 +392,58 @@ return false; } response = parseJSON(response); + var disable_controls = false; + if ( response.locked_out && !ajax_auth_error_string ) + { + response.error = 'locked_out'; + ajax_auth_error_string = ajaxAuthErrorToString(response); + if ( response.lockout_policy == 'captcha' ) + { + ajax_auth_show_captcha = response.captcha; + } + else + { + disable_controls = true; + } + } var level = ajax_auth_level_cache; var form_html = ''; - if ( level > USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) + var shown_error = false; + if ( ajax_auth_error_string ) + { + shown_error = true; + form_html += '
' + ajax_auth_error_string + '
'; + ajax_auth_error_string = false; + } + else if ( level > USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) { form_html += 'Please re-enter your login details, to verify your identity.

'; } + if ( ajax_auth_show_captcha ) + { + var captcha_html = ' \ + \ + Code in image: \ + \ + '; + } + else + { + var captcha_html = ''; + } + var disableme = ( disable_controls ) ? 'disabled="disabled" ' : ''; form_html += ' \ \ \ - \ \ - \ + ' + captcha_html + ' \ \ - @@ -198,6 +283,21 @@ + + + + + + + + '; @@ -308,6 +357,9 @@ Mirror a category + + Filter through a regular expression + '; @@ -324,6 +376,14 @@
Include pages with this tag:
+ Regular expression:
+ Be sure to include the starting and ending delimiters and any flags you might need.
+ These pages might help: Pattern modifiers • + Pattern syntax
+ Examples: /^(Special|Admin):/i/^Image:([0-9]+)$/
+ Developers, remember that this will be matched against the full page identifier string. This means that /^About_Enano$/ + will NOT match the page Special:About_Enano.
'; echo '
'; @@ -911,6 +974,9 @@ case PAGE_GRP_NORMAL: $type = 'Static set of pages'; break; + case PAGE_GRP_REGEX: + $type = 'Regular expression match'; + break; } $target = ''; if ( $row['pg_type'] == PAGE_GRP_TAGGED ) @@ -921,6 +987,10 @@ { $target = 'Category: ' . htmlspecialchars(get_page_title($paths->nslist['Category'] . sanitize_page_id($row['pg_target']))); } + else if ( $row['pg_type'] == PAGE_GRP_REGEX ) + { + $target = 'Expression: ' . htmlspecialchars($row['pg_target']) . ''; + } $btn_edit = ''; $btn_del = ''; // stupid jEdit bug/hack diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 plugins/admin/SecurityLog.php --- a/plugins/admin/SecurityLog.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/plugins/admin/SecurityLog.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between - * Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau) + * Version 1.1.1 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 plugins/admin/UserManager.php --- a/plugins/admin/UserManager.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/plugins/admin/UserManager.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between - * Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau) + * Version 1.1.1 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 schema.sql --- a/schema.sql Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/schema.sql Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -- Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between --- Version 1.0 (Banshee) +-- Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau) -- Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry -- This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License @@ -254,6 +254,16 @@ PRIMARY KEY ( tag_id ) ) CHARACTER SET `utf8`; +-- Added in 1.1.1 + +CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}lockout( + id int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment, + ipaddr varchar(40) NOT NULL, + action ENUM('credential', 'level') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'credential', + timestamp int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, + PRIMARY KEY ( id ) +) CHARACTER SET `utf8`; + INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}config(config_name, config_value) VALUES ('site_name', '{{SITE_NAME}}'), ('main_page', 'Main_Page'), @@ -278,7 +288,7 @@ ('copyright_notice', '{{COPYRIGHT}}'), ('wiki_edit_notice_text', '== Why can I edit this page? ==\n\nEveryone can edit almost any page in this website. This concept is called a wiki. It gives everyone the opportunity to make a change for the best. While some spam and vandalism may occur, it is believed that most contributions will be legitimate and helpful.\n\nFor security purposes, a history of all page edits is kept, and administrators are able to restore vandalized or spammed pages with just a few clicks.'), ('cache_thumbs', '{{ENABLE_CACHE}}'), - ('max_file_size', '256000'),('enano_version', '{{VERSION}}'),('enano_beta_version', '{{BETA_VERSION}}'),( 'allowed_mime_types', 'cbf:len=168;crc=c3dcad3f;data=0[1],1[4],0[3],1[1],0[2],1[1],0[11],1[1],0[7],1[1],0[9],1[1],0[6],1[3],0[10],1[1],0[2],1[2],0[1],1[1],0[1],1[2],0[6],1[3],0[1],1[1],0[2],1[4],0[1],1[2],0[3],1[1],0[4],1[2],0[26],1[5],0[6],1[2],0[2],1[1],0[4],1[1],0[10],1[2],0[1],1[1],0[6]|end' ), + ('max_file_size', '256000'),('enano_version', '{{VERSION}}'),( 'allowed_mime_types', 'cbf:len=168;crc=c3dcad3f;data=0[1],1[4],0[3],1[1],0[2],1[1],0[11],1[1],0[7],1[1],0[9],1[1],0[6],1[3],0[10],1[1],0[2],1[2],0[1],1[1],0[1],1[2],0[6],1[3],0[1],1[1],0[2],1[4],0[1],1[2],0[3],1[1],0[4],1[2],0[26],1[5],0[6],1[2],0[2],1[1],0[4],1[1],0[10],1[2],0[1],1[1],0[6]|end' ), ('contact_email', '{{ADMIN_EMAIL}}'), ('powered_btn', '1'); diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 themes/oxygen/css/bleu.css --- a/themes/oxygen/css/bleu.css Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/themes/oxygen/css/bleu.css Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ /* The basics */ html,body { height: 100%; } -body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: url(../images/bleu/bg.png); font-family: trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; } +body { /* color added in 1.0.2 to fix light text in dark desktop themes */ color: #202020; margin: 0; padding: 0; background: url(../images/bleu/bg.png); font-family: trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; } .holder { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; padding: 1px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #444444 } div.pad { padding: 10px; } table#title { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100px; background-color: #90B0D0; text-align: center; } diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 themes/printable/css/default.css --- a/themes/printable/css/default.css Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/themes/printable/css/default.css Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ /* The basics */ html,body { height: 100%; } -body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; } +body { /* color added in 1.0.2 to fix light text in dark desktop themes */ color: #202020; margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; } .holder { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; padding: 1px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #444444 } div.pad { padding: 10px; } table#title { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100px; background-color: #90B0D0; text-align: center; } diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 themes/stpatty/css/shamrock.css --- a/themes/stpatty/css/shamrock.css Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/themes/stpatty/css/shamrock.css Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ } body { background-color: #101d14; + /* color added in 1.0.2 to fix light text in dark desktop themes */ + color: #202020; background-image: url(../images/bghatching.gif); background-repeat: repeat; font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif; diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 upgrade.php --- a/upgrade.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/upgrade.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between - * Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau) + * Version 1.1.1 * upgrade.php - upgrade script * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry * @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ // Everything related to versions goes here! // Valid versions to upgrade from -$valid_versions = Array('1.0b1', '1.0b2', '1.0b3', '1.0b4', '1.0RC1', '1.0RC2', '1.0RC3', '1.0', '1.0.1', ''); +$valid_versions = Array('1.0b1', '1.0b2', '1.0b3', '1.0b4', '1.0RC1', '1.0RC2', '1.0RC3', '1.0', '1.0.1', '', '1.0.2b1', '1.0.2', 'Stable1.0ToUnstable1.1'); // Basically a list of dependencies, which should be resolved automatically // If, for example, upgrading from 1.0b1 to 1.0RC1 requires one extra query that would not @@ -75,9 +75,12 @@ '1.0RC2' => Array('1.0RC3'), '1.0RC3' => Array('1.0'), '1.0' => Array('1.0.1'), - '1.0.1' => Array('') + '1.0.1' => Array(''), + '' => Array('1.0.2b1'), + '1.0.2b1' => Array('Stable1.0ToUnstable1.1'), + 'Stable1.0ToUnstable1.1' => Array('1.1.1') ); -$this_version = '1.0.2b1'; +$this_version = '1.1.1'; $func_list = Array( '1.0' => Array('u_1_0_1_update_del_votes'), '1.0b4' => Array('u_1_0_RC1_update_user_ids', 'u_1_0_RC1_add_admins_to_group', 'u_1_0_RC1_alter_files_table', 'u_1_0_RC1_destroy_session_cookie', 'u_1_0_RC1_set_contact_email', 'u_1_0_RC1_update_page_text'), // , @@ -157,7 +160,7 @@ $session->start(); $template = new template_nodb(); -$template->load_theme('stpatty', 'shamrock', false); +$template->load_theme('oxygen', 'bleu', false); $modestrings = Array( 'login' => 'Administrative login', @@ -525,7 +528,7 @@ ?>
- [ Enano CMS Project logo ] + [ Enano CMS Project logo ]

Welcome to the Enano upgrade wizard

Username: \ + Username: \
Password: \ + Password: \
\ -
Trouble logging in? Try the full login form.
'; +
Trouble logging in? Try the full login form.
'; if ( level <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) { form_html += ' \ @@ -375,8 +468,39 @@ { $('ajaxlogin_user').object.focus(); } - $('ajaxlogin_pass').object.onblur = function(e) { if ( !shift ) $('messageBox').object.nextSibling.firstChild.focus(); }; - $('ajaxlogin_pass').object.onkeypress = function(e) { if ( !e && IE ) return true; if ( e.keyCode == 13 ) $('messageBox').object.nextSibling.firstChild.click(); }; + if ( ajax_auth_show_captcha ) + { + $('ajaxlogin_captcha_code').object.onblur = function(e) { if ( !shift ) $('messageBox').object.nextSibling.firstChild.focus(); }; + $('ajaxlogin_captcha_code').object.onkeypress = function(e) { if ( !e && IE ) return true; if ( e.keyCode == 13 ) $('messageBox').object.nextSibling.firstChild.click(); }; + } + else + { + $('ajaxlogin_pass').object.onblur = function(e) { if ( !shift ) $('messageBox').object.nextSibling.firstChild.focus(); }; + $('ajaxlogin_pass').object.onkeypress = function(e) { if ( !e && IE ) return true; if ( e.keyCode == 13 ) $('messageBox').object.nextSibling.firstChild.click(); }; + } + if ( disable_controls ) + { + var panel = document.getElementById('messageBoxButtons'); + panel.firstChild.disabled = true; + } + /* + ## This causes the background image to disappear under Fx 2 + if ( shown_error ) + { + // fade to #FFF4F4 + var fader = new Spry.Effect.Highlight('ajax_auth_error', {duration: 1000, from: '#FFF4F4', to: '#805600', restoreColor: '#805600', finish: function() + { + var fader = new Spry.Effect.Highlight('ajax_auth_error', {duration: 3000, from: '#805600', to: '#FFF4F4', restoreColor: '#FFF4F4'}); + fader.start(); + }}); + fader.start(); + } + */ + if ( ajax_auth_show_captcha ) + { + ajaxShowCaptcha(ajax_auth_show_captcha); + ajax_auth_show_captcha = false; + } } }); } @@ -391,6 +515,15 @@ password = document.getElementById('ajaxlogin_pass').value; auth_enabled = false; + if ( document.getElementById('autoCaptcha') ) + { + var to = fly_out_top(document.getElementById('autoCaptcha'), false, true); + setTimeout(function() { + var d = document.getElementById('autoCaptcha'); + d.parentNode.removeChild(d); + }, to); + } + disableJSONExts(); // @@ -446,6 +579,12 @@ 'level' : ajax_auth_level_cache }; + if ( document.getElementById('ajaxlogin_captcha_hash') ) + { + json_data.captcha_hash = document.getElementById('ajaxlogin_captcha_hash').value; + json_data.captcha_code = document.getElementById('ajaxlogin_captcha_code').value; + } + json_data = toJSONString(json_data); json_data = encodeURIComponent(json_data); @@ -488,8 +627,25 @@ } break; case 'error': - alert(response.error); - ajaxAuthLoginInnerSetup(); + if ( response.data.error == 'invalid_credentials' || response.data.error == 'locked_out' ) + { + ajax_auth_error_string = ajaxAuthErrorToString(response.data); + mb_current_obj.updateContent(''); + document.getElementById('messageBox').style.backgroundColor = '#C0C0C0'; + var mb_parent = document.getElementById('messageBox').parentNode; + new Spry.Effect.Shake(mb_parent, {duration: 1500}).start(); + setTimeout("document.getElementById('messageBox').style.backgroundColor = '#FFF'; ajaxAuthLoginInnerSetup();", 2500); + + if ( response.data.lockout_policy == 'captcha' && response.data.error == 'locked_out' ) + { + ajax_auth_show_captcha = response.captcha; + } + } + else + { + ajax_auth_error_string = ajaxAuthErrorToString(response.data); + ajaxAuthLoginInnerSetup(); + } break; default: alert(ajax.responseText); diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 includes/comment.php --- a/includes/comment.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/includes/comment.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between - * Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau) + * Version 1.1.1 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 includes/common.php --- a/includes/common.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/includes/common.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between - * Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau) + * Version 1.1.1 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ exit; } -$version = '1.0.2b1'; +$version = '1.1.1'; function microtime_float() { diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 includes/constants.php --- a/includes/constants.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/includes/constants.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between - * Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau) + * Version 1.1.1 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry * constants.php - important defines used Enano-wide * @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ define('PAGE_GRP_CATLINK', 1); define('PAGE_GRP_TAGGED', 2); define('PAGE_GRP_NORMAL', 3); +define('PAGE_GRP_REGEX', 4); // // User types - don't touch these @@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ define('MAX_PMS_PER_BATCH', 7); // The maximum number of users that users can send PMs to in one go; restriction does not apply to users with mod_misc rights define('SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE', 10); define('MYSQL_MAX_PACKET_SIZE', 1048576); // 1MB; this is the default in MySQL 4.x I think -define('SEARCH_MODE', 'FULLTEXT'); // Can be FULLTEXT or BUILTIN +define('SEARCH_MODE', 'BUILTIN'); // Can be FULLTEXT or BUILTIN // Sidebar diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 includes/dbal.php --- a/includes/dbal.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/includes/dbal.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between - * Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau) + * Version 1.1.1 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 includes/email.php --- a/includes/email.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/includes/email.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between - * Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau) + * Version 1.1.1 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 includes/functions.php --- a/includes/functions.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/includes/functions.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -1789,6 +1789,26 @@ function sanitize_html($html, $filter_php = true) { + // Random seed for substitution + $rand_seed = md5( sha1(microtime()) . mt_rand() ); + + // Strip out comments that are already escaped + preg_match_all('/<!--(.*?)-->/', $html, $comment_match); + $i = 0; + foreach ( $comment_match[0] as $comment ) + { + $html = str_replace_once($comment, "{HTMLCOMMENT:$i:$rand_seed}", $html); + $i++; + } + + // Strip out code sections that will be postprocessed by Text_Wiki + preg_match_all(';^]*)?>((?:(?R)|.)*?)\n(\s|$);msi', $html, $code_match); + $i = 0; + foreach ( $code_match[0] as $code ) + { + $html = str_replace_once($code, "{TW_CODE:$i:$rand_seed}", $html); + $i++; + } $html = preg_replace('#<([a-z]+)([\s]+)([^>]+?)'.htmlalternatives('javascript:').'(.+?)>(.*?)#is', '<\\1\\2\\3javascript:\\59>\\60</\\1>', $html); $html = preg_replace('#<([a-z]+)([\s]+)([^>]+?)'.htmlalternatives('javascript:').'(.+?)>#is', '<\\1\\2\\3javascript:\\59>', $html); @@ -1802,6 +1822,8 @@ $tag_whitelist = array_keys ( setupAttributeWhitelist() ); if ( !$filter_php ) $tag_whitelist[] = '?php'; + // allow HTML comments + $tag_whitelist[] = '!--'; $len = strlen($html); $in_quote = false; $quote_char = ''; @@ -1862,8 +1884,12 @@ } else { + // If not filtering PHP, don't bother to strip if ( $tag_name == '?php' && !$filter_php ) continue; + // If this is a comment, likewise skip this "tag" + if ( $tag_name == '!--' ) + continue; $f = fixTagAttributes( $attribs_only, $tag_name ); $s = ( empty($f) ) ? '' : ' '; @@ -1891,15 +1917,28 @@ } } - + // Vulnerability from ha.ckers.org/xss.html: // '; } ?> @@ -2834,9 +2881,8 @@ if(isset($_GET['action']) && isset($_GET['id'])) { - if(preg_match('#^([0-9]*)$#', $_GET['id'])) + if(!preg_match('#^([0-9]*)$#', $_GET['id'])) { - } else { echo '
Error with action: $_GET["id"] was not an integer, aborting to prevent SQL injection
'; } switch($_GET['action']) diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 plugins/SpecialPageFuncs.php --- a/plugins/SpecialPageFuncs.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/plugins/SpecialPageFuncs.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ { $db->_die('The page entry could not be inserted.'); } - $q = $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO '.table_prefix.'page_text(page_id,namespace,page_text) VALUES(\''.$urlname.'\', \''.$_POST['namespace'].'\', \''.$db->escape('Please edit this page! ').'\');'); + $q = $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO '.table_prefix.'page_text(page_id,namespace,page_text) VALUES(\''.$urlname.'\', \''.$_POST['namespace'].'\', \''.'\');'); if ( !$q ) { $db->_die('The page text entry could not be inserted.'); } - header('Location: '.makeUrlNS($_POST['namespace'], sanitize_page_id($p))); + header('Location: '.makeUrlNS($_POST['namespace'], sanitize_page_id($p)) . '#do:edit'); exit; } $template->header(); diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 plugins/SpecialSearch.php --- a/plugins/SpecialSearch.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/plugins/SpecialSearch.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -100,18 +100,21 @@ if(!empty($q)) { // See if any pages directly match the title - - for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $paths->pages ) / 2; $i++ ) + + if ( strlen($q) >= 4 ) { - $pg =& $paths->pages[$i]; - $q_lc = strtolower( str_replace(' ', '_', $q) ); - $q_tl = strtolower( str_replace('_', ' ', $q) ); - $p_lc = strtolower($pg['urlname']); - $p_tl = strtolower($pg['name']); - if ( strstr($p_tl, $q_tl) || strstr($p_lc, $q_lc) && $pg['visible'] == 1 ) + for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $paths->pages ) / 2; $i++ ) { - echo '
Perhaps you were looking for ' . htmlspecialchars($pg['name']) . '?
'; - break; + $pg =& $paths->pages[$i]; + $q_lc = strtolower( str_replace(' ', '_', $q) ); + $q_tl = strtolower( str_replace('_', ' ', $q) ); + $p_lc = strtolower($pg['urlname']); + $p_tl = strtolower($pg['name']); + if ( strstr($p_tl, $q_tl) || strstr($p_lc, $q_lc) && $pg['visible'] == 1 ) + { + echo '
Perhaps you were looking for ' . htmlspecialchars($pg['name']) . '?
'; + break; + } } } diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 plugins/SpecialUserFuncs.php --- a/plugins/SpecialUserFuncs.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/plugins/SpecialUserFuncs.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -104,14 +104,60 @@ $pubkey = $session->rijndael_genkey(); $challenge = $session->dss_rand(); + $locked_out = false; + // are we locked out? + $threshold = ( $_ = getConfig('lockout_threshold') ) ? intval($_) : 5; + $duration = ( $_ = getConfig('lockout_duration') ) ? intval($_) : 15; + // convert to minutes + $duration = $duration * 60; + $policy = ( $x = getConfig('lockout_policy') && in_array(getConfig('lockout_policy'), array('lockout', 'disable', 'captcha')) ) ? getConfig('lockout_policy') : 'lockout'; + if ( $policy != 'disable' ) + { + $ipaddr = $db->escape($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); + $timestamp_cutoff = time() - $duration; + $q = $session->sql('SELECT timestamp FROM '.table_prefix.'lockout WHERE timestamp > ' . $timestamp_cutoff . ' AND ipaddr = \'' . $ipaddr . '\' ORDER BY timestamp DESC;'); + $fails = $db->numrows(); + if ( $fails >= $threshold ) + { + $row = $db->fetchrow(); + $locked_out = true; + $lockdata = array( + 'locked_out' => true, + 'lockout_threshold' => $threshold, + 'lockout_duration' => ( $duration / 60 ), + 'lockout_fails' => $fails, + 'lockout_policy' => $policy, + 'lockout_last_time' => $row['timestamp'], + 'server_time' => time(), + 'captcha' => '' + ); + if ( $policy == 'captcha' ) + { + $lockdata['captcha'] = $session->make_captcha(); + } + } + $db->free_result(); + } + if ( isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'getkey' ) { $username = ( $session->user_logged_in ) ? $session->username : false; $response = Array( 'username' => $username, 'key' => $pubkey, - 'challenge' => $challenge + 'challenge' => $challenge, + 'locked_out' => false ); + + if ( $locked_out ) + { + foreach ( $lockdata as $x => $y ) + { + $response[$x] = $y; + } + unset($x, $y); + } + $json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); $response = $json->encode($response); echo $response; @@ -138,7 +184,46 @@ $header = ( $level > USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) ? 'Please re-enter your login details' : 'Please enter your username and password to log in.'; if ( isset($_POST['login']) ) { - echo '


'; + $errstring = $__login_status['error']; + switch($__login_status['error']) + { + case 'key_not_found': + $errstring = 'Enano couldn\'t look up the encryption key used to encrypt your password. This most often happens if a cache rotation occurred during your login attempt, or if you refreshed the login page.'; + break; + case 'key_wrong_length': + $errstring = 'The encryption key was the wrong length.'; + break; + case 'too_big_for_britches': + $errstring = 'You are trying to authenticate at a level that your user account does not permit.'; + break; + case 'invalid_credentials': + $errstring = 'You have entered an invalid username or password. Please enter your login details again.'; + if ( $__login_status['lockout_policy'] == 'lockout' ) + { + $errstring .= ' You have used up '.$__login_status['lockout_fails'].' out of '.$__login_status['lockout_threshold'].' login attempts. After you have used up all '.$data['lockout_threshold'].' login attempts, you will be locked out from logging in for '.$__login_status['lockout_duration'].' minutes.'; + } + else if ( $__login_status['lockout_policy'] == 'captcha' ) + { + $errstring .= ' You have used up '.$__login_status['lockout_fails'].' out of '.$__login_status['lockout_threshold'].' login attempts. After you have used up all '.$data['lockout_threshold'].' login attempts, you will have to enter a visual confirmation code before logging in, effective for '.$__login_status['lockout_duration'].' minutes.'; + } + break; + case 'backend_fail': + $errstring = 'You entered the right credentials and everything was validated, but for some reason Enano couldn\'t register your session. This is an internal problem with the site and you are encouraged to contact site administration.'; + break; + case 'locked_out': + $attempts = intval($__login_status['lockout_fails']); + if ( $attempts > $__login_status['lockout_threshold']) + $attempts = $__login_status['lockout_threshold']; + $time_rem = ( $__login_status['lockout_last_time'] % ( $__login_status['lockout_duration'] * 60 ) ); + $time_rem = $__login_status['lockout_duration'] - round($time_rem / 60); + $s = ( $time_rem == 1 ) ? '' : 's'; + $errstring = "You have used up all {$__login_status['lockout_threshold']} allowed login attempts. Please wait {$time_rem} minute$s before attempting to log in again"; + if ( $__login_status['lockout_policy'] == 'captcha' ) + $errstring .= ', or enter the visual confirmation code shown above in the appropriate box'; + $errstring .= '.'; + break; + } + echo '
'; } if ( $p = $paths->getAllParams() ) { @@ -189,7 +274,7 @@ ?> />
+ Forgot your password? No problem.
Maybe you need to create an account.
Code in image:
+ +
@@ -242,12 +342,12 @@ $plugins->attachHook('login_password_reset', 'SpecialLogin_SendResponse_PasswordReset($row[\'user_id\'], $row[\'temp_password\']);'); $json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); $data = $json->decode($_POST['params']); + $captcha_hash = ( isset($data['captcha_hash']) ) ? $data['captcha_hash'] : false; + $captcha_code = ( isset($data['captcha_code']) ) ? $data['captcha_code'] : false; $level = ( isset($data['level']) ) ? intval($data['level']) : USER_LEVEL_MEMBER; - $result = $session->login_with_crypto($data['username'], $data['crypt_data'], $data['crypt_key'], $data['challenge'], $level); + $result = $session->login_with_crypto($data['username'], $data['crypt_data'], $data['crypt_key'], $data['challenge'], $level, $captcha_hash, $captcha_code); $session->start(); - //echo "$result\n$session->sid_super"; - //exit; - if ( $result == 'success' ) + if ( $result['success'] ) { $response = Array( 'result' => 'success', @@ -256,9 +356,16 @@ } else { + $captcha = ''; + if ( $result['error'] == 'locked_out' && $result['lockout_policy'] == 'captcha' ) + { + $session->kill_captcha(); + $captcha = $session->make_captcha(); + } $response = Array( 'result' => 'error', - 'error' => $result + 'data' => $result, + 'captcha' => $captcha ); } $response = $json->encode($response); @@ -267,17 +374,19 @@ exit; } if(isset($_POST['login'])) { + $captcha_hash = ( isset($_POST['captcha_hash']) ) ? $_POST['captcha_hash'] : false; + $captcha_code = ( isset($_POST['captcha_code']) ) ? $_POST['captcha_code'] : false; if($_POST['use_crypt'] == 'yes') { - $result = $session->login_with_crypto($_POST['username'], $_POST['crypt_data'], $_POST['crypt_key'], $_POST['challenge_data'], intval($_POST['auth_level'])); + $result = $session->login_with_crypto($_POST['username'], $_POST['crypt_data'], $_POST['crypt_key'], $_POST['challenge_data'], intval($_POST['auth_level']), $captcha_hash, $captcha_code); } else { - $result = $session->login_without_crypto($_POST['username'], $_POST['pass'], false, intval($_POST['auth_level'])); + $result = $session->login_without_crypto($_POST['username'], $_POST['pass'], false, intval($_POST['auth_level']), $captcha_hash, $captcha_code); } $session->start(); $paths->init(); - if($result == 'success') + if($result['success']) { $template->load_theme($session->theme, $session->style); if(isset($_POST['return_to'])) diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 plugins/SpecialUserPrefs.php --- a/plugins/SpecialUserPrefs.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/plugins/SpecialUserPrefs.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects global $userprefs_menu_links; - userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Edit e-mail address and password', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/EmailPassword')); + userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Edit e-mail address and password', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/EmailPassword') . '" onclick="ajaxLoginNavTo(\'Special\', \'Preferences/EmailPassword\', '.USER_LEVEL_CHPREF.'); return false;'); userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Edit signature', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/Signature')); userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Edit public profile', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/Profile')); userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Inbox', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Inbox')); @@ -302,11 +302,14 @@ { case 'Home': global $email; - $user_page = 'user page (comments)'; + $userpage_id = $paths->nslist['User'] . sanitize_page_id($session->username); + $userpage_exists = ( isPage($userpage_id) ) ? '' : ' class="wikilink-nonexistent"'; + $user_page = 'user page (comments)'; $site_admin = $email->encryptEmail(getConfig('contact_email'), '', '', 'administrator'); + $make_one_now = 'make one now'; echo "

$session->username, welcome to your control panel

"; echo "

Here you can make changes to your profile, view statistics on yourself on this site, and set your preferences.


If you have not already done so, you are encouraged to make a $user_page and tell the other members of this site a little about yourself.


Your $user_page is your free writing space. You can use it to tell the other members of this site a little bit about yourself. If you haven't already made a user page, why not $make_one_now?

Use the menu at the top to navigate around. If you have any questions, you may contact the $site_admin."; break; case 'EmailPassword': diff -r 9b4279c25d33 -r c63c5ee6c6d6 plugins/admin/PageGroups.php --- a/plugins/admin/PageGroups.php Sun Sep 30 19:22:04 2007 -0400 +++ b/plugins/admin/PageGroups.php Sun Oct 07 21:31:14 2007 -0400 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between - * Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau) + * Version 1.1.1 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License @@ -48,7 +48,12 @@ echo '

Please specify at least one page to place in this group.
'; return; } - if ( $_POST['group_type'] != PAGE_GRP_TAGGED && $_POST['group_type'] != PAGE_GRP_CATLINK && $_POST['group_type'] != PAGE_GRP_NORMAL ) + if ( $_POST['group_type'] == PAGE_GRP_REGEX && empty($_POST['regex']) ) + { + echo '
Please specify a regular expression to match page IDs against.
'; + return; + } + if ( $_POST['group_type'] != PAGE_GRP_TAGGED && $_POST['group_type'] != PAGE_GRP_CATLINK && $_POST['group_type'] != PAGE_GRP_NORMAL && $_POST['group_type'] != PAGE_GRP_REGEX ) { echo '
Umm, you sent an invalid group type. I\'d put a real error message here but this will only be shown if you try to hack the system.
'; return; @@ -103,6 +108,14 @@ if ( !$q ) $db->_die(); break; + case PAGE_GRP_REGEX: + $name = $db->escape($_POST['pg_name']); + $regex = $db->escape($_POST['regex']); + $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.table_prefix.'page_groups(pg_type,pg_name,pg_target) VALUES(' . PAGE_GRP_REGEX . ', \'' . $name . '\', \'' . $regex . '\');'; + $q = $db->sql_query($sql); + if ( !$q ) + $db->_die(); + break; } echo '
The page group "' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['pg_name']) . '" has been created.
'; break; @@ -115,6 +128,7 @@ var pg_normal = ; var pg_tagged = ; var pg_catlink = ; + var pg_regex = ; var selection = false; // Get selection for ( var i = 0; i < selector.childNodes.length; i++ ) @@ -135,7 +149,7 @@ return true; } selection = parseInt(selection); - if ( selection != pg_normal && selection != pg_tagged && selection != pg_catlink ) + if ( selection != pg_normal && selection != pg_tagged && selection != pg_catlink && selection != pg_regex ) { alert('Invalid field value'); return true; @@ -156,6 +170,10 @@ document.getElementById('pg_create_title_normal').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('pg_create_normal_1').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('pg_create_normal_2').style.display = 'block'; + + document.getElementById('pg_create_title_regex').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_regex_1').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_regex_2').style.display = 'none'; } else if ( selection == pg_catlink ) { @@ -170,6 +188,10 @@ document.getElementById('pg_create_title_normal').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('pg_create_normal_1').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('pg_create_normal_2').style.display = 'none'; + + document.getElementById('pg_create_title_regex').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_regex_1').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_regex_2').style.display = 'none'; } else if ( selection == pg_tagged ) { @@ -184,6 +206,28 @@ document.getElementById('pg_create_title_normal').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('pg_create_normal_1').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('pg_create_normal_2').style.display = 'none'; + + document.getElementById('pg_create_title_regex').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_regex_1').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_regex_2').style.display = 'none'; + } + else if ( selection == pg_regex ) + { + document.getElementById('pg_create_title_catlink').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_catlink_1').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_catlink_2').style.display = 'none'; + + document.getElementById('pg_create_title_tagged').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_tagged_1').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_tagged_2').style.display = 'none'; + + document.getElementById('pg_create_title_normal').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_normal_1').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_normal_2').style.display = 'none'; + + document.getElementById('pg_create_title_regex').style.display = 'inline'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_regex_1').style.display = 'block'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_regex_2').style.display = 'block'; } } @@ -199,6 +243,10 @@ document.getElementById('pg_create_tagged_1').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('pg_create_tagged_2').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_title_regex').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_regex_1').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_regex_2').style.display = 'none'; + document.getElementById('pg_create_title_normal').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('pg_create_normal_1').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('pg_create_normal_2').style.display = 'block'; @@ -292,6 +340,7 @@ +
@@ -341,6 +401,9 @@ +
+ +