Dan [Sat, 02 Feb 2008 11:54:16 -0500] rev 395
Fixed splitting bug (really the same issue from stable) in get_pageid_from_url(); upgraded TinyMCE to version 3.0-stable
Dan [Thu, 31 Jan 2008 22:29:07 -0500] rev 394
Fixed jBox menus failing to appear when window scrolled down
Dan [Thu, 31 Jan 2008 16:43:37 -0500] rev 393
Unstable alpha release (1.1.1)
Dan [Thu, 31 Jan 2008 16:43:15 -0500] rev 392
Updated readme file for 1.1.1
Dan [Tue, 29 Jan 2008 23:15:44 -0500] rev 391
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Dan [Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:29:08 -0500] rev 390
Fixed JSON parser error in installer (caused by magic_quotes_gpc, wouldn't you know) and re-enabled server-side l10n debugging