Dan [Sun, 12 Aug 2007 13:14:26 -0400] rev 88
Fixed missing table_prefix in u_1_0_RC3_make_users_extra() in upgrade.php
Dan [Sun, 12 Aug 2007 13:11:16 -0400] rev 87
Redid stupid fading button code and fixed several RC2 bugs in the upgrade schema; 1.0.1 release candidate
Dan [Fri, 10 Aug 2007 15:57:22 -0400] rev 86
Finished pagination code (was incomplete in previous revision) and added a few hacks for an upcoming theme
Dan [Thu, 09 Aug 2007 12:26:16 -0400] rev 85
AJAX comments are now paginated; plugin manager can now show system plugins; typo in installer corrected; links in oxygen/stpatty/admin footers changed to "About Enano" page; 1.0.1 release candidate
Dan [Mon, 06 Aug 2007 10:37:42 -0400] rev 84
Now using a CSS hack for IE's "filter" attribute to prevent CSS warnings in Firefox
Dan [Mon, 06 Aug 2007 10:09:48 -0400] rev 83
Tag cloud is now implemented
Dan [Sun, 05 Aug 2007 17:10:17 -0400] rev 82
Fixed IE6 + Admin theme, version typo in installer, and paginator + IE6
Dan [Sun, 05 Aug 2007 15:58:50 -0400] rev 81
Replaced the menu in the admin theme with something much more visually pleasureable; minor fix in Special:UploadFile; finished patching a couple of XSS problems from Banshee; finished Admin:PageGroups; removed unneeded code in flyin.js; finished tag system (except tag cloud); 1.0.1 release candidate
Dan [Wed, 01 Aug 2007 13:39:27 -0400] rev 80
Improved and enabled HTML optimization algorithm; enabled gzip compression; added but did not test at all the tag cloud class in includes/tagcloud.php, this is still very preliminary and not ready for any type of production use
Dan [Mon, 30 Jul 2007 10:46:17 -0400] rev 79
Admin theme now uses a collapsable sidebar instead of that ugly menu (WiP)
Dan [Sun, 29 Jul 2007 17:40:36 -0400] rev 78
Modified Text_Wiki parser to fully support UTF-8 strings; several other UTF-8 fixes, international characters seem to work reasonably well now
Dan [Sat, 28 Jul 2007 18:11:14 -0400] rev 77
Stale data in config.php, don't know how that happened, passwords have been changed
Dan [Sat, 28 Jul 2007 18:08:58 -0400] rev 76
Work started on page tags, still aways to go, but syncing to Nighthawk
Dan [Wed, 25 Jul 2007 18:09:21 -0400] rev 75
Oops, forgot to add PageGroups.php in plugins/admin/
Dan [Wed, 25 Jul 2007 18:06:34 -0400] rev 74
Various bugfixes and cleanups, too much to remember... see the diffs for what got changed :-)