author Dan
Thu, 17 Jan 2008 02:03:33 -0500
changeset 349 fdaf9070566c
parent 348 87e08a6e4fec
child 391 85f91037cd4f
permissions -rw-r--r--
More progress on the installer. At this point it can install and import the language, but does not rename config files. Still much work to be done, most notably localization and creation of MySQL users and databases.


 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Version 1.1.1
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
 * Installation package
 * login.php - Installer login information stage
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.

if ( !defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL') )

// AES functions required
require_once( ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/rijndael.php' );
require_once( ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/constants.php' );
require_once( ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/dbal.php' );

// Write our temporary password key to the database
require( ENANO_ROOT . '/' );
if ( !defined('ENANO_INSTALL_HAVE_CONFIG') )
  die('Config file is corrupt');
$db = new $dbdriver();
$result = $db->connect(true, $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname);
if ( !$result )
  die('DB privileges were revoked');

// Is the key in the database?
$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT config_value FROM ' . table_prefix . 'config WHERE config_name = \'install_aes_key\';');
if ( !$q )
if ( $db->numrows() > 0 )
  list($install_aes_key) = $db->fetchrow_num();
  $aes = AESCrypt::singleton(AES_BITS, AES_BLOCKSIZE);
  $install_aes_key = $aes->gen_readymade_key();
  if ( ! $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . table_prefix . 'config ( config_name, config_value ) VALUES ( \'install_aes_key\', \'' . $install_aes_key .'\' ); ') )

$ui->add_header('<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/js/formutils.js"></script>');

// FIXME: l10n
<h3>Administration account</h3>
<p>Now it's time to create the account you'll use to administer your site. The e-mail address you enter here will also be used for the global contact address; you can change this after installation is finished if need be.</p>
<p>Do not forget the information you enter here. Otherwise you will be unable to administer your site.</p>

<script type="text/javascript">

  // <![CDATA[
  function verify(target)
    var frm = document.forms [ 'install_login' ];
    var undefined;
    var passed = true;
    var data = {
      username: frm.username.value,
      password: frm.password.value,
      password_confirm: frm.password_confirm.value,
    if ( !target )
      target = { name: undefined };
    if ( == undefined || == 'username' )
      var matches = validateUsername(data.username);
      document.getElementById('s_username').src = ( matches ) ? img_good : img_bad;
      if ( !matches )
        passed = false;
    if ( == undefined || == 'password' || == 'password_confirm' )
      var matches = ( data.password.length >= 6 && data.password == data.password_confirm ) ;
      document.getElementById('s_password').src = ( matches ) ? img_good : img_bad;
      if ( !matches )
        passed = false;
    if ( == undefined || == 'email' )
      var matches = validateEmail(;
      document.getElementById('s_email').src = ( matches ) ? img_good : img_bad;
      if ( !matches )
        passed = false;
    return passed;
  function verify_submit()
    if ( verify() )
      return true;
    alert("One or more of the form fields contains an incorrect value. Please correct any fields that have an X next to them.");
  function submit_encrypt()
    var frm = document.forms [ 'install_login' ];
    var password = frm.password.value;
    var pass_conf = frm.password_confirm.value;
    var crypt_key = frm.crypt_key.value;
    if ( password != pass_conf )
      return false;
    if ( !aes_self_test() )
      // Return true to prevent form from failing
      return true;
    if ( frm.crypt_key.KeyBak )
      crypt_key = frm.crypt_key.KeyBak;
    frm.crypt_key.KeyBak = crypt_key;
    password = stringToByteArray(password);
    crypt_key = hexToByteArray(crypt_key);
    var crypt_data = rijndaelEncrypt(password, crypt_key, 'ECB');
    if ( !crypt_data )
      alert('Received a bad response from rijndaelEncrypt(). Shift-click "reload" or "refresh" (depending on your browser) and try again.');
      return false;
    crypt_data = byteArrayToHex(crypt_data);
    frm.password.value = '';
    frm.password_confirm.value = '';
    frm.crypt_key.value = '';
    frm.crypt_data.value = crypt_data;
    return true;
  // ]]>


<form action="install.php?stage=confirm" method="post" name="install_login" onsubmit="return ( verify_submit() && submit_encrypt() );"><?php
  foreach ( $_POST as $key => &$value )
    if ( !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/', $key) )
      die('You idiot hacker...');
    if ( $key == '_cont' )
    $value_clean = str_replace(array('\\', '"', '<', '>'), array('\\\\', '\\"', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $value);
    echo "\n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$key\" value=\"$value_clean\" />";
  $https = ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off' );
  $scriptpath_full = 'http' . ( $https ? 's' : '' ) . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . scriptPath . '/';
  <input type="hidden" name="crypt_key" value="<?php echo $install_aes_key; ?>" />
  <input type="hidden" name="crypt_data" value="" />
  <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" style="width: 100%;">
      <td style="width: 50%;">
      <td style="width: 50%;">
        <input type="text" tabindex="1" name="username" size="15" onkeyup="verify(this);" />
        <img id="s_username" alt="Good/bad icon" src="../images/bad.gif" />
        <b>Password</b><br />
        This will be encrypted with AES before it's sent to the server.
        <input type="password" tabindex="2" name="password" size="15" onkeyup="password_score_field(this); verify(this);" /><br />
        <br />
        <div id="pwmeter"></div>
        <br />
        <input type="password" tabindex="3" name="password_confirm" size="15" onkeyup="verify(this);" /> <small>(confirm)</small>
        <img id="s_password" alt="Good/bad icon" src="../images/bad.gif" />
      <td style="width: 50%;">
      <td style="width: 50%;">
        <input type="text" tabindex="4" name="email" size="30" onkeyup="verify(this);" />
        <img id="s_email" alt="Good/bad icon" src="../images/bad.gif" />
  <div style="text-align: center;">
    <input type="submit" name="_cont" value="<?= $lang->get('meta_btn_continue'); ?>" />