author Dan Fuhry <>
Thu, 28 Oct 2010 03:05:31 -0400
changeset 1308 f9bee9b125ee
parent 1285 4d511be69a5f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Parser updates. Added the "styled" keyword to wikitables to allow them to be styled using the current theme's standard table skinning, and changes to how the image tag parser decides how to display an image (framed, inline or raw).


 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Dan Fuhry
 * paths.php - The part of Enano that actually manages content. Everything related to page handling and namespaces is in here.
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
 * @package Enano
 * @subpackage PathManager
 * @see

class pathManager
	public $title, $pages, $custom_page, $cpage, $page, $fullpage, $page_exists, $page_id, $namespace, $nslist, $admin_tree, $wiki_mode, $page_protected, $template_cache, $external_api_page;
 	* List of custom processing functions for namespaces. This is protected so trying to do anything with it will throw an error.
 	* @access private
 	* @var array
	protected $namespace_processors;
	function __construct()
		global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
		$GLOBALS['paths'] =& $this;
		$this->pages = Array();
		// The key names should NOT EVER be changed, or Enano will be very broken
		$namespace_delimiter = ( defined('WINDOWS_MOD_REWRITE_WORKAROUNDS') ) ? '.' : ':';
		$this->nslist = Array(
			'Article'  => '',
			'User'     => 'User' . $namespace_delimiter,
			'File'     => 'File' . $namespace_delimiter,
			'Help'     => 'Help' . $namespace_delimiter,
			'Admin'    => 'Admin' . $namespace_delimiter,
			'Special'  => 'Special' . $namespace_delimiter,
			'System'   => 'Enano' . $namespace_delimiter,
			'Template' => 'Template' . $namespace_delimiter,
			'Category' => 'Category' . $namespace_delimiter,
			'API'      => 'SystemAPI' . $namespace_delimiter,
			'Project'  => sanitize_page_id(getConfig('site_name')) . $namespace_delimiter,
		// ACL types
		// These can also be added from within plugins
		$session->register_acl_type('read',                   AUTH_ALLOW,    'perm_read');
		$session->register_acl_type('post_comments',          AUTH_ALLOW,    'perm_post_comments',          Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('edit_comments',          AUTH_ALLOW,    'perm_edit_comments',          Array('post_comments'),                                   'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('edit_page',              AUTH_WIKIMODE, 'perm_edit_page',              Array('view_source'),                                     'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('edit_wysiwyg',           AUTH_ALLOW,    'perm_edit_wysiwyg',           Array(),                                                  'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('view_source',            AUTH_WIKIMODE, 'perm_view_source',            Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category'); // Only used if the page is protected
		$session->register_acl_type('mod_comments',           AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_mod_comments',           Array('edit_comments'),                                   'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('history_view',           AUTH_WIKIMODE, 'perm_history_view',           Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('history_rollback',       AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_history_rollback',       Array('history_view'),                                    'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('history_rollback_extra', AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_history_rollback_extra', Array('history_rollback'),                                'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('protect',                AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_protect',                Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('rename',                 AUTH_WIKIMODE, 'perm_rename',                 Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('clear_logs',             AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_clear_logs',             Array('read', 'protect', 'even_when_protected'),          'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('vote_delete',            AUTH_ALLOW,    'perm_vote_delete',            Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('vote_reset',             AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_vote_reset',             Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('delete_page',            AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_delete_page',            Array(),                                                  'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('tag_create',             AUTH_ALLOW,    'perm_tag_create',             Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('tag_delete_own',         AUTH_ALLOW,    'perm_tag_delete_own',         Array('read', 'tag_create'),                              'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('tag_delete_other',       AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_tag_delete_other',       Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('set_wiki_mode',          AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_set_wiki_mode',          Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('password_set',           AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_password_set',           Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('password_reset',         AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_password_reset',         Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('mod_misc',               AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_mod_misc',               Array(),                                                  'All');
		$session->register_acl_type('edit_cat',               AUTH_WIKIMODE, 'perm_edit_cat',               Array('read'),                                            'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('even_when_protected',    AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_even_when_protected',    Array('edit_page', 'rename', 'mod_comments', 'edit_cat'), 'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category');
		$session->register_acl_type('create_page',            AUTH_WIKIMODE, 'perm_create_page',            Array(),                                                  'All');
		$session->register_acl_type('upload_files',           AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_upload_files',           Array('create_page'),                                     'All');
		$session->register_acl_type('upload_new_version',     AUTH_WIKIMODE, 'perm_upload_new_version',     Array('upload_files'),                                    'All');
		$session->register_acl_type('html_in_pages',          AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_html_in_pages',          Array('edit_page'),                                       'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category|Admin');
		$session->register_acl_type('php_in_pages',           AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_php_in_pages',           Array('edit_page', 'html_in_pages'),                      'Article|User|Project|Template|File|Help|System|Category|Admin');
		$session->register_acl_type('custom_user_title',      AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_custom_user_title',      Array(),                                                  'User|Special');
		$session->register_acl_type('edit_acl',               AUTH_DISALLOW, 'perm_edit_acl',               Array());
		// DO NOT add new admin pages here! Use a plugin to call $paths->addAdminNode();
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_general',    'adm_page_general_config', 'GeneralConfig',          array(2, 2));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_general',    'adm_page_file_uploads',   'UploadConfig',           array(2, 5));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_general',    'adm_page_file_types',     'UploadAllowedMimeTypes', array(1, 5));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_content',    'adm_page_manager',        'PageManager',            array(1, 4));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_content',    'adm_page_editor',         'PageEditor',             array(3, 3));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_content',    'adm_page_pg_groups',      'PageGroups',             array(4, 3));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_appearance', 'adm_page_themes',         'ThemeManager',           array(4, 4));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_appearance', 'adm_page_plugins',        'PluginManager',          array(2, 4));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_appearance', 'adm_page_editsidebar',    'EditSidebar',            array(1, 6));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_appearance', 'adm_page_db_backup',      'DBBackup',               array(1, 2));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_appearance', 'adm_page_lang_manager',   'LangManager',            array(1, 3));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_appearance', 'adm_page_cache_manager',  'CacheManager',           array(3, 1));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_users',      'adm_page_users',          'UserManager',            array(3, 5));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_users',      'adm_page_user_groups',    'GroupManager',           array(3, 2));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_users',      'adm_page_coppa',          'COPPA',                  array(4, 1));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_users',      'adm_page_mass_email',     'MassEmail',              array(2, 3));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_users',      'adm_page_user_ranks',     'UserRanks',              array(4, 5));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_security',   'adm_page_security_log',   'SecurityLog',            array(3, 4));
		$this->addAdminNode('adm_cat_security',   'adm_page_ban_control',    'BanControl',             array(2, 1));
		$code = $plugins->setHook('acl_rule_init');
		foreach ( $code as $cmd )
		$this->wiki_mode = ( getConfig('wiki_mode') == '1' ) ? 1 : 0;
		$this->template_cache = Array();
	function init($title)
		global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
		global $lang;
		global $cache;
		$code = $plugins->setHook('paths_init_before');
		foreach ( $code as $cmd )
		if ( defined('ENANO_INTERFACE_INDEX') || defined('ENANO_INTERFACE_AJAX') || defined('IN_ENANO_UPGRADE') )
			if ( empty($title) )
				$title = get_title();
			if ( empty($title) && !have_blank_urlname_page() )
			if ( strstr($title, ' ') || strstr($title, '+') || strstr($title, '%20') )
				$title = sanitize_page_id($title);
				redirect(makeUrl($title), '', '', 0);
			$title = sanitize_page_id($title);
			// We've got the title, pull the namespace from it
			$namespace = 'Article';
			$page_id = $title;
			foreach ( $this->nslist as $ns => $prefix )
				$prefix_len = strlen($prefix);
				if ( substr($title, 0, $prefix_len) == $prefix )
					$page_id = substr($title, $prefix_len);
					$namespace = $ns;
			$this->namespace = $namespace;
			$this->fullpage = $title;
			if ( $namespace == 'Special' || $namespace == 'Admin' )
				list($page_id) = explode('/', $page_id);
			$this->page = $this->nslist[$namespace] . $page_id;
			$this->page_id = $page_id;
			$ns = namespace_factory($page_id, $namespace);
			$this->cpage = $ns->get_cdata();
			$this->page_exists = $ns->exists();
			$this->wiki_mode = false;
			$wiki_mode_eligible = ($session->user_logged_in && getConfig('wiki_mode_require_login', 0) == 1) || getConfig('wiki_mode_require_login', 0) == 0;
			$global_wiki_mode = getConfig('wiki_mode', 0) == 1;
			if ( $wiki_mode_eligible && (($this->cpage['wiki_mode'] == 2 && $global_wiki_mode) || $this->cpage['wiki_mode'] == 1))
				$this->wiki_mode = true;
			// die("All done setting parameters. What we've got:<br/>namespace: $namespace<br/>fullpage: $this->fullpage<br/>page: $this->page<br/>page_id: $this->page_id");
			// Starting up Enano with the API from a page that wants to do its own thing. Generate
			// metadata for an anonymous page and avoid redirection at all costs.
			if ( isset($GLOBALS['title']) )
				$title =& $GLOBALS['title'];
				$title = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
			$base_uri = scriptPath == '' ? ltrim($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/') : str_replace( scriptPath . '/', '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] );
			$this->page = $this->nslist['API'] . sanitize_page_id($base_uri);
			$this->fullpage = $this->nslist['API'] . sanitize_page_id($base_uri);
			$this->namespace = 'API';
			$this->cpage = array(
					'name' => $title,
					'urlname' => sanitize_page_id($base_uri),
					'namespace' => 'API',
					'special' => 1,
					'visible' => 1,
					'comments_on' => 1,
					'protected' => 1,
					'delvotes' => 0,
					'delvote_ips' => '',
					'page_format' => getConfig('default_page_format', 'wikitext')
			$this->external_api_page = true;
			$code = $plugins->setHook('paths_external_api_page');
			foreach ( $code as $cmd )
		$this->page = sanitize_page_id($this->page);
		$this->fullpage = sanitize_page_id($this->fullpage);
			$this->page_exists = true;
			$this->cpage = $this->pages[$this->page];
			$this->page_id =& $this->cpage['urlname_nons'];
			$this->namespace = $this->cpage['namespace'];
			if(!isset($this->cpage['wiki_mode'])) $this->cpage['wiki_mode'] = 2;
			// Determine the wiki mode for this page, now that we have this->cpage established
			if($this->cpage['wiki_mode'] == 2)
				$this->wiki_mode = (int)getConfig('wiki_mode', 0);
				$this->wiki_mode = $this->cpage['wiki_mode'];
			// Allow the user to create/modify his user page uncondtionally (admins can still protect the page)
			if($this->page == $this->nslist['User'].str_replace(' ', '_', $session->username))
				$this->wiki_mode = true;
			// And above all, if the site requires wiki mode to be off for non-logged-in users, disable it now
			if(getConfig('wiki_mode_require_login')=='1' && !$session->user_logged_in)
				$this->wiki_mode = false;
			if($this->cpage['protected'] == 2)
				// The page is semi-protected, determine permissions
				if($session->user_logged_in && $session->reg_time + 60*60*24*4 < time()) 
					$this->page_protected = 0;
					$this->page_protected = 1;
				$this->page_protected = $this->cpage['protected'];
			$this->page_exists = false;
			$page_name = dirtify_page_id($this->page);
			$page_name = str_replace('_', ' ', $page_name);
			$pid_cleaned = sanitize_page_id($this->page);
			if ( $pid_cleaned != $this->page )
				redirect(makeUrl($pid_cleaned), 'Sanitizer message', 'page id sanitized', 0);
			if ( !is_array($this->cpage) )
				$this->cpage = Array(
					'name' => $page_name,
					'urlname' => $this->page,
					'namespace' => 'Article',
					'special' => 0,
					'visible' => 0,
					'comments_on' => 1,
					'protected' => 0,
					'delvotes' => 0,
					'delvote_ips' => '',
					'wiki_mode' => 2,
					'page_format' => getConfig('default_page_format', 'wikitext')
			// Look for a namespace prefix in the urlname, and assign a different namespace, if necessary
			$k = array_keys($this->nslist);
				$ln = strlen($this->nslist[$k[$i]]);
				if( substr($this->page, 0, $ln) == $this->nslist[$k[$i]] )
					$this->cpage['namespace'] = $k[$i];
					$this->cpage['urlname_nons'] = substr($this->page, strlen($this->nslist[$this->cpage['namespace']]), strlen($this->page));
						$this->cpage['wiki_mode'] = 2;
			$this->namespace = $this->cpage['namespace'];
			$this->page_id =& $this->cpage['urlname_nons'];
				$this->cpage['protected'] = 1;
			if($this->namespace == 'Special' && !$this->external_api_page)
				// Can't load nonexistent pages
				if( is_string(get_main_page()) )
					$main_page = makeUrl(get_main_page());
					$main_page = makeUrl($this->pages[0]['urlname']);
				redirect($main_page, $lang->get('page_msg_special_404_title'), $lang->get('page_msg_special_404_body', array('sp_link' => makeUrlNS('Special', 'SpecialPages'))), 15);
			// Allow the user to create/modify his user page uncondtionally (admins can still protect the page)
			if($this->page == $this->nslist['User'].str_replace(' ', '_', $session->username)) 
				$this->wiki_mode = true;
		// This is used in the admin panel to keep track of form submission targets
		$this->cpage['module'] = $this->cpage['urlname'];
		$this->cpage['require_admin'] = ( $this->cpage['namespace'] === 'Admin' );
		// Page is set up, call any hooks
		$code = $plugins->setHook('page_set');
		foreach ( $code as $cmd )
		profiler_log('Paths and CMS core initted');
 	* Fetch cdata (metadata) for a page.
 	* @param string Page ID
 	* @param string Namespace
 	* @return array
	function get_cdata($page_id, $namespace)
		global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
		$pathskey = $this->get_pathskey($page_id, $namespace);
		if ( isset($this->pages[$pathskey]) )
			return $this->pages[$pathskey];
		$page = namespace_factory($page_id, $namespace);
		$cdata = $page->get_cdata();
		$this->pages[$pathskey] = $cdata;
		return $cdata;
 	* For a given page ID and namespace, generate a flat string that can be used to access $paths->pages.
 	* @param string Page ID
 	* @param string Namespace
	function get_pathskey($page_id, $namespace)
		return ( isset($this->nslist[$namespace]) ) ? "{$this->nslist[$namespace]}{$page_id}" : "{$namespace}:{$page_id}";
	function add_page($flags)
		global $lang;
		$flags['urlname_nons'] = $flags['urlname'];
		$flags['urlname'] = $this->nslist[$flags['namespace']] . $flags['urlname']; // Applies the User:/File:/etc prefixes to the URL names
		if ( is_object($lang) )
			if ( preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+_[a-z0-9_]+$/', $flags['name']) )
				$flags['name'] = $lang->get($flags['name']);
		$flags['require_admin'] = ( $flags['namespace'] === 'Admin' );
		$flags['page_exists'] = true;
		$this->pages[$flags['urlname']] = $flags;
	function main_page()
		if( is_string(get_main_page()) )
			$main_page = makeUrl(get_main_page());
			$main_page = makeUrl($this->pages[0]['urlname']);
		redirect($main_page, 'Redirecting...', 'Invalid request, redirecting to main page', 0);
	function sysmsg($n)
		global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
		static $sm_cache = array();
		if ( isset($sm_cache[$n]) )
			return $sm_cache[$n];
		// sometimes this gets called during die_semicritical()...
		if ( !is_object($db) )
			return false;
		if ( !@$db->_conn )
			return false;
		$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT page_text, char_tag FROM '.table_prefix.'page_text WHERE page_id=\''.$db->escape(sanitize_page_id($n)).'\' AND namespace=\'System\'');
		if( !$q )
			$db->_die('Error during generic selection of system page data.');
		if($db->numrows() < 1)
			return false;
			//$db->_die('Error during generic selection of system page data: there were no rows in the text table that matched the page text query.');
		$r = $db->fetchrow();
		$message = $r['page_text'];
		$message = preg_replace('/<noinclude>(.*?)<\/noinclude>/is', '', $message);
		$message = preg_replace('/<nodisplay>(.*?)<\/nodisplay>/is', '\\1', $message);
		$sm_cache[$n] = $message;
		return $message;
	function get_pageid_from_url()
		return get_title(true, true);
	// Parses a (very carefully formed) array into Javascript code compatible with the Tigra Tree Menu used in the admin menu
	function parseAdminTree() 
		global $lang;
		$k = array_keys($this->admin_tree);
		$i = 0;
		$ret = '';
		$icon = $this->make_sprite_icon(4, 2);
		$ret .= "var TREE_ITEMS = ";
		$tree = array(
				array($icon . $lang->get('adm_btn_home'), "javascript:ajaxPage('{$this->nslist['Admin']}Home');")
		$root =& $tree[0];
		foreach($k as $key)
			$name = $lang->get($key);
			$group = array($name, "javascript:trees[0].toggle($i)");
			foreach($this->admin_tree[$key] as $nodeid => $c)
				$name = $lang->get($c['name']);
				if ( $c['icon'] && $c['icon'] != cdnPath . '/images/spacer.gif' )
					if ( is_array($c['icon']) )
						// this is a sprite reference
						list($ix, $iy) = $c['icon'];
						$icon = $this->make_sprite_icon($ix, $iy);
						$icon = "<img alt=\"\" src=\"{$c['icon']}\" style=\"border-width: 0; margin-right: 3px;\" /> ";
					$icon = '';
				$group[] = array("$icon$name", "javascript:ajaxPage('{$this->nslist['Admin']}{$c['pageid']}');");
			$root[] = $group;
		$icon = $this->make_sprite_icon(1, 1);
		$root[] = array(
				$icon . $lang->get('adm_btn_logout'),
		$root[] = array(
				"<span id=\"keepalivestat\">" . $lang->get('adm_btn_keepalive_loading') . "</span>",
		$ret .= enano_json_encode($tree) . ';';
		// I used this while I painstakingly wrote the Runt code that auto-expands certain nodes based on the value of a bitfield stored in a cookie. *shudders*
		// $ret .= "    ['(debug) Clear menu bitfield', 'javascript:createCookie(\\'admin_menu_state\\', \\'1\\', 365);'],\n";
		return $ret;
 	* Internal function to generate HTML code for an icon in the admin panel tree which is sprited.
 	* @param int X index of icon
 	* @param int Y index of icon
 	* @return string
	function make_sprite_icon($ix, $iy)
		$xpos = 16 * ( $ix - 1 );
		$ypos = 16 * ( $iy - 1 );
		return "<img alt=\"\" src=\"" . cdnPath . "/images/spacer.gif\" class=\"adminiconsprite\" style=\"border-width: 0; margin-right: 3px; background-position: -{$xpos}px -{$ypos}px;\" /> ";
 	* Creates a new entry in the administration panel's navigation tree.
 	* @param string Section name - if this is a language string identifier, it will be sent through $lang->get()
 	* @param string The title of the page, also may be a language string identifier
 	* @param string The page ID of the admin page, the namespace Admin is assumed
 	* @param string Optional. The path to a 16x16 image that will be displayed as the icon for this admin page
	function addAdminNode($section, $page_title, $url, $icon = false)
		if ( !$icon )
			$icon = cdnPath . '/images/spacer.gif';
			$this->admin_tree[$section] = Array();
		$this->admin_tree[$section][] = Array(
				'name' => $page_title,
				'pageid' => $url,
				'icon' => $icon
	function getParam($id = 0)
		$title = $this->fullpage;
		list(, $ns) = RenderMan::strToPageID($title);
		$title = substr($title, strlen($this->nslist[$ns]));
		$regex = '/^' . str_replace('/', '\\/', preg_quote($this->nslist[$ns])) . '\\/?/';
		$title = preg_replace($regex, '', $title);
		$title = explode('/', $title);
		$id = $id + 1;
		return ( isset($title[$id]) ) ? $title[$id] : false;
	function getAllParams()
		$title = $this->fullpage;
		$regex = '/^' . str_replace('/', '\\/', preg_quote($this->nslist[$this->namespace])) . '\\/?/';
		$title = preg_replace($regex, '', $title);
		$title = explode('/', $title);
		return implode('/', $title);
 	* Creates a new namespace in memory
 	* @param string $id the namespace ID
 	* @param string $prefix the URL prefix, must not be blank or already used
 	* @return bool true on success false on failure
	function create_namespace($id, $prefix)
		if(in_array($prefix, $this->nslist))
			// echo '<b>Warning:</b> pathManager::create_namespace: Prefix "'.$prefix.'" is already taken<br />';
			return false;
		if( isset($this->nslist[$id]) )
			// echo '<b>Warning:</b> pathManager::create_namespace: Namespace ID "'.$prefix.'" is already taken<br />';
			return false;
		$this->nslist[$id] = $prefix;
 	* Deprecated.
	function update_metadata_cache()
		global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
		return false;
 	* Takes a result row from the pages table and calculates correct values for it.
 	* @param array
 	* @return array
	function calculate_metadata_from_row($r)
		return Namespace_Default::bake_cdata($r);
 	* Registers a handler to manually process a namespace instead of the default PageProcessor behavior.
 	* The first and only parameter passed to the processing function will be the PageProcessor instance.
 	* @param string Namespace to process
 	* @param mixed Function address. Either a function name or an array of the form array(0 => mixed (string:class name or object), 1 => string:method)
	function register_namespace_processor($namespace, $function)
		if ( isset($this->namespace_processors[$namespace]) )
			$processorname = ( is_string($this->namespace_processors[$namespace]) ) ?
				$this->namespace_processors[$namespace] :
				( is_object($this->namespace_processors[$namespace][0]) ? get_class($this->namespace_processors[$namespace][0]) : $this->namespace_processors[$namespace][0] ) . '::' .
			trigger_error("Namespace \"$namespace\" is already being processed by $processorname - replacing caller", E_USER_WARNING);
		if ( !is_string($function) )
			if ( !is_array($function) )
				return false;
			if ( count($function) != 2 )
				return false;
			if ( !is_string($function[0]) && !is_object($function[0]) )
				return false;
			if ( !is_string($function[1]) )
				return false;
		// security: don't allow Special or Admin namespaces to be overridden
		if ( $namespace == 'Special' || $namespace == 'Admin' )
			trigger_error("Security manager denied attempt to override processor for $namespace", E_USER_ERROR);
		$this->namespace_processors[$namespace] = $function;
 	* Returns a namespace processor if one exists, otherwise returns false.
 	* @param string Namespace
 	* @return mixed
	function get_namespace_processor($namespace)
		return ( isset($this->namespace_processors[$namespace]) ) ? $this->namespace_processors[$namespace] : false;
 	* Fetches the page texts for searching
	function fetch_page_search_texts()
		global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
		$texts = Array();
		$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT t.page_id,t.namespace,t.page_text,t.char_tag FROM '.table_prefix.'page_text AS t
 													LEFT JOIN '.table_prefix.'pages AS p
 														ON t.page_id=p.urlname
 													WHERE p.namespace=t.namespace
 														AND ( p.password=\'\' OR p.password=\'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709\' )
 														AND p.visible=1;'); // Only indexes "visible" pages
		if( !$q )
			return false;
		while($row = $db->fetchrow())
			$pid = $this->nslist[$row['namespace']] . $row['page_id'];
			$texts[$pid] = $row['page_text'];
		return $texts;
 	* Generates an SQL query to grab all of the text
	function fetch_page_search_resource()
		global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
		// sha1('') returns "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709"
		$concat_column = ( ENANO_DBLAYER == 'MYSQL' ) ?
			'CONCAT(\'ns=\',t.namespace,\';pid=\',t.page_id)' :
			"'ns=' || t.namespace || ';pid=' || t.page_id";
		$texts = 'SELECT t.page_text, ' . $concat_column . ' AS page_idstring, t.page_id, t.namespace FROM '.table_prefix.'page_text AS t
 													LEFT JOIN '.table_prefix.'pages AS p
 														ON ( t.page_id=p.urlname AND t.namespace=p.namespace )
 													WHERE p.namespace=t.namespace
 														AND ( p.password=\'\' OR p.password=\'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709\' )
 														AND p.visible=1;'; // Only indexes "visible" pages
		return $texts;
	 * Get the unique words on a page. Returns an array listing all items in small array $arr1 that are not in very large array $arr2.
	 * @param array
	 * @param array
	 * @return array
	function get_unique_words($arr1, $arr2)
		$no = array();
		foreach ( $arr2 as $w )
			if ( ($k = array_search($w, $arr1, true)) !== false )
				$no[$k] = true;
		$ret = array();
		foreach ( $arr1 as $k => $w )
			if ( !isset($no[$k]) )
				$ret[] = $w;
		return $ret;
 	* Builds a word list for search indexing.
 	* @param string Text to index
 	* @param string Page ID of the page being indexed
 	* @param string Title of the page being indexed
 	* @return array List of words
	function calculate_word_list($text, $page_id, $page_name)
		$page_id = dirtify_page_id($page_id);
		$text = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\']/i', ' ', $text);
		$page_id = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\']/i', ' ', $page_id);
		$page_name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\']/i', ' ', $page_name);
		$text .= " $page_id $page_name";
		$text = explode(' ', $text);
		foreach ( $text as $i => &$word )
			if ( strstr($word, "''") )
				$word = preg_replace("/[']{2,}/", '', $word);
			if ( strlen($word) < 2 )
		$text = array_unique(array_values($text));
		// for debugging purposes (usually XSS safe because of character stripping)
		// echo ' ' . implode(' ', $text) . '<br />';
		return $text;
 	* Rebuilds the site's entire search index. Considerably more exciting if run from the command line.
 	* @param bool If true, verbose output.
 	* @param bool If true, verbose + debugging output.
	function rebuild_search_index($verbose = false, $debug = false)
		global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
		require_once(ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/search.php');
		$progress = false;
		if ( class_exists('ProgressBar') )
			// CLI only.
			$progress = new ProgressBar('Rebuilding search index: [', ']', 'Initializing...', 'green', 'blue', 'white', 'yellow');
			$verbose = false;
			$debug = false;
		$q = $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . table_prefix . 'search_index;');
		if ( !$q )
		$sha1_blank = sha1('');
		// Index $pages_in_batch pages at a time
		$pages_in_batch = 15;
		// First find out how many pages there are
		$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT COUNT(p.urlname) AS num_pages FROM ' . table_prefix . "page_text AS t\n"
											. "  LEFT JOIN " . table_prefix . "pages AS p\n"
											. "    ON ( p.urlname = t.page_id AND p.namespace = t.namespace )\n"
											. "  WHERE ( p.password = '' OR p.password = '$sha1_blank' )\n"
											. "    AND ( p.visible = 1 );");
		if ( !$q )
		list($num_pages) = $db->fetchrow_num();
		$num_pages = intval($num_pages);
		$loops = ceil($num_pages / $pages_in_batch);
		$master_word_list = array();
		$stopwords = get_stopwords();
		for ( $j = 0; $j < $loops; )
			$offset = $j * $pages_in_batch;
			if ( $verbose && $debug )
				echo "Running indexing round $j of $loops (offset $offset)\n" . ( isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? '<br />' : '' );
			// this is friendly to both MySQL and PostgreSQL.
			$texts = $db->sql_query('SELECT, p.visible, t.page_id, t.namespace, t.page_text FROM ' . table_prefix . "page_text AS t\n"
														. "  LEFT JOIN " . table_prefix . "pages AS p\n"
														. "    ON ( p.urlname = t.page_id AND p.namespace = t.namespace )\n"
														. "  WHERE ( p.password = '' OR p.password = '$sha1_blank' )\n"
														. "    AND ( p.visible = 1 )\n"
														. "  LIMIT $pages_in_batch OFFSET $offset;", false);
			if ( !$texts )
			$k = $offset;
			if ( $row = $db->fetchrow($texts) )
					if ( $verbose )
						$mu = memory_get_usage();
						echo "  Indexing page $k of $num_pages: {$row['namespace']}:{$row['page_id']}";
						if ( $debug )
							echo ", mem = $mu...";
					else if ( is_object($progress) )
						$progress->update_text_quiet("$k/$num_pages {$row['namespace']}:{$row['page_id']}");
						$progress->set($k, $num_pages);
					// skip this page if it's not supposed to be indexed
					if ( $row['visible'] == 0 )
						if ( $verbose )
							echo "skipped";
							if ( isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) )
								echo '<br />';
							echo "\n";
					// Indexing identifier for the page in the DB
					$page_uniqid = "ns={$row['namespace']};pid=" . sanitize_page_id($row['page_id']);
					$page_uniqid = $db->escape($page_uniqid);
					// List of words on the page
					if ( $debug )
						echo "wordlist...";
					$wordlist = $this->calculate_word_list($row['page_text'], $row['page_id'], $row['name']);
					// Index calculation complete -- run inserts
					$inserts = array();
					$qt = array();
					$unique_words = $this->get_unique_words($wordlist, $master_word_list);
					foreach ( $wordlist as $word )
						$qs = microtime_float();
						if ( in_array($word, $stopwords) || strval(intval($word)) === $word || strlen($word) < 3 )
						$word_db = $db->escape($word);
						$word_db_lc = $db->escape(strtolower($word));
						if ( in_array($word, $unique_words) )
							$inserts[] = "( '$word_db', '$word_db_lc', '$page_uniqid' )";
							if ( $verbose && $debug )
								echo '.';
							$pid_col = ( ENANO_DBLAYER == 'MYSQL' ) ?
													"CONCAT( page_names, ',$page_uniqid' )":
													"page_names || ',$page_uniqid'";
							$q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . table_prefix . "search_index SET page_names = $pid_col WHERE word = '$word_db';", false);
							if ( !$q )
						$qt[] = microtime_float() - $qs;
					if ( $debug && count($qt) > 0 )
						echo "QT: " . number_format(array_sum($qt) / count($qt), 4) . " * " . count($qt) . '; wl_len: ' . count($master_word_list) .' ';
					if ( count($inserts) > 0 )
						if ( $verbose && $debug )
							echo 'i';
						$inserts = implode(",\n  ", $inserts);
						$q = $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . table_prefix . "search_index(word, word_lcase, page_names) VALUES\n  $inserts;", false);
						if ( !$q )
					$master_word_list = array_merge($master_word_list, $unique_words);
					if ( $verbose )
						if ( isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) )
							echo '<br />';
						echo "\n";
					unset($inserts, $wordlist, $page_uniqid, $word_db, $q, $word, $row, $unique_words);
				while ( $row = $db->fetchrow($texts) );
		if ( $verbose )
			echo "Indexing complete.";
			if ( isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) )
				echo '<br />';
			echo "\n";
		else if ( is_object($progress) )
		return true;
 	* Partially rebuilds the search index, removing/inserting entries only for the current page
 	* @param string $page_id
 	* @param string $namespace
	function rebuild_page_index($page_id, $namespace)
		global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
		require_once(ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/search.php');
		if(!$db->sql_query('SELECT page_text FROM '.table_prefix.'page_text
			WHERE page_id=\''.$db->escape($page_id).'\' AND namespace=\''.$db->escape($namespace).'\';'))
			return $db->get_error();
		if ( $db->numrows() < 1 )
			return 'E: No rows';
		$idstring = $this->nslist[$namespace] . sanitize_page_id($page_id);
		if ( !isset($this->pages[$idstring]) )
			return 'E: Can\'t find page metadata';
		$row = $db->fetchrow();
		$search = new Searcher();
		// if the page shouldn't be indexed, send a blank set of strings to the indexing engine
		if ( $this->pages[$idstring]['visible'] == 0 )
			$search->buildIndex(Array("ns={$namespace};pid={$page_id}"=>$row['page_text'] . ' ' . $this->pages[$idstring]['name']));
		$new_index = $search->index;
		if ( count($search->index) == 0 )
			// o_O
			// nothing indexed.
			return true;
			$keys = array_keys($search->index);
			foreach($keys as $i => $k)
				$c =& $keys[$i];
				$c = hexencode($c, '', '');
			$keys = "word=0x" . implode ( " OR word=0x", $keys ) . "";
			$keys = array_keys($search->index);
			foreach($keys as $i => $k)
				$c =& $keys[$i];
				$c = $db->escape($c);
			$keys = "word='" . implode ( "' OR word='", $keys ) . "'";
		$query = $db->sql_query('SELECT word,page_names FROM '.table_prefix.'search_index WHERE '.$keys.';');
		while($row = $db->fetchrow())
			$row['word'] = rtrim($row['word'], "\0");
			$new_index[ $row['word'] ] = $row['page_names'] . ',' . $search->index[ $row['word'] ];
		$db->sql_query('DELETE FROM '.table_prefix.'search_index WHERE '.$keys.';');
		$secs = Array();
		$q = 'INSERT INTO '.table_prefix.'search_index(word,word_lcase,page_names) VALUES';
		foreach($new_index as $word => $pages)
			$secs[] = '(\''.$db->escape($word).'\', \'' . $db->escape(strtolower($word)) . '\', \''.$db->escape($pages).'\')';
		$q .= implode(',', $secs);
		$q .= ';';
			die('BUG: PathManager::rebuild_page_index: Query rejected by SQL parser:<pre>'.$q.'</pre>');
		$result = $db->sql_query($q);
			return true;
			$db->_die('The search index was trying to rebuild itself when the error occured.');
 	* Returns a list of groups that a given page is a member of.
 	* @param string Page ID
 	* @param string Namespace
 	* @return array
	function get_page_groups($page_id, $namespace)
		global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
		static $cache = array();
		if ( count($cache) == 0 )
			foreach ( $this->nslist as $key => $_ )
				$cache[$key] = array();
		if ( !isset($this->nslist[$namespace]) )
			die('$paths->get_page_groups(): HACKING ATTEMPT: namespace "'. htmlspecialchars($namespace) .'" doesn\'t exist');
		$page_id_unescaped = $paths->nslist[$namespace] .
		$page_id_str       = $paths->nslist[$namespace] .
		$page_id = $db->escape(sanitize_page_id($page_id));
		if ( isset($cache[$namespace][$page_id]) )
			return $cache[$namespace][$page_id];
		$group_list = array();
		// What linked categories have this page?
		$q = $db->sql_unbuffered_query('SELECT g.pg_id, g.pg_type, g.pg_target FROM '.table_prefix.'page_groups AS g
	LEFT JOIN '.table_prefix.'categories AS c
		ON ( ( c.category_id = g.pg_target AND g.pg_type = ' . PAGE_GRP_CATLINK . ' ) OR c.category_id IS NULL )
	LEFT JOIN '.table_prefix.'page_group_members AS m
		ON ( ( g.pg_id = m.pg_id AND g.pg_type = ' . PAGE_GRP_NORMAL . ' ) OR ( m.pg_id IS NULL ) )
	LEFT JOIN '.table_prefix.'tags AS t
		ON ( ( t.tag_name = g.pg_target AND pg_type = ' . PAGE_GRP_TAGGED . ' ) OR t.tag_name IS NULL )
		( c.page_id=\'' . $page_id . '\' AND c.namespace=\'' . $namespace . '\' ) OR
		( t.page_id=\'' . $page_id . '\' AND t.namespace=\'' . $namespace . '\' ) OR
		( m.page_id=\'' . $page_id . '\' AND m.namespace=\'' . $namespace . '\' ) OR
		( g.pg_type = ' . PAGE_GRP_REGEX . ' );');
		if ( !$q )
		while ( $row = $db->fetchrow() )
			if ( $row['pg_type'] == PAGE_GRP_REGEX )
				//echo "&lt;debug&gt; matching page " . htmlspecialchars($page_id_unescaped) . " against regex <tt>" . htmlspecialchars($row['pg_target']) . "</tt>.";
				if ( @preg_match($row['pg_target'], $page_id_unescaped) || @preg_match($row['pg_target'], $page_id_str) )
					//echo "..matched";
					$group_list[] = $row['pg_id'];
				//echo "<br />";
				$group_list[] = $row['pg_id'];
		$cache[$namespace][$page_id] = $group_list;
		return $group_list;

 * Register a special page.
 * @param string urlname of the page ("Administration" in "Special:Administration")
 * @param string Page title; if in the right format, will be treated as a l10n string identifier
 * @param bool If true, page is visible (shown in lists/search). Otherwise, hidden. Defaults to true.

function register_special_page($urlname, $name, $visible = true)
	global $paths;
	return $paths->add_page(Array(
			'name' => $name,
			'urlname' => $urlname,
			'namespace' => 'Special',
			'special' => 0,
			'visible' => $visible ? 1 : 0,
			'comments_on' => 0,
			'protected' => 1,
			'delvotes' => 0,
			'delvote_ips' => '',
