author Dan Fuhry <>
Thu, 28 Oct 2010 03:05:31 -0400
changeset 1308 f9bee9b125ee
parent 1234 903bb153c265
child 1333 19b49910e81f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Parser updates. Added the "styled" keyword to wikitables to allow them to be styled using the current theme's standard table skinning, and changes to how the image tag parser decides how to display an image (framed, inline or raw).


 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Dan Fuhry
 * class_http.php - Pure PHP HTTP client library
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.

// HTTP status codes

// Informational
define('HTTP_CONTINUE', 100);
define('HTTP_PROCESSING', 102);

// Success
define('HTTP_OK', 200);
define('HTTP_CREATED', 201);
define('HTTP_ACCEPTED', 202);
define('HTTP_NO_CONTENT', 204);
define('HTTP_RESET_CONTENT', 205);
define('HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT', 206);
define('HTTP_MULTI_STATUS', 207);

// Redirection
define('HTTP_FOUND', 302);
define('HTTP_SEE_OTHER', 303);
define('HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED', 304);
define('HTTP_USE_PROXY', 305);
define('HTTP_SWITCH_PROXY', 306);

// Client Error
define('HTTP_BAD_REQUEST', 400);
define('HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED', 401);
define('HTTP_FORBIDDEN', 403);
define('HTTP_NOT_FOUND', 404);
define('HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE', 406);
define('HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT', 408);
define('HTTP_CONFLICT', 409);
define('HTTP_GONE', 410);
define('HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED', 411);
define('HTTP_LOCKED', 423);
define('HTTP_RETRY_WITH', 449);

// Server error
define('HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED', 501);
define('HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY', 502);
define('HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT', 504);
define('HTTP_NOT_EXTENDED', 510);

 * Class for making HTTP requests. This can do GET and POST, and when used properly it consumes under a meg of memory, even with huge files.
 * @package Enano
 * @subpackage Backend functions
 * @copyright 2007 Dan Fuhry

class Request_HTTP
 	* Switch to enable or disable debugging. You want this off on production sites.
 	* @var bool
	var $debug = false;
 	* The host the request will be sent to.
 	* @var string
	var $host = '';
 	* The TCP port our connection is (will be) on.
 	* @var int
	var $port = 80;
 	* The request method. Can be GET or POST, defaults to GET.
 	* @var string
	var $method = 'GET';
 	* The URI to the remote script.
 	* @var string
	var $uri = '';
 	* The parameters to be sent on GET.
 	* @var array (associative)
	var $parms_get = array();
 	* The parameters to be sent on POST. Ignored if $this->method == GET.
 	* @var array (associative)
	var $parms_post = array();
 	* The list of cookies that will be sent.
 	* @var array (associative)
	var $cookies_out = array();
 	* Additional request headers.
 	* @var array (associative)
	var $headers = array();
 	* Follow server-side redirects; defaults to true.
 	* @var bool
	var $follow_redirects = true;
 	* Cached response.
 	* @var string, or bool:false if the request hasn't been sent yet
	var $response = false;
 	* Cached response code
 	* @var int set to -1 if request hasn't been sent yet
	var $response_code = -1;
 	* Cached response code string
 	* @var string or bool:false if the request hasn't been sent yet
	var $response_string = false;
 	* Resource for the socket. False if a connection currently isn't going.
 	* @var resource
	var $socket = false;
 	* True if SSL is on, defaults to false
 	* @var bool
	var $ssl = false;
 	* The state of our request. 0 means it hasn't been made yet. 1 means the socket is open, 2 means the socket is open and the request has been written, 3 means the headers have been fetched, and 4 means the request is completed.
 	* @var int
	var $state = 0;
 	* Constructor.
 	* @param string Hostname to send to
 	* @param string URI (/index.php)
 	* @param string Request method - GET or POST.
 	* @param int Optional. The port to open the request on. Defaults to 80.
 	* @param bool If true, uses SSL (and defaults the port to 443)
	function Request_HTTP($host, $uri, $method = 'GET', $port = 'default', $ssl = false)
		if ( !preg_match('/^(?:(([a-z0-9-]+\.)*?)([a-z0-9-]+)|\[[a-f0-9:]+\])$/', $host) )
			throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ': Invalid hostname');
		if ( $ssl )
			$this->ssl = true;
			$port = ( $port === 'default' ) ? 443 : $port;
			$this->ssl = false;
			$port = ( $port === 'default' ) ? 80 : $port;
		// Yes - this really does support IPv6 URLs!
		$this->host = $host;
		$this->uri = $uri;
		if ( is_int($port) && $port >= 1 && $port <= 65535 )
			$this->port = $port;
			throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ': Invalid port');
		$method = strtoupper($method);
		if ( $method == 'GET' || $method == 'POST' )
			$this->method = $method;
			throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ': Invalid request method');
		$newline = "\r\n";
		$php_ver = PHP_VERSION;
		$server = ( isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ) ? "Server: {$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']}" : "CLI";
		$this->add_header('User-Agent', "PHP/$php_ver ({$server}; automated bot request)");
 	* Sets one or more cookies to be sent to the server.
 	* @param string or array If a string, the cookie name. If an array, associative array in the form of cookiename => cookievalue
 	* @param string or bool If a string, the cookie value. If boolean, defaults to false, param 1 should be an array, and this should not be passed.
	function add_cookie($cookiename, $cookievalue = false)
		if ( is_array($cookiename) && !$cookievalue )
			foreach ( $cookiename as $name => $value )
				$this->cookies_out[$name] = $value;
		else if ( is_string($cookiename) && is_string($cookievalue) )
			$this->cookies_out[$cookiename] = $cookievalue;
			throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . ': Invalid argument(s)');
 	* Sets one or more request header values.
 	* @param string or array If a string, the header name. If an array, associative array in the form of headername => headervalue
 	* @param string or bool If a string, the header value. If boolean, defaults to false, param 1 should be an array, and this should not be passed.
	function add_header($headername, $headervalue = false)
		if ( is_array($headername) && !$headervalue )
			foreach ( $headername as $name => $value )
				$this->headers[$name] = $value;
		else if ( is_string($headername) && is_string($headervalue) )
			$this->headers[$headername] = $headervalue;
			throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . ': Invalid argument(s)');
 	* Adds one or more values to be passed on GET.
 	* @param string or array If a string, the parameter name. If an array, associative array in the form of parametername => parametervalue
 	* @param string or bool If a string, the parameter value. If boolean, defaults to false, param 1 should be an array, and this should not be passed.
	function add_get($getname, $getvalue = false)
		if ( is_array($getname) && !$getvalue )
			foreach ( $getname as $name => $value )
				$this->parms_get[$name] = $value;
		else if ( is_string($getname) && is_string($getvalue) )
			$this->parms_get[$getname] = $getvalue;
			throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . ': Invalid argument(s)');
 	* Adds one or more values to be passed on POST.
 	* @param string or array If a string, the header name. If an array, associative array in the form of headername => headervalue
 	* @param string or bool If a string, the header value. If boolean, defaults to false, param 1 should be an array, and this should not be passed.
	function add_post($postname, $postvalue = false)
		if ( is_array($postname) && !$postvalue )
			foreach ( $postname as $name => $value )
				$this->parms_post[$name] = $value;
		else if ( is_string($postname) && is_string($postvalue) )
			$this->parms_post[$postname] = $postvalue;
			throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . ': Invalid argument(s)');
 	* Internal function to open up the socket.
 	* @access private
	function _sock_open(&$connection)
		// Open connection
		$ssl_prepend = ( $this->ssl ) ? 'ssl://' : '';
		$connection = fsockopen($ssl_prepend . $this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr);
		if ( !$connection )
			throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . ": Could not make connection"); // to {$this->host}:{$this->port}: error $errno: $errstr");
		// 1 = socket open
		$this->state = 1;
 	* Internal function to actually write the request into the socket.
 	* @access private
	function _write_request(&$connection, &$headers, &$cookies, &$get, &$post)
		$newline = "\r\n";
		if ( $this->debug )
			echo '<p>Connection opened. Writing main request to socket. Raw socket data follows.</p><pre>';
			echo '<hr /><div style="white-space: nowrap;">';
			echo '<p><b>' . __CLASS__ . ': Sending request</b></p><p>Request parameters:</p>';
			echo "<p><b>Headers:</b></p><pre>$headers</pre>";
			echo "<p><b>Cookies:</b> $cookies</p>";
			echo "<p><b>GET URI:</b> " . htmlspecialchars($this->uri . $get) . "</p>";
			echo "<p><b>POST DATA:</b> " . htmlspecialchars($post) . "</p>";
			echo "<pre>";
		$portline = ( $this->port == 80 ) ? '' : ":$this->port";
		$this->_fputs($connection, "{$this->method} {$this->uri}{$get} HTTP/1.1{$newline}");
		$this->_fputs($connection, "Host: {$this->host}{$portline}{$newline}");
		$this->_fputs($connection, $headers);
		$this->_fputs($connection, $cookies);
		if ( $this->method == 'POST' )
			// POST-specific parameters
			$post_length = strlen($post);
			$this->_fputs($connection, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded{$newline}");
			$this->_fputs($connection, "Content-length: {$post_length}{$newline}");
		$this->_fputs($connection, "Connection: close{$newline}");
		$this->_fputs($connection, "{$newline}");
		if ( $this->method == 'POST' )
			$this->_fputs($connection, $post);
		if ( $this->debug )
			echo '</pre><p>Request written. Fetching response.</p>';
		// 2 = request written
		$this->state = 2;
 	* Wrap up and close the socket. Nothing more than a call to fsockclose() except in debug mode.
 	* @access private
	function sock_close(&$connection)
		if ( $this->debug )
			echo '<p>Response fetched. Closing connection. Response text follows.</p><pre>';
			echo htmlspecialchars($this->response);
			echo '</pre></div><hr />';
		$this->state = 0;
 	* Internal function to grab the response code and status string
 	* @access string
	function _parse_response_code($buffer)
		// Retrieve response code and status
		$pos_newline = strpos($buffer, "\n");
		$pos_carriage_return = strpos($buffer, "\r");
		$pos_end_first_line = ( $pos_carriage_return < $pos_newline && $pos_carriage_return > 0 ) ? $pos_carriage_return : $pos_newline;
		// First line is in format of:
		// HTTP/1.1 ### Blah blah blah(\r?)\n
		$response_code = substr($buffer, 9, 3);
		$response_string = substr($buffer, 13, ( $pos_end_first_line - 13 ) );
		$this->response_code = intval($response_code);
		$this->response_string = $response_string;
 	* Internal function to send the request.
 	* @access private
	function _send_request()
		$this->concat_headers($headers, $cookies, $get, $post);
		if ( $this->state < 1 )
		if ( $this->state < 2 )
			$this->_write_request($this->socket, $headers, $cookies, $get, $post);
		if ( $this->state == 2 )
			$buffer = $this->_read_until_newlines($this->socket);
			$this->state = 3;
			$this->response = $buffer;
		// obey redirects
		$i = 0;
		while ( $i < 20 && $this->follow_redirects )
			$incoming_headers = $this->get_response_headers_array();
			if ( !$incoming_headers )
			if ( isset($incoming_headers['Location']) )
				// we've been redirected...
				$new_uri = $this->_resolve_uri($incoming_headers['Location']);
				if ( !$new_uri )
					// ... bad URI, ignore Location header.
				// change location
				$this->host = $new_uri['host'];
				$this->port = $new_uri['port'];
				$this->uri  = $new_uri['uri'];
				$get = '';
				// reset
				$this->_write_request($this->socket, $headers, $cookies, $get, $post);
				$buffer = $this->_read_until_newlines($this->socket);
				$this->state = 3;
				$this->response = $buffer;
		if ( $i == 20 )
			throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . ": Redirect trap. Request_HTTP doesn't do cookies, btw.");
		if ( $this->state == 3 )
			// Determine transfer encoding
			$is_chunked = preg_match("/Transfer-Encoding: (chunked)\r?\n/", $this->response);
			if ( preg_match("/^Content-Length: ([0-9]+)[\s]*$/mi", $this->response, $match) && !$is_chunked )
				$size = intval($match[1]);
				if ( $this->debug )
					echo "Pulling response using fread(), size $size\n";
				$basesize = strlen($this->response);
				while ( strlen($this->response) - $basesize < $size )
					$remaining_bytes = $size - (strlen($this->response) - $basesize);
					$this->response .= fread($this->socket, $remaining_bytes);
					if ( $this->debug )
						$remaining_bytes = $size - (strlen($this->response) - $basesize);
						echo "<br />Received " . (strlen($this->response) - $basesize) . " of $size bytes ($remaining_bytes remaining)...\n";
				if ( $this->debug )
					echo "Pulling response using chunked handler\n";
				$buffer = '';
				while ( !feof($this->socket) )
					$part = fgets($this->socket, 1024);
					if ( $is_chunked && preg_match("/^([a-f0-9]+)\x0D\x0A$/", $part, $match) )
						$chunklen = hexdec($match[1]);
						$part = ( $chunklen > 0 ) ? fread($this->socket, $chunklen) : '';
						// remove the last newline from $part
						$part = preg_replace("/\r?\n\$/", "", $part);
					$buffer .= $part;
				$this->response .= $buffer;
		$this->state = 4;
		$this->socket = false;
 	* Internal function to send the request but only fetch the headers. Leaves a connection open for a finish-up function.
 	* @access private
	function _send_request_headers_only()
		$this->concat_headers($headers, $cookies, $get, $post);
		if ( $this->state < 1 )
		if ( $this->state < 2 )
			$this->_write_request($this->socket, $headers, $cookies, $get, $post);
		if ( $this->state == 2 )
			$buffer = $this->_read_until_newlines($this->socket);
			$this->state = 3;
			$this->response = $buffer;
 	* Internal function to read from a socket until two consecutive newlines are hit.
 	* @access private
	function _read_until_newlines($sock)
		$prev_char = '';
		$prev1_char = '';
		$prev2_char = '';
		$buf = '';
		while ( !feof($sock) )
			$chr = fread($sock, 1);
			$buf .= $chr;
			if ( ( $chr == "\n" && $prev_char == "\n" ) ||
 					( $chr == "\n" && $prev_char == "\r" && $prev1_char == "\n" && $prev2_char == "\r" ) )
				return $buf;
			$prev2_char = $prev1_char;
			$prev1_char = $prev_char;
			$prev_char = $chr;
		return $buf;
 	* Returns the response text. If the request hasn't been sent, it will be sent here.
 	* @return string
	function get_response()
		if ( $this->state == 4 )
			return $this->response;
		return $this->response;
 	* Writes the response body to a file. This is good for conserving memory when downloading large files. If the file already exists it will be overwritten.
 	* @param string File to write to
 	* @param int Chunk size in KB to read from the socket. Optional and should only be needed in circumstances when extreme memory conservation is needed. Defaults to 768.
 	* @param int Maximum file size. Defaults to 0, which means no limit.
 	* @return bool True on success, false on failure
	function write_response_to_file($file, $chunklen = 768, $max_file_size = 0)
		if ( !is_writeable( dirname($file) ) || !file_exists( dirname($file) ) )
			return false;
		$handle = @fopen($file, 'w');
		if ( !$handle )
			return false;
		$chunklen = intval($chunklen);
		if ( $chunklen < 1 )
			return false;
		if ( $this->state == 4 )
			// we already have the response, so cheat
			$response = $this->get_response_body();
			fwrite($handle, $response);
			// read data from the socket, write it immediately, and unset to free memory
			$headers = $this->get_response_headers();
			$transferred_bytes = 0;
			$bandwidth_exceeded = false;
			// if transfer-encoding is chunked, read using chunk sizes the server specifies
			$is_chunked = preg_match("/Transfer-Encoding: (chunked)\r?\n/", $this->response);
			if ( $is_chunked )
				$buffer = '';
				while ( !feof($this->socket) )
					$part = fgets($this->socket, ( 1024 * $chunklen ));
					// Theoretically if the encoding is really chunked then this should always match.
					if ( $is_chunked && preg_match("/^([a-f0-9]+)\x0D\x0A$/", $part, $match) )
						$chunk_length = hexdec($match[1]);
						$part = ( $chunk_length > 0 ) ? fread($this->socket, $chunk_length) : '';
						// remove the last newline from $part
						$part = preg_replace("/\r?\n\$/m", "", $part);
					$transferred_bytes += strlen($part);
					if ( $max_file_size && $transferred_bytes > $max_file_size )
						// truncate output to $max_file_size bytes
						$partlen = $max_file_size - ( $transferred_bytes - strlen($part) );
						$part = substr($part, 0, $partlen);
						$bandwidth_exceeded = true;
					fwrite($handle, $part);
					if ( $bandwidth_exceeded )
				$first_chunk = fread($this->socket, ( 1024 * $chunklen ));
				fwrite($handle, $first_chunk);
				while ( !feof($this->socket) )
					$chunk = fread($this->socket, ( 1024 * $chunklen ));
					$transferred_bytes += strlen($chunk);
					if ( $max_file_size && $transferred_bytes > $max_file_size )
						// truncate output to $max_file_size bytes
						$partlen = $max_file_size - ( $transferred_bytes - strlen($chunk) );
						$chunk = substr($chunk, 0, $partlen);
						$bandwidth_exceeded = true;
					fwrite($handle, $chunk);
					if ( $bandwidth_exceeded )
		// close socket and reset state, since we haven't cached the response
		$this->state = 0;
		return ($bandwidth_exceeded) ? false : true;
 	* Resolves, based on current settings and URI, a URI string to an array consisting of a host, port, and new URI. Returns false on error.
 	* @param string
 	* @return array
	function _resolve_uri($uri)
		// long ass regexp w00t
		if ( !preg_match('#^(?:https?://((?:(?:[a-z0-9-]+\.)*)(?:[a-z0-9-]+)|\[[a-f0-9:]+\])(?::([0-9]+))?)?(/)(.*)$#i', $uri, $match) )
			// bad target URI
			return false;
		$hostpart = $match[1];
		if ( empty($hostpart) )
			// use existing host
			$host = $this->host;
			$port = $this->port;
			$host = $match[1];
			$port = empty($match[2]) ? 80 : intval($match[2]);
		// is this an absolute URI, or relative?
		if ( empty($match[3]) )
			// relative
			$uri = dirname($this->uri) . $match[4];
			// absolute
			$uri = '/' . $match[4];
		return array(
				'host' => $host,
				'port' => $port,
				'uri'  => $uri
 	* Returns only the response headers.
 	* @return string
	function get_response_headers()
		if ( $this->state == 3 )
			return $this->response;
		else if ( $this->state == 4 )
			$pos_end = strpos($this->response, "\r\n\r\n");
			if ( empty($pos_end) )
				$pos_end = strpos($this->response, "\n\n");
			$data = substr($this->response, 0, $pos_end);
			return $data;
			return $this->response;
 	* Returns only the response headers, as an associative array.
 	* @return array
	function get_response_headers_array()
		$data = $this->get_response_headers();
		preg_match_all("/(^|\n)([A-z0-9_-]+?): (.+?)(\r|\n|\$)/", $data, $matches);
		$headers = array();
		for ( $i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++ )
			$headers[ $matches[2][$i] ] = $matches[3][$i];
		return $headers;
 	* Returns only the body (not the headers) of the response. If the request hasn't been sent, it will be sent here.
 	* @return string
	function get_response_body()
		$data = $this->get_response();
		$pos_start = strpos($data, "\r\n\r\n") + 4;
		if ( $pos_start == 4 )
			$pos_start = strpos($data, "\n\n") + 4;
		$data = substr($data, $pos_start);
		return $data;
 	* Returns all cookies requested to be set by the server as an associative array. If the request hasn't been sent, it will be sent here.
 	* @return array
	function get_cookies()
		$data = $this->get_response();
		$data = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $data);
		$pos = strpos($data, "\n\n");
		$headers = substr($data, 0, $pos);
		preg_match_all("/Set-Cookie: ([a-z0-9_]+)=([^;]+);( expires=([^;]+);)?( path=(.*?))?\n/", $headers, $cookiematch);
		if ( count($cookiematch[0]) < 1 )
			return array();
		$cookies = array();
		foreach ( $cookiematch[0] as $i => $cookie )
			$cookies[$cookiematch[1][$i]] = $cookiematch[2][$i];
		return $cookies;
 	* Internal method to write data to a socket with debugging possibility.
 	* @access private
	function _fputs($socket, $data)
		if ( $this->debug )
			echo htmlspecialchars($data);
		return fputs($socket, $data);
 	* Internal function to stringify cookies, headers, get, and post.
 	* @access private
	function concat_headers(&$headers, &$cookies, &$get, &$post)
		$headers = '';
		$cookies = '';
		foreach ( $this->headers as $name => $value )
			$value = str_replace('\\n', '\\\\n', $value);
			$value = str_replace("\n", '\\n', $value);
			$headers .= "$name: $value\r\n";
		if ( count($this->cookies_out) > 0 )
			$i = 0;
			$cookie_header = 'Cookie: ';
			foreach ( $this->cookies_out as $name => $value )
				if ( $i > 1 )
					$cookie_header .= '; ';
				$value = str_replace(';', rawurlencode(';'), $value);
				$value = str_replace('\\n', '\\\\n', $value);
				$value = str_replace("\n", '\\n', $value);
				$cookie_header .= "$name=$value";
			$cookie_header .= "\r\n";
			$cookies = $cookie_header;
			unset($value, $cookie_header);
		if ( count($this->parms_get) > 0 )
			$get = '?';
			$i = 0;
			foreach ( $this->parms_get as $name => $value )
				if ( $i > 1 )
					$get .= '&';
				$value = urlencode($value);
				if ( !empty($value) || is_string($value) )
					$get .= "$name=$value";
					$get .= "$name";
		if ( count($this->parms_post) > 0 )
			$post = '';
			$i = 0;
			foreach ( $this->parms_post as $name => $value )
				if ( $i > 1 )
					$post .= '&';
				$value = urlencode($value);
				$post .= "$name=$value";