[QA] User CP: rearranged some things to fix overly tall cells and/or sidescrolling
<?php/*** * Parses for heading text.* * @category Text* * @package Text_Wiki* * @author Paul M. Jones <pmjones@php.net>* * @license LGPL* * @version $Id: Heading.php,v 1.3 2005/02/23 17:38:29 pmjones Exp $* *//*** * Parses for heading text.* * This class implements a Text_Wiki_Parse to find source text marked to* be a heading element, as defined by text on a line by itself prefixed* with a number of plus signs (+). The heading text itself is left in* the source, but is prefixed and suffixed with delimited tokens marking* the start and end of the heading.** @category Text* * @package Text_Wiki* * @author Paul M. Jones <pmjones@php.net>* */class Text_Wiki_Parse_Heading extends Text_Wiki_Parse { /** * * The regular expression used to parse the source text and find * matches conforming to this rule. Used by the parse() method. * * @access public * * @var string * * @see parse() * */ var $regex = '/^(\+{1,6}) (.*)/m'; var $conf = array( 'id_prefix' => 'toc' ); /** * * Generates a replacement for the matched text. Token options are: * * 'type' => ['start'|'end'] The starting or ending point of the * heading text. The text itself is left in the source. * * @access public * * @param array &$matches The array of matches from parse(). * * @return string A pair of delimited tokens to be used as a * placeholder in the source text surrounding the heading text. * */ function process(&$matches) { // keep a running count for header IDs. we use this later // when constructing TOC entries, etc. static $id; if (! isset($id)) { $id = 0; } $prefix = htmlspecialchars($this->getConf('id_prefix')); $start = $this->wiki->addToken( $this->rule, array( 'type' => 'start', 'level' => strlen($matches[1]), 'text' => $matches[2], 'id' => $prefix . $id ++ ) ); $end = $this->wiki->addToken( $this->rule, array( 'type' => 'end', 'level' => strlen($matches[1]) ) ); return $start . $matches[2] . $end . "\n"; }}?>