Out with those confusing redistribution terms. That whole clause is much more simple now. (TODO: this needs to be seriously looked over by beta 1)
-- Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
-- Version 1.1.1
-- Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
-- This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
-- postgresql_stage2.sql - PostgreSQL installation schema, main payload
page_id varchar(64),
namespace varchar(64),
category_id varchar(64)
comment_id SERIAL,
page_id text,
namespace text,
subject text,
comment_data text,
name text,
approved smallint DEFAULT 1,
user_id int NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
time int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
ip_address varchar(39),
PRIMARY KEY ( comment_id )
log_id SERIAL,
log_type varchar(16),
action varchar(16),
time_id int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
date_string varchar(63),
page_id text,
namespace text,
page_text text,
char_tag varchar(40),
author varchar(63),
edit_summary text,
minor_edit smallint,
is_draft smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY ( log_id )
page_id varchar(255),
namespace varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Article',
page_text text,
char_tag varchar(63)
page_order int,
name varchar(255),
urlname varchar(255),
namespace varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Article',
special smallint DEFAULT '0',
visible smallint DEFAULT '1',
comments_on smallint DEFAULT '1',
protected smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
wiki_mode smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 2,
delvotes int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
password varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
delvote_ips text DEFAULT NULL
session_key varchar(32),
salt varchar(32),
user_id int,
auth_level smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
source_ip varchar(39) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
time bigint DEFAULT '0',
key_type smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
theme_id varchar(63),
theme_name text,
theme_order smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
default_style varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
enabled smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
group_list text DEFAULT NULL,
group_policy varchar(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'allow_all',
CHECK (group_policy IN ('allow_all', 'whitelist', 'blacklist'))
user_id SERIAL,
username text,
password varchar(255),
email text,
real_name text,
user_level smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 2,
theme varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'bleu.css',
style varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DEFAULT',
signature text,
reg_time int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
account_active smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
activation_key varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
old_encryption smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
temp_password text,
temp_password_time int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
user_coppa smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
user_lang smallint NOT NULL,
user_has_avatar smallint NOT NULL,
avatar_type varchar(3) NOT NULL,
user_registration_ip varchar(39),
user_rank int DEFAULT NULL,
user_timezone int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
user_title varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
user_group int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
user_dst varchar(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0;0;0;0;60',
CHECK (avatar_type IN ('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'grv')),
PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
user_id int NOT NULL,
user_aim varchar(63),
user_yahoo varchar(63),
user_msn varchar(255),
user_xmpp varchar(255),
user_homepage text,
user_location text,
user_job text,
user_hobbies text,
email_public smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
disable_js_fx smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY ( user_id )
ban_id SERIAL,
ban_type smallint,
ban_value varchar(64),
is_regex smallint DEFAULT 0,
reason text,
PRIMARY KEY ( ban_id )
file_id SERIAL,
time_id int NOT NULL,
page_id varchar(63) NOT NULL,
filename varchar(127) DEFAULT NULL,
size bigint NOT NULL,
mimetype varchar(63) DEFAULT NULL,
file_extension varchar(8) DEFAULT NULL,
file_key varchar(32) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (file_id)
buddy_id SERIAL,
user_id int,
buddy_user_id int,
is_friend smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
PRIMARY KEY (buddy_id)
message_id SERIAL,
message_from varchar(63),
message_to varchar(255),
date int,
subject varchar(63),
message_text text,
folder_name varchar(63),
message_read smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY (message_id)
item_id SERIAL,
item_order smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
item_enabled smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
sidebar_id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
block_name varchar(63) NOT NULL,
block_type smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
block_content text,
PRIMARY KEY ( item_id )
hit_id SERIAL,
username varchar(63) NOT NULL,
time int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
page_id varchar(63),
namespace varchar(63),
PRIMARY KEY ( hit_id )
word varchar(64) NOT NULL,
word_lcase varchar(64) NOT NULL,
page_names text,
PRIMARY KEY ( word )
group_id SERIAL,
group_name varchar(64),
group_type smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
system_group smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
group_rank int DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( group_id )
member_id SERIAL,
group_id int NOT NULL,
user_id int NOT NULL,
is_mod smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
pending smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY ( member_id )
rule_id SERIAL,
target_type smallint NOT NULL,
target_id int NOT NULL,
page_id varchar(255),
namespace varchar(24),
rules text,
PRIMARY KEY ( rule_id )
-- Added in 1.0.1
pg_id SERIAL,
pg_type smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
pg_name varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
pg_target varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( pg_id )
-- Added in 1.0.1
CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}page_group_members(
pg_member_id SERIAL,
pg_id int NOT NULL,
page_id varchar(63) NOT NULL,
namespace varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Article',
PRIMARY KEY ( pg_member_id )
-- Added in 1.0.1
tag_id SERIAL,
tag_name varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'bla',
page_id varchar(255) NOT NULL,
namespace varchar(255) NOT NULL,
user_id int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
PRIMARY KEY ( tag_id )
-- Added in 1.1.1
ipaddr varchar(40) NOT NULL,
action varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'credential',
timestamp int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
CHECK ( action IN ('credential', 'level') ),
-- Added in 1.1.1
lang_id SERIAL,
lang_code varchar(16) NOT NULL,
lang_name_DEFAULT varchar(64) NOT NULL,
lang_name_native varchar(64) NOT NULL,
last_changed int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY ( lang_id )
-- Added in 1.1.1
CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}language_strings(
string_id SERIAL,
lang_id int NOT NULL,
string_category varchar(32) NOT NULL,
string_name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
string_content text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( string_id )
-- Added in 1.1.1
rank_id SERIAL,
rank_title varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
rank_style varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
PRIMARY KEY ( rank_id )
-- Added in 1.1.1
code_id SERIAL,
session_id varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
code varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
session_data text,
source_ip varchar(39),
user_id int,
PRIMARY KEY ( code_id )
-- Added in 1.1.3
-- Storing obscenely huge integers as strings since that's how php processes them.
CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}diffiehellman (
key_id SERIAL,
private_key text,
public_key text,
PRIMARY KEY ( key_id )
-- Added in 1.1.4
-- This is really honestly a better way to handle plugins.
plugin_id SERIAL,
plugin_filename varchar(63),
plugin_flags int,
plugin_version varchar(16),
PRIMARY KEY ( plugin_id )
-- Aggregate function array_accum
-- http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/xaggr.html
CREATE AGGREGATE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}array_accum (anyelement)
sfunc = array_append,
stype = anyarray,
initcond = '{}'
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}config(config_name, config_value) VALUES
('site_name', '{{SITE_NAME}}'),
('main_page', 'Main_Page'),
('site_desc', '{{SITE_DESC}}'),
('wiki_mode', '{{WIKI_MODE}}'),
('wiki_edit_notice', '0'),
('sflogo_enabled', '0'),
('sflogo_groupid', ''),
('sflogo_type', '1'),
('w3c_vh32', '0'),
('w3c_vh40', '0'),
('w3c_vh401', '0'),
('w3c_vxhtml10', '0'),
('w3c_vxhtml11', '0'),
('w3c_vcss', '0'),
('approve_comments', '0'),
('enable_comments', '1'),
('plugin_SpecialAdmin.php', '1'),
('plugin_SpecialPageFuncs.php', '1'),
('plugin_SpecialUserFuncs.php', '1'),
('plugin_SpecialCSS.php', '1'),
('copyright_notice', '{{COPYRIGHT}}'),
('wiki_edit_notice_text', '== Why can I edit this page? ==\n\nEveryone can edit almost any page in this website. This concept is called a wiki. It gives everyone the opportunity to make a change for the best. While some spam and vandalism may occur, it is believed that most contributions will be legitimate and helpful.\n\nFor security purposes, a history of all page edits is kept, and administrators are able to restore vandalized or spammed pages with just a few clicks.'),
('cache_thumbs', '{{ENABLE_CACHE}}'),
('max_file_size', '256000'),('enano_version', '{{VERSION}}'),( 'allowed_mime_types', 'cbf:len=185;crc=55fb6f14;data=0[1],1[4],0[3],1[1],0[22],1[1],0[16],1[3],0[16],1[1],0[1],1[2],0[6],1[1],0[1],1[1],0[4],1[2],0[3],1[1],0[48],1[2],0[2],1[1],0[4],1[1],0[37]|end' ),
('contact_email', '{{ADMIN_EMAIL}}'),
('powered_btn', '1');
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}page_text(page_id, namespace, page_text, char_tag) VALUES
('Main_Page', 'Article', E'{{MAIN_PAGE_CONTENT}}', '');
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}logs(time_id, date_string, log_type, action, page_id, namespace, author, page_text) VALUES
({{UNIX_TIME}}, 'DEPRECATED', 'page', 'edit', 'Main_Page', 'Article', '{{ADMIN_USER}}', '{{MAIN_PAGE_CONTENT}}');
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}pages(page_order, name, urlname, namespace, special, visible, comments_on, protected, delvotes, delvote_ips) VALUES
(NULL, 'Main Page', 'Main_Page', 'Article', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}themes(theme_id, theme_name, theme_order, DEFAULT_style, enabled) VALUES
('oxygen', 'Oxygen', 1, 'bleu.css', 1),
('stpatty', 'St. Patty', 2, 'shamrock.css', 1);
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}users(user_id, username, password, email, real_name, user_level, theme, style, signature, reg_time, account_active, user_registration_ip, user_lang, user_has_avatar, avatar_type) VALUES
(1, 'Anonymous', 'invalid-pass-hash', 'anonspam@enanocms.org', 'None', 1, 'oxygen', 'bleu', '', 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 'png'),
(2, '{{ADMIN_USER}}', '{{ADMIN_PASS}}', '{{ADMIN_EMAIL}}', '{{REAL_NAME}}', 9, 'oxygen', 'bleu', '', {{UNIX_TIME}}, 1, '{{IP_ADDRESS}}', 0, 0, 'png');
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}users_extra(user_id) VALUES
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}ranks(rank_title, rank_style) VALUES
(1, 'user_rank_member', ''),
(2, 'user_rank_mod', 'font-weight: bold; color: #00AA00;'),
(3, 'user_rank_admin', 'font-weight: bold; color: #AA0000;'),
(4, 'user_rank_guest', '');
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}groups(group_id,group_name,group_type,system_group) VALUES(1, 'Everyone', 3, 1),
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}group_members(group_id,user_id,is_mod) VALUES(2, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}acl(target_type,target_id,page_id,namespace,rules) VALUES
INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}sidebar(item_id, item_order, sidebar_id, block_name, block_type, block_content) VALUES
(1, 1, 1, '{lang:sidebar_title_navigation}', 1, '[[Main_Page|{lang:sidebar_btn_home}]]'),
(2, 2, 1, '{lang:sidebar_title_tools}', 1, '[[$NS_SPECIAL$CreatePage|{lang:sidebar_btn_createpage}]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$UploadFile|{lang:sidebar_btn_uploadfile}]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$SpecialPages|{lang:sidebar_btn_specialpages}]]\n{if auth_admin}\n$ADMIN_LINK$\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$EditSidebar|{lang:sidebar_btn_editsidebar}]]\n{/if}'),
(3, 3, 1, '$USERNAME$', 1, '[[$NS_USER$$USERNAME$|{lang:sidebar_btn_userpage}]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Contributions/$USERNAME$|{lang:sidebar_btn_mycontribs}]]\n{if user_logged_in}\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Preferences|{lang:sidebar_btn_preferences}]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$PrivateMessages|{lang:sidebar_btn_privatemessages}]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Usergroups|{lang:sidebar_btn_groupcp}]]\n$THEME_LINK$\n{/if}\n{if user_logged_in}\n$LOGOUT_LINK$\n{else}\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Register|{lang:sidebar_btn_register}]]\n$LOGIN_LINK$\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Login/$NS_SPECIAL$PrivateMessages|{lang:sidebar_btn_privatemessages}]]\n{/if}'),
(4, 4, 1, '{lang:sidebar_title_search}', 1, '<div class="slideblock2" style="padding: 0px;"><form action="$CONTENTPATH$$NS_SPECIAL$Search" method="get" style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"><p><input type="hidden" name="title" value="$NS_SPECIAL$Search" />$INPUT_AUTH$<input name="q" alt="Search box" type="text" size="10" style="width: 70%" /> <input type="submit" value="{lang:sidebar_btn_search_go}" style="width: 20%" /></p></form></div>'),
(5, 2, 2, '{lang:sidebar_title_links}', 4, 'Links');