author Dan
Thu, 29 Jul 2010 12:25:14 -0400
changeset 1270 bd3ee7f12bc1
parent 1227 bdac73ed481e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Some fixes to autofill with Unicode usernames; fixed a few end user experience pieces of the group CP. Users are now allowed to freely leave GROUP_OPEN and GROUP_REQUEST groups, and must be removed by a group mod for GROUP_CLOSED and GROUP_HIDDEN.

<!-- Stuff related to toolbars and clickable buttons.
 		The plan was to use this on the toolbar for most pages. Never made it into the release,
 		but still provided as an otherwise-unused component for plugins to make use of.

<!-- VAR toolbar_start -->
	<div class="toolbar">
<!-- ENDVAR toolbar_start -->
<!-- VAR toolbar_button -->
		<a title="{TITLE}" {FLAGS}>
			<!-- IFSET SPRITE -->
				<!-- IFSET IMAGE -->
					<!-- BEGINNOT no_image -->
						<img alt="{TITLE}" src="{IMAGE}" />
					<!-- END no_image -->
				<!-- END IMAGE -->
			<!-- END SPRITE -->
			<!-- BEGIN show_title -->
				<!-- BEGIN no_image -->
					<span class="noimage">{TITLE}</span>
				<!-- BEGINELSE no_image -->
				<!-- END no_image -->
			<!-- END show_title -->
<!-- ENDVAR toolbar_button -->
<!-- VAR toolbar_label -->
<!-- ENDVAR toolbar_label -->
<!-- VAR toolbar_end -->
<!-- ENDVAR toolbar_end -->

<!-- VAR toolbar_vert_start -->
	<div class="toolbar_vert">
<!-- ENDVAR toolbar_vert_start -->
<!-- VAR toolbar_vert_button -->
		<a title="{TITLE}" {FLAGS}>
			<img alt="{TITLE}" src="{IMAGE}" />
<!-- ENDVAR toolbar_vert_button -->
<!-- VAR toolbar_vert_label -->
<!-- ENDVAR toolbar_vert_label -->
<!-- VAR toolbar_vert_end -->
<!-- ENDVAR toolbar_vert_end -->