jBox: When an anchor in a menu is clicked, menu is now hidden
<?php/* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between * Version 1.1.6 (Caoineag beta 1) * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Dan Fuhry * jsres.php - the Enano client-side runtime, a.k.a. AJAX on steroids * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. *//** * Returns a floating-point number with the current UNIX timestamp in microseconds. Defined very early because we gotta call it * from very early on in the script to measure the starting time of Enano. * @return float */// First check to see if something already declared this function.... it happens often.if ( !function_exists('microtime_float') ){ function microtime_float() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); }}$local_start = microtime_float();// Setup Enano//// Determine the location of Enano as an absolute path.//// We need to see if this is a specially marked Enano development server. You can create an Enano// development server by cloning the Mercurial repository into a directory named repo, and then// using symlinks to reference the original files so as to segregate unique files from non-unique// and distribution-standard ones. Enano will pivot its root directory accordingly if the file// .enanodev is found in the Enano root (not /repo/).if ( strpos(__FILE__, '/repo/') && ( file_exists('../../.enanodev') || file_exists('../../../.enanodev') ) ){ // We have a development directory. Remove /repo/ from the picture. $filename = str_replace('/repo/', '/', __FILE__);}else{ // Standard Enano installation $filename = __FILE__;}// ENANO_ROOT is sometimes defined by plugins like AjIM that need the constant before the Enano API is initializedif ( !defined('ENANO_ROOT') ) define('ENANO_ROOT', dirname(dirname(dirname($filename))));chdir(ENANO_ROOT);require('includes/common.php');if ( !defined('ENANO_CLI') ){ die_friendly('Not for web use', '<p>This script is designed to be run from a command-line environment.</p>');}// if ( !getConfig('cdn_path') )// {// die_semicritical('CDN support not enabled', 'This script is for compressing the Enano Javascript runtimes for CDN use.');// }echo "\x1B[1mCreating zip file with compressed Javascript runtimes.\x1B[0m\n";echo "\x1B[0;32mWhen finished, upload the contents of enano-lib.zip to:\n\x1B[1;34m " . cdnPath . "/includes/clientside/static/\x1B[0m\n";echo "\x1B[0;33mChecking for zip support...";// do we have zip file support?$have_zip = false;$path = ( isset($_SERVER['PATH']) ) ? $_SERVER['PATH'] : false;if ( !$path ){ die_semicritical('Can\'t get your PATH', 'Unable to get the PATH environment variable');}$path = ( strtolower(PHP_OS) === 'win32' ) ? explode(';', $path) : explode(':', $path);$pathext = ( strtolower(PHP_OS) === 'win32' ) ? '.exe' : '';foreach ( $path as $dir ){ if ( file_exists("$dir/zip$pathext") ) { $have_zip = true; break; }}if ( !$have_zip ){ // no zupport zor zipping ziles echo "\x1B[31;1mnot found\x1B[0m\n\x1B[1mPlease install the zip utility using your distribution's package manager\nand then rerun this script.\x1B[0m"; exit(1);}echo "\x1B[1mall good\x1B[0m\n";echo "\x1B[0;33mMinifying Javascript files...";if ( !@mkdir('includes/clientside/staticmin') ){ echo "\x1B[31;1mcouldn't create temp directory\x1B[0m\n\x1B[1mCheck permissions please, we couldn't create includes/clientside/staticmin.\x1B[0m"; exit(1);}require('includes/clientside/jsres.php');// $everything now contains the core runtimes// hack to lie about compression, this keeps load_component() from doing jsres.php?f=...$everything = str_replace('ENANO_JSRES_COMPRESSED = true', 'ENANO_JSRES_COMPRESSED = false', $everything);chdir('includes/clientside/staticmin');$handle = @fopen('./enano-lib-basic.js', 'w');if ( !$handle ){ echo "\x1B[31;1mcouldn't open file\x1B[0m\n\x1B[1mCheck permissions please, we couldn't create a file inside includes/clientside/staticmin.\x1B[0m"; exit(1);}fwrite($handle, $everything);fclose($handle);// for each JS file in includes/clientside/static, compress & writeif ( $dr = @opendir('../static') ){ while ( $dh = @readdir($dr) ) { if ( !preg_match('/\.js$/', $dh) || $dh === 'enano-lib-basic.js' ) continue; $contents = @file_get_contents("../static/$dh"); $compressed = jsres_cache_check($dh, $contents); $compressed = str_replace('/* JavaScriptCompressor 0.8 [www.devpro.it], thanks to Dean Edwards for idea [dean.edwards.name] */' . "\r\n", '', $compressed); $handle = @fopen("./$dh", 'w'); if ( !$handle ) { echo "\x1B[31;1mcouldn't open file\x1B[0m\n\x1B[1mCheck permissions please, we couldn't create a file inside includes/clientside/staticmin.\x1B[0m"; exit(1); } fwrite($handle, $compressed); fclose($handle); }}else{ echo "\x1B[31;1mcouldn't open includes directory\x1B[0m\n\x1B[1mUnable to get our hands into includes/clientside/static/ to compress everything.\x1B[0m"; exit(1);}echo "\x1B[1mdone\x1B[0m\n";echo "\x1B[0;33mCompressing into enano-lib.zip...";$result = system('zip -yrq9 ../enano-lib.zip *.js');if ( $result != 0 ){ // failure echo "\x1B[31;1mzip creation failed\x1B[0m\n\x1B[1mzip returned result $result\x1B[0m"; exit(1);}echo "\x1B[1mdone\x1B[0m\n";// done, clean upecho "\x1B[0;33mCleaning up...";chdir('..');if ( $dr = @opendir('./staticmin') ){ while ( $dh = @readdir($dr) ) { if ( preg_match('/\.js$/', $dh) ) unlink("./staticmin/$dh"); }}@rmdir('./staticmin');echo "\x1B[1mdone\x1B[0m\n";