More optimization work. Moved special page init functions to common instead of common_post hook. Allowed paths to cache page metadata on filesystem. Phased out the redundancy in $paths->pages that paired a number with every urlname as foreach loops are allowed now (and have been for some time). Fixed missing includes for several functions. Rewrote str_replace_once to be a lot more efficient.
The images in this directory are copyright (C) 2007 Dan Fuhry. Except
as permitted by applicable law, they may not be used in any way other
than to promote the unmodified Enano CMS. You also may not modify and
then distribute the images in this directory, or distribute them sep-
arately from the Enano packages. The goal here is to establish a uni-
que identity for Enano through the use of a logo, and that identity
would be confused if this logo is used for unofficial Enano distros.