Added selection and popup for <pre> tags within wikitext. Also fixed more bugs found in the HTML paragraph parser (mostly self-closing tags e.g. <hr />).
/* * Enano - an open source wiki-like CMS * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry * Javascript client library * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * For more information about Enano, please visit * Unless otherwise noted, all of the code in these script files may be used freely so long as the above license block * is displayed and your modified code is distributed in compliance with the GPL. See the special page "About Enano" on * this website for more information. */if ( typeof(title) != 'string'){ alert('There was a problem loading the PHP-generated Javascript variables that control parameters for AJAX applets. Most on-page functionality will be very badly broken.\n\nTheme developers, ensure that you are using {JS_DYNAMIC_VARS} *before* you include jsres.php.');}// placeholder for window.console - used if firebug isn't present// (!window.console || !console.firebug){ var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir", "dirxml", "group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count", "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"]; window.console = {}; for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) window.console[names[i]] = function() {}}'Enano::JS runtime: starting system init');if ( typeof(ENANO_JSRES_COMPRESSED) == undefined ){ var ENANO_JSRES_COMPRESSED = false;}// Run-time variablesvar detect = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();var IE;var is_Safari;// Detect whether the user is running the Evil One or not...function checkIt(string) { place = detect.indexOf(string) + 1; thestring = string; return place ? true : false;}var IE = checkIt('msie');var IE_8 = checkIt('msie 8.');var is_Opera = checkIt('opera');var is_iPhone = checkIt('iphone') || checkIt('ipod');var is_iPhone_3 = checkIt('iphone os 3_');var is_Webkit = checkIt('applewebkit');var is_Gecko = checkIt('gecko');var is_firefox2 = checkIt('firefox/2.');var KILL_SWITCH = false;if ( IE ){ var version = window.navigator.appVersion; version = version.substr( ( version.indexOf('MSIE') + 5 ) ); var rawversion = ''; for ( var i = 0; i < version.length; i++ ) { var chr = version.substr(i, 1); if ( !chr.match(/[0-9\.]/) ) { break; } rawversion += chr; } rawversion = parseInt(rawversion); if ( rawversion < 6 ) { KILL_SWITCH = true; }}var tinymce_initted = false;if ( typeof(DISABLE_MCE) == undefined ){ var DISABLE_MCE = false;}is_Safari = checkIt('safari') ? true : false;var cmt_open;var editor_open = false;var list;var edit_open = false;var catlist = new Array();var arrDiff1Buttons = new Array();var arrDiff2Buttons = new Array();var arrTimeIdList = new Array();var list;var unObj;var unSelectMenuOn = false;var unObjDivCurrentId = false;var unObjCurrentSelection = false;var userlist = new Array();var submitAuthorized = true;var timelist = [];var rDnsObj;var rDnsBannerObj;var ns4 = document.layers;var op5 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera 5")!=-1) ||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera/5")!=-1);var op6 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera 6")!=-1) ||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera/6")!=-1);var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();var mac = (agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1);var ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1);var mac_ie = mac && ie;var mouseX = 0;var mouseY = 0;var menuheight;var inertiabase = 1;var inertiainc = 1;var slideintervalinc = 20;var inertiabaseoriginal = inertiabase;var heightnow;var targetheight;var block;var slideinterval;var divheights = new Array();var __menutimeout = false;var startmouseX = false;var startmouseY = false;var startScroll = false;var is_dragging = false;var current_ta = false;var startwidth = false;var startheight = false;var do_width = false;var ajax_load_icon = cdnPath + '/images/loading.gif';var editor_use_modal_window = false;// You have an NSIS coder in your midst...var MB_OK = 1;var MB_OKCANCEL = 2;var MB_YESNO = 4;var MB_YESNOCANCEL = 8;var MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE = 16;var MB_ICONINFORMATION = 32;var MB_ICONEXCLAMATION = 64;var MB_ICONSTOP = 128;var MB_ICONQUESTION = 256;var MB_ICONLOCK = 512;// Can be set to true by slow themes (St. Patty)if ( typeof(pref_disable_js_fx) != 'boolean' ){ var pref_disable_js_fx = false;}var aclDisableTransitionFX = ( is_firefox2 || pref_disable_js_fx ) ? true : false;// Syntax:// messagebox(MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, 'Title', 'Text');// :-Dvar $_REQUEST = new Object();if ( window.location.hash ){ var hash = String(window.location.hash); hash = hash.substr(1); var reqobj = hash.split(';'); var a, b; for ( var i = 0; i < reqobj.length; i++ ) { a = reqobj[i].substr(0, reqobj[i].indexOf(':')); b = reqobj[i].substr( ( reqobj[i].indexOf(':') + 1 ) ); $_REQUEST[a] = b; }}if ( !onload_hooks ) var onload_hooks = new Array();function addOnloadHook(func){ if ( typeof ( func ) == 'function' ) { if ( typeof(onload_hooks.push) == 'function' ) { onload_hooks.push(func); } else { onload_hooks[onload_hooks.length] = func; } }}function runOnloadHooks(e){ var _errorTrapper = 0; for ( var _oLc = 0; _oLc < onload_hooks.length; _oLc++ ) { _errorTrapper++; if ( _errorTrapper >= 1000 ) break; var _f = onload_hooks[_oLc]; if ( typeof(_f) == 'function' ) { _f(e); } } onload_hooks = [];}var enano_hooks = {};function setHook(hook_name){ if ( enano_hooks[hook_name] ) { return enano_hooks[hook_name]; } return 'void(0);';}function attachHook(hook_name, code){ if ( !enano_hooks[hook_name] ) enano_hooks[hook_name] = ''; enano_hooks[hook_name] += code;}var loaded_components = loaded_components || {};var _load_component_running = false;function load_component(file){ var multiple = false; if ( typeof(file) == 'object' ) { if ( ENANO_JSRES_COMPRESSED ) { multiple = true; for ( var i = 0; i < file.length; i++ ) { file[i] = (file[i].replace(/\.js$/, '')) + '.js'; if ( loaded_components[file[i]] ) { file[i] = false; } } var file2 = []; for ( var i = 0; i < file.length; i++ ) { if ( file[i] ) file2.push(file[i]); } file = file2; delete(file2); if ( file.length < 1 ) { return true; } var file_flat = implode(',', file); } else { for ( var i = 0; i < file.length; i++ ) { load_component(file[i]); } return true; } } _load_component_running = true; if ( !multiple ) { file = file.replace(/\.js$/, ''); if ( loaded_components[file + '.js'] ) { // already loaded return true; } }'Loading component %s via AJAX', ( multiple ? file_flat : file )); load_show_win(( multiple ? file_flat : file )); // get an XHR instance var ajax = ajaxMakeXHR(); if ( !multiple ) file = file + '.js'; var uri = ( ENANO_JSRES_COMPRESSED ) ? scriptPath + '/includes/clientside/jsres.php?f=' + (multiple ? file_flat : file ) + '&' + enano_version : scriptPath + '/includes/clientside/static/' + file + '?' + enano_version; try {'GET', uri, false); ajax.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( this.readyState == 4 && this.status != 200 ) { alert('There was a problem loading a script from the server. Please check your network connection.'); load_hide_win(); throw('load_component(): XHR for component ' + file + ' failed'); } } ajax.send(null); // async request, so if status != 200 at this point then we're screwed if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) { if ( onload_complete ) onload_hooks = []; eval_global(ajax.responseText); if ( window.jQuery && aclDisableTransitionFX ) if ( window.jQuery.fx ) = true; load_hide_win(); if ( onload_complete ) runOnloadHooks(); } } catch(e) { alert('There was a problem loading a script from the server. Please check your network connection.'); load_hide_win();"Component loader exception is shown below."); console.debug(e); console.trace(); throw('load_component(): XHR for component ' + file + ' failed'); } if ( !multiple ) { loaded_components[file] = true; } _load_component_running = false; return true;}function load_show_win(file){ var img = '<img style="margin-right: 5px" src="' + cdnPath + '/images/loading.gif" />'; if ( document.getElementById('_js_load_component') ) { document.getElementById('_js_load_component').innerHTML = img + msg_loading_component.replace('%component%', file); return; } file = file.replace(/\.js$/, '').replace(/\.js,/g, ', '); var ld = document.createElement('div'); = '10px'; = '12px'; = 'fixed'; = '5px'; = '0px'; ld.innerHTML = img + msg_loading_component.replace('%component%', file); = '_js_load_component'; // FYI: The base64 encoded image is a 70% opacity 1x1px white PNG. = 'url()'; document.body.appendChild(ld); = 'wait';}function load_hide_win(){ var ld = document.getElementById('_js_load_component'); if ( !ld ) return false; ld.parentNode.removeChild(ld); = 'default';}// evaluate a snippet of code in the global context, used for dynamic component loading// from: eval_global(_jsString){ if (typeof _jsString != "string") { return false; } // Check whether window.eval executes code in the global scope. window.eval("var __INCLUDE_TEST_1__ = true;"); if (typeof window.__INCLUDE_TEST_1__ != "undefined") { delete window.__INCLUDE_TEST_1__; window.eval(_jsString); } else if (typeof window.execScript != "undefined") // IE only { window.execScript(_jsString); } else { // Test effectiveness of creating a new SCRIPT element and adding it to the document. this._insertScriptTag = function (_jsCode) { var _script = document.createElement("script"); _script.type = "text/javascript"; _script.defer = false; _script.text = _jsCode; var _headNodeSet = document.getElementsByTagName("head"); if (_headNodeSet.length) { _script = _headNodeSet.item(0).appendChild(_script); } else { var _head = document.createElement("head"); _head = document.documentElement.appendChild(_head); _script = _head.appendChild(_script); } return _script; } var _testScript = this._insertScriptTag("var __INCLUDE_TEST_2__ = true;"); if (typeof window.__INCLUDE_TEST_2__ == "boolean") { _testScript.parentNode.removeChild(_testScript); this._insertScriptTag(_jsString); } else { // Check whether window.setTimeout works in real time. window.setTimeout("var __INCLUDE_TEST_3__ = true;", 0); if (typeof window.__INCLUDE_TEST_3__ != "undefined") { delete window.__INCLUDE_TEST_3__; window.setTimeout(_jsString, 0); } } } return true;}var autofill_check = function(){ var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for ( var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ ) { if ( inputs[i].className ) { if ( inputs[i].className.match(/^autofill/) ) { load_component('autofill'); return; } } }}addOnloadHook(autofill_check);var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];// safari has window.console but not the .debug() methodif ( is_Safari && !window.console.debug ){ window.console.debug = function() {};}// Do not remove the following comments, they are used by jsres.php./*!START_INCLUDER*/// Start loading files// The string from the [ to the ] needs to be valid JSON, it's parsed by jsres.php.var thefiles = [ 'dynano.js', 'functions.js', 'dropdown.js', 'json.js', 'sliders.js', 'tinymce-init.js', 'preformat.js', 'loader.js'];for(var f in thefiles){ if ( typeof(thefiles[f]) != 'string' ) continue; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type="text/javascript"; if ( thefiles[f] == 'json.js' && KILL_SWITCH ) { // alert('kill switch and problem script'); continue; } script.src=cdnPath+"/includes/clientside/static/"+thefiles[f]; head.appendChild(script);}// Do not remove the following comment, it is used by jsres.php./*!END_INCLUDER*/addOnloadHook(function() { if ( $_REQUEST['auth'] ) { var key = $_REQUEST['auth']; var loc = String(window.location); loc = loc.replace(/#.+$/, '').replace(/&auth=[0-9a-f]+/, '').replace(/\?auth=[0-9a-f]+(&)?/, '$1'); if ( key != 'false' ) { var sep = loc.indexOf('?') != -1 ? '&' : '?'; loc = loc + sep + 'auth=' + key; } console.debug(loc); window.location = loc; } if ( $_REQUEST['do'] ) { var act = $_REQUEST['do']; switch(act) { case 'comments': ajaxComments(); break; case 'edit': var revid = ( $_REQUEST['rev'] ) ? parseInt($_REQUEST['rev']) : false; ajaxEditor(revid); break; case 'login': ajaxStartLogin(); break; case 'history': ajaxHistory(); break; case 'catedit': ajaxCatEdit(); break; case 'rename': ajaxRename(); break; case 'aclmanager': ajaxOpenACLManager(); break; } }});function Placeholder(funcname, filename){ this.filename = filename; this.funcname = funcname; this.go = function() { window[funcname] = null; load_component(filename); var arglist = []; for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) { arglist[arglist.length] = 'arguments['+i+']'; } arglist = implode(', ', arglist); return eval(funcname + '(' + arglist + ');'); }}// list of public functions that need placeholders that fetch the componentvar placeholder_list = { ajaxReset: 'ajax.js', ajaxComments: 'comments.js', ajaxEditor: 'editor.js', ajaxHistory: 'ajax.js', ajaxRename: 'ajax.js', ajaxDelVote: 'ajax.js', ajaxProtect: 'ajax.js', ajaxClearLogs: 'ajax.js', ajaxRollback: 'ajax.js', ajaxResetDelVotes: 'ajax.js', ajaxDeletePage: 'ajax.js', ajaxSetPassword: 'ajax.js', ajaxChangeStyle: 'ajax.js', ajaxCatToTag: 'ajax.js', ajaxCatEdit: 'ajax.js', ajaxReverseDNS: 'ajax.js', ajaxGzipCheck: 'ajax.js', ajaxOpenACLManager: 'acl.js', ajaxOpenDirectACLRule: 'acl.js', ajaxAdminPage: 'login.js', ajaxInitLogout: 'login.js', ajaxStartLogin: 'login.js', ajaxStartAdminLogin: 'login.js', ajaxLoginNavTo: 'login.js', ajaxLogonToElev: 'login.js', ajaxLoginInit: 'login.js', ajaxAdminPage: 'login.js', ajaxAdminUser: 'login.js', mb_logout: 'login.js', selectButtonMajor: 'toolbar.js', selectButtonMinor: 'toolbar.js', unselectAllButtonsMajor: 'toolbar.js', unselectAllButtonsMinor: 'toolbar.js', darken: 'fadefilter.js', enlighten: 'fadefilter.js', password_score: 'pwstrength.js', password_score_field: 'pwstrength.js', ajaxEditTheme: 'theme-manager.js', ajaxToggleSystemThemes: 'theme-manager.js', ajaxInstallTheme: 'theme-manager.js', ajaxInitRankEdit: 'rank-manager.js', ajaxInitRankCreate: 'rank-manager.js', autofill_init_element: 'autofill.js', autofill_init: 'autofill.js', paginator_goto: 'paginate.js'};function AutofillUsername(el, p){ p = p || {}; el.className = 'autofill username'; el.onkeyup = null; autofill_init_element(el, p);}function AutofillPage(el, p){ p = p || {}; el.className = 'autofill page'; el.onkeyup = null; autofill_init_element(el, p);}var placeholder_instances = {};for ( var i in placeholder_list ){ var file = placeholder_list[i]; placeholder_instances[i] = new Placeholder(i, file); window[i] = window[i] || placeholder_instances[i].go;}$lang = window.$lang || { get: function(a, b) { load_component('l10n'); return $lang.get(a, b); }, placeholder: true}//*/