Hopefully now all calls to escape() are replaced with ajaxEscape() in response to Tomasz's forum post; remove deprecated version of show_category_info() from functions.php
var url = tinyMCE.getParam("flash_external_list_url");if (url != null) { // Fix relative if (url.charAt(0) != '/' && url.indexOf('://') == -1) url = tinyMCE.documentBasePath + "/" + url; document.write('<sc'+'ript language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' + url + '"></sc'+'ript>');}function init() { tinyMCEPopup.resizeToInnerSize(); document.getElementById("filebrowsercontainer").innerHTML = getBrowserHTML('filebrowser','file','flash','flash'); // Image list outsrc var html = getFlashListHTML('filebrowser','file','flash','flash'); if (html == "") document.getElementById("linklistrow").style.display = 'none'; else document.getElementById("linklistcontainer").innerHTML = html; var formObj = document.forms[0]; var swffile = tinyMCE.getWindowArg('swffile'); var swfwidth = '' + tinyMCE.getWindowArg('swfwidth'); var swfheight = '' + tinyMCE.getWindowArg('swfheight'); if (swfwidth.indexOf('%')!=-1) { formObj.width2.value = "%"; formObj.width.value = swfwidth.substring(0,swfwidth.length-1); } else { formObj.width2.value = "px"; formObj.width.value = swfwidth; } if (swfheight.indexOf('%')!=-1) { formObj.height2.value = "%"; formObj.height.value = swfheight.substring(0,swfheight.length-1); } else { formObj.height2.value = "px"; formObj.height.value = swfheight; } formObj.file.value = swffile; formObj.insert.value = tinyMCE.getLang('lang_' + tinyMCE.getWindowArg('action'), 'Insert', true); selectByValue(formObj, 'linklist', swffile); // Handle file browser if (isVisible('filebrowser')) document.getElementById('file').style.width = '230px'; // Auto select flash in list if (typeof(tinyMCEFlashList) != "undefined" && tinyMCEFlashList.length > 0) { for (var i=0; i<formObj.linklist.length; i++) { if (formObj.linklist.options[i].value == tinyMCE.getWindowArg('swffile')) formObj.linklist.options[i].selected = true; } }}function getFlashListHTML() { if (typeof(tinyMCEFlashList) != "undefined" && tinyMCEFlashList.length > 0) { var html = ""; html += '<select id="linklist" name="linklist" style="width: 250px" onfocus="tinyMCE.addSelectAccessibility(event, this, window);" onchange="this.form.file.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">'; html += '<option value="">---</option>'; for (var i=0; i<tinyMCEFlashList.length; i++) html += '<option value="' + tinyMCEFlashList[i][1] + '">' + tinyMCEFlashList[i][0] + '</option>'; html += '</select>'; return html; } return "";}function insertFlash() { var formObj = document.forms[0]; var html = ''; var file = formObj.file.value; var width = formObj.width.value; var height = formObj.height.value; if (formObj.width2.value=='%') { width = width + '%'; } if (formObj.height2.value=='%') { height = height + '%'; } if (width == "") width = 100; if (height == "") height = 100; html += '' + '<img src="' + (tinyMCE.getParam("theme_href") + "/images/spacer.gif") + '" mce_src="' + (tinyMCE.getParam("theme_href") + "/images/spacer.gif") + '" ' + 'width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" ' + 'border="0" alt="' + file + '" title="' + file + '" class="mceItemFlash" />'; tinyMCEPopup.execCommand("mceInsertContent", true, html); tinyMCE.selectedInstance.repaint(); tinyMCEPopup.close();}