Disabled Javascript debugging. That thing has a nasty habit of getting enabled when it shouldn't.
* $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 264 2007-04-26 20:53:09Z spocke $
* @author Moxiecode
* @copyright Copyright © 2004-2008, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
(function() {
var Event = tinymce.dom.Event, grep = tinymce.grep, each = tinymce.each, inArray = tinymce.inArray;
function isEmpty(d, e, f) {
var w, n;
w = d.createTreeWalker(e, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false);
while (n = w.nextNode()) {
// Filter func
if (f) {
if (!f(n))
return false;
// Non whitespace text node
if (n.nodeType == 3 && n.nodeValue && /[^\s\u00a0]+/.test(n.nodeValue))
return false;
// Is non text element byt still content
if (n.nodeType == 1 && /^(HR|IMG|TABLE)$/.test(n.nodeName))
return false;
return true;
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Safari', {
init : function(ed) {
var t = this, dom;
// Ignore on non webkit
if (!tinymce.isWebKit)
t.editor = ed;
t.webKitFontSizes = ['x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large', '-webkit-xxx-large'];
t.namedFontSizes = ['xx-small', 'x-small','small','medium','large','x-large', 'xx-large'];
// Safari CreateLink command will not work correctly on images that is aligned
ed.addCommand('CreateLink', function(u, v) {
var n = ed.selection.getNode(), dom = ed.dom, a;
if (n && (/^(left|right)$/i.test(dom.getStyle(n, 'float', 1)) || /^(left|right)$/i.test(dom.getAttrib(n, 'align')))) {
a = dom.create('a', {href : v}, n.cloneNode());
n.parentNode.replaceChild(a, n);
} else
ed.getDoc().execCommand("CreateLink", false, v);
// WebKit generates spans out of thin air this patch used to remove them but it will also remove styles we want so it's disabled for now
ed.onPaste.add(function(ed, e) {
function removeStyles(e) {
e = e.target;
if (e.nodeType == 1) {
e.style.cssText = '';
each(ed.dom.select('*', e), function(e) {
e.style.cssText = '';
Event.add(ed.getDoc(), 'DOMNodeInserted', removeStyles);
window.setTimeout(function() {
Event.remove(ed.getDoc(), 'DOMNodeInserted', removeStyles);
}, 0);
ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
var h, b, r, n, s;
// If backspace or delete key
if (e.keyCode == 46 || e.keyCode == 8) {
b = ed.getBody();
h = b.innerHTML;
s = ed.selection;
// If there is no text content or images or hr elements then remove everything
if (b.childNodes.length == 1 && !/<(img|hr)/.test(h) && tinymce.trim(h.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '')).length == 0) {
// Inject paragrah and bogus br
ed.setContent('<p><br mce_bogus="1" /></p>', {format : 'raw'});
// Move caret before bogus br
n = b.firstChild;
r = s.getRng();
r.setStart(n, 0);
r.setEnd(n, 0);
// Workaround for FormatBlock bug, http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16004
ed.addCommand('FormatBlock', function(u, v) {
var dom = ed.dom, e = dom.getParent(ed.selection.getNode(), dom.isBlock);
if (e)
dom.replace(dom.create(v), e, 1);
ed.getDoc().execCommand("FormatBlock", false, v);
// Workaround for InsertHTML bug, http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16382
ed.addCommand('mceInsertContent', function(u, v) {
ed.getDoc().execCommand("InsertText", false, 'mce_marker');
ed.getBody().innerHTML = ed.getBody().innerHTML.replace(/mce_marker/g, ed.dom.processHTML(v) + '<span id="_mce_tmp">XX</span>');
ed.getDoc().execCommand("Delete", false, ' ');
/* ed.onKeyDown.add(function(ed, e) {
// Ctrl+A select all will fail on WebKit since if you paste the contents you selected it will produce a odd div wrapper
if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.keyCode == 65) {
ed.selection.select(ed.getBody(), 1);
return Event.cancel(e);
ed.onKeyPress.add(function(ed, e) {
var se, li, lic, r1, r2, n, sel, doc, be, af, pa;
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
sel = ed.selection;
se = sel.getNode();
// Workaround for missing shift+enter support, http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16973
if (e.shiftKey || ed.settings.force_br_newlines && se.nodeName != 'LI') {
// Workaround for DIV elements produced by Safari
if (li = dom.getParent(se, 'LI')) {
lic = dom.getParent(li, 'OL,UL');
doc = ed.getDoc();
pa = dom.create('p');
dom.add(pa, 'br', {mce_bogus : "1"});
if (isEmpty(doc, li)) {
// If list in list then use browser default behavior
if (n = dom.getParent(lic.parentNode, 'LI,OL,UL'))
n = dom.getParent(lic, 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div') || lic;
// Create range from the start of block element to the list item
r1 = doc.createRange();
// Create range after the list to the end of block element
r2 = doc.createRange();
be = r1.cloneContents();
af = r2.cloneContents();
if (!isEmpty(doc, af))
dom.insertAfter(af, n);
dom.insertAfter(pa, n);
if (!isEmpty(doc, be))
dom.insertAfter(be, n);
n = pa.firstChild;
r1 = doc.createRange();
return Event.cancel(e);
// Safari doesn't place lists outside block elements
ed.onExecCommand.add(function(ed, cmd) {
var sel, dom, bl, bm;
if (cmd == 'InsertUnorderedList' || cmd == 'InsertOrderedList') {
sel = ed.selection;
dom = ed.dom;
if (bl = dom.getParent(sel.getNode(), function(n) {return /^(H[1-6]|P|ADDRESS|PRE)$/.test(n.nodeName);})) {
bm = sel.getBookmark();
dom.remove(bl, 1);
// Workaround for bug, http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12250
ed.onClick.add(function(ed, e) {
e = e.target;
if (e.nodeName == 'IMG') {
t.selElm = e;
} else
t.selElm = null;
ed.onInit.add(function() {
ed.onSetContent.add(function() {
dom = ed.dom;
// Convert strong,b,em,u,strike to spans
each(['strong','b','em','u','strike','sub','sup','a'], function(v) {
each(grep(dom.select(v)).reverse(), function(n) {
var nn = n.nodeName.toLowerCase(), st;
// Convert anchors into images
if (nn == 'a') {
if (n.name)
dom.replace(dom.create('img', {mce_name : 'a', name : n.name, 'class' : 'mceItemAnchor'}), n);
switch (nn) {
case 'b':
case 'strong':
if (nn == 'b')
nn = 'strong';
st = 'font-weight: bold;';
case 'em':
st = 'font-style: italic;';
case 'u':
st = 'text-decoration: underline;';
case 'sub':
st = 'vertical-align: sub;';
case 'sup':
st = 'vertical-align: super;';
case 'strike':
st = 'text-decoration: line-through;';
dom.replace(dom.create('span', {mce_name : nn, style : st, 'class' : 'Apple-style-span'}), n, 1);
ed.onPreProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
dom = ed.dom;
each(grep(o.node.getElementsByTagName('span')).reverse(), function(n) {
var v, bg;
if (o.get) {
if (dom.hasClass(n, 'Apple-style-span')) {
bg = n.style.backgroundColor;
switch (dom.getAttrib(n, 'mce_name')) {
case 'font':
if (!ed.settings.convert_fonts_to_spans)
dom.setAttrib(n, 'style', '');
case 'strong':
case 'em':
case 'sub':
case 'sup':
dom.setAttrib(n, 'style', '');
case 'strike':
case 'u':
if (!ed.settings.inline_styles)
dom.setAttrib(n, 'style', '');
dom.setAttrib(n, 'mce_name', '');
if (!ed.settings.inline_styles)
dom.setAttrib(n, 'style', '');
if (bg)
n.style.backgroundColor = bg;
if (dom.hasClass(n, 'mceItemRemoved'))
dom.remove(n, 1);
ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
// Safari adds BR at end of all block elements
o.content = o.content.replace(/<br \/><\/(h[1-6]|div|p|address|pre)>/g, '</$1>');
// Safari adds id="undefined" to HR elements
o.content = o.content.replace(/ id=\"undefined\"/g, '');
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Safari compatibility',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/safari',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Internal methods
_fixWebKitSpans : function() {
var t = this, ed = t.editor;
// Use mutator events on new WebKit
Event.add(ed.getDoc(), 'DOMNodeInserted', function(e) {
e = e.target;
if (e && e.nodeType == 1)
_fixAppleSpan : function(e) {
var ed = this.editor, dom = ed.dom, fz = this.webKitFontSizes, fzn = this.namedFontSizes, s = ed.settings, st, p;
if (dom.getAttrib(e, 'mce_fixed'))
// Handle Apple style spans
if (e.nodeName == 'SPAN' && e.className == 'Apple-style-span') {
st = e.style;
if (!s.convert_fonts_to_spans) {
if (st.fontSize) {
dom.setAttrib(e, 'mce_name', 'font');
dom.setAttrib(e, 'size', inArray(fz, st.fontSize) + 1);
if (st.fontFamily) {
dom.setAttrib(e, 'mce_name', 'font');
dom.setAttrib(e, 'face', st.fontFamily);
if (st.color) {
dom.setAttrib(e, 'mce_name', 'font');
dom.setAttrib(e, 'color', dom.toHex(st.color));
if (st.backgroundColor) {
dom.setAttrib(e, 'mce_name', 'font');
dom.setStyle(e, 'background-color', st.backgroundColor);
} else {
if (st.fontSize)
dom.setStyle(e, 'fontSize', fzn[inArray(fz, st.fontSize)]);
if (st.fontWeight == 'bold')
dom.setAttrib(e, 'mce_name', 'strong');
if (st.fontStyle == 'italic')
dom.setAttrib(e, 'mce_name', 'em');
if (st.textDecoration == 'underline')
dom.setAttrib(e, 'mce_name', 'u');
if (st.textDecoration == 'line-through')
dom.setAttrib(e, 'mce_name', 'strike');
if (st.verticalAlign == 'super')
dom.setAttrib(e, 'mce_name', 'sup');
if (st.verticalAlign == 'sub')
dom.setAttrib(e, 'mce_name', 'sub');
dom.setAttrib(e, 'mce_fixed', '1');
_insertBR : function(ed) {
var dom = ed.dom, s = ed.selection, r = s.getRng(), br;
// Insert BR element
r.insertNode(br = dom.create('br'));
// Place caret after BR
// Could not place caret after BR then insert an nbsp entity and move the caret
if (s.getSel().focusNode == br.previousSibling) {
s.select(dom.insertAfter(dom.doc.createTextNode('\u00a0'), br));
// Scroll to new position, scrollIntoView can't be used due to bug: http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16117
ed.getWin().scrollTo(0, dom.getPos(s.getRng().startContainer).y);
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('safari', tinymce.plugins.Safari);