Rebranded as 1.1.5 (Caoineag alpha 5) and fixed a couple bugs related to CDN support in template_nodb and installerUI. Updated readme.
Enano CMSVersion 1.1.5-----------------------------Thanks for downloading Enano! If you're looking for an installation guide,you can find it at <>.COPYRIGHT-----------------------------Enano CMSCopyright (C) 2006-2008 Dan Fuhry. All rights except those explicitly grantedby the included license agreement reserved.PHILOSOPHY-----------------------------We strongly believe in the idea of Free Software. Enano is released under theGNU General Public License; see the file GPL included with this release fordetails.LICENSING-----------------------------This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it underthe terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free SoftwareFoundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any laterversion.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along withthis program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA-----------------------------Most of the PHP code in Enano was written by Dan Fuhry. Some parts were borrowedfrom other projects that are also released under Free licenses; see the variousfiles under the licenses/ directory included with this release for details.Please be reminded that if you create a commercial fork of Enano, that whileall of the components included with Enano are licensed in such a way that youare allowed to do so, you must make the project in its entirety available underthe GNU General Public License, notwithstanding licenses for specificcomponents of Enano named in /licenses/index.html and in various source codefiles.We also ask that if you fork Enano, you provide attribution to the Enano teamby including the following notice on the (renamed) Special:About_Enano page: "This software is based on Enano CMS, copyright (C) 2006-2008 Dan Fuhry."While you have no legal obligation to do so, we ask that any forks of Enanobe renamed so that they do not contain the word "Enano" anywhere in theproduct name. This is for identity and support reasons - users may getconfused as to which one is the "real" Enano CMS. We also strongly recommendthat you include a notice of non-endorsement from Dan Fuhry and the EnanoFoundation and a disclaimer of liability for damages incurred through the useof the software. The Enano Team will not provide support for forks.As permitted by the GPL, you may charge for the service of downloading Enanofrom your server; however, you may not prevent others from distributing Enanoor any modified version.CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE-----------------------------Please see <> for a list of changes inthis release.UPGRADING FROM PREVIOUS RELEASES-----------------------------This archive includes a script that can migrate an Enano 1.0.x installation toEnano 1.1. Before running the migration script, you should always be sure toupgrade to the latest version of Enano 1.0.x (1.0.4 "Ellyyllon" at the time ofthis writing). Migration is NOT REVERSIBLE. This is alpha-quality code. DO NOTUNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES UPGRADE A PRODUCTION SITE.As of Enano 1.1.2, upgrades from previous 1.1.x versions are supported. The APIis considered fairly stable as of 1.1.4, but the interface is still a work inprogress except for the installer UI core, which is quite close to final.TRANSLATING ENANO-----------------------------This is the only the fifth formal release of Enano that is localized. Rightnow since this is an alpha, you probably don't want to do any translationbecause you'll be doing a TON more strings at every release. HOWEVER, we'relooking for people to sign up and volunteer for translation efforts later on.If you have a native or very good knowledge of a language, drop us an e-mailand we'll get you onto the translator list and eventually onto a mailing listspecifically for l10n.EXPANDING YOUR SITE'S CAPABILITIES-----------------------------There is a gallery of plugins for Enano at<>. It's not very full right now becausenot every plugin has a page on the website yet, and some plugins still haveyet to be ported to work with some of the newer API changes. Being an alpharelease you'll probably need to look in the Mercurial repositories at<> for the latest versions of plugins that are designedto work under both 1.0.x and 1.1.x.GIVING YOUR SITE A NEW LOOK-----------------------------You can find more themes for Enano at <>.Again, we're still working on packaging up themes and creating pages for them,so try to be patient. We have quite a few themes in the works. You can createyour own themes too; for more information, see Chapter V of the EnanoAdministrator's handbook, at <>. Unlessspecifically marked, themes on the Enano website are compatible with 1.0.x.While you can use 1.0.x themes under 1.1.x, some features (namely viewing IPson comments and the default "Inherit" option in the ACL editor) will be missingunless you copy over comment.tpl and acledit.tpl respectively from Oxygen orone of the other themes included with this 1.1.x package.PLUGIN DEVELOPMENT-----------------------------The plugin API in Enano 1.1 has been dramatically revamped from 1.0. Someeffort has been made to allow 1.0.x plugins that don't hook very deeply tocontinue to work; however with all of the new functionality (localizationespecially) we recommend that developers take the time to learn how to use thenew plugin management platform. This system is fully documented in the largecomment block in plugins/admin/PluginManager.php.GETTING SUPPORT-----------------------------This is an alpha release. No support of any kind will be provided, but properbug reports are appreciated. See the Enano forums at<> for more information.Have fun with Enano!- The Enano team Dan Fuhry <> Neal Gompa <> Manoj Maddali <> ThGeneral8 <>