Added some more hooks to the page editing pipeline. It should now be possible to add controls to the page editor, send the data from them out to the server, and process them on the server side.
/* * AJAX-based intelligent login interface *//* * FRONTEND *//** * Performs a logon as a regular member. */window.ajaxLogonToMember = function(){ // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility if ( KILL_SWITCH ) return true; if ( auth_level >= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) return true; ajaxLoginInit(function(k) { if ( on_main_page && main_page_members != physical_title ) { window.location = makeUrl(main_page_members); } else { window.location.reload(); } }, USER_LEVEL_MEMBER);}/** * Authenticates to the highest level the current user is allowed to go to. */window.ajaxLogonToElev = function(){ if ( auth_level == user_level ) return true; ajaxLoginInit(function(k) { ENANO_SID = k; var url = String(' ' + window.location).substr(1); url = append_sid(url); window.location = url; }, user_level);}/* * BACKEND *//** * Holding object for various AJAX authentication information. * @var object */var logindata = {};/** * Path to the image used to indicate loading progress * @var string */if ( !ajax_login_loadimg_path ) var ajax_login_loadimg_path = false;if ( !ajax_login_successimg_path ) var ajax_login_successimg_path = false;if ( !ajax_login_lockimg_path ) var ajax_login_lockimg_path = false;/** * Status variables * @var int */var AJAX_STATUS_LOADING_KEY = 1;var AJAX_STATUS_GENERATING_KEY = 2;var AJAX_STATUS_LOGGING_IN = 3;var AJAX_STATUS_SUCCESS = 4;var AJAX_STATUS_ERROR = 5;var AJAX_STATUS_DESTROY = 65535;/** * State constants * @var int */var AJAX_STATE_EARLY_INIT = 1;var AJAX_STATE_LOADING_KEY = 2;/** * Switch to decide if DiffieHellman shows a "browser incompatible" error * @var bool */var ajax_login_prevent_dh = ( IE && !IE_8 ) || ( is_iPhone && !is_iPhone_3 );/** * Time to wait to focus the controls. * @var int */var AJAX_LOGIN_FOCUS_WAIT = aclDisableTransitionFX ? 0 : 750;/** * Performs the AJAX request to get an encryption key and from there spawns the login form. * @param function The function that will be called once authentication completes successfully. * @param int The security level to authenticate at - see */window.ajaxLoginInit = function(call_on_finish, user_level){ load_component(['messagebox', 'flyin', 'fadefilter', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'l10n', 'crypto']); logindata = {}; var title = ( user_level > USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) ? $lang.get('user_login_ajax_prompt_title_elev') : $lang.get('user_login_ajax_prompt_title'); logindata.mb_object = new MessageBox(MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONLOCK, title, ''); // // Cancel function: called when the "Cancel" button is clicked // logindata.mb_object.onclick['Cancel'] = function() { // Hide the error message, if any $('#ajax_login_error_box').remove(); // Hide the captcha, if any if ( document.getElementById('autoCaptcha') ) { var to = fly_out_top(document.getElementById('autoCaptcha'), false, true); setTimeout(function() { var d = document.getElementById('autoCaptcha'); d.parentNode.removeChild(d); }, to); } // Ask the server to delete the encryption key we're using ajaxLoginPerformRequest({ mode: 'clean_key', key_aes: logindata.key_aes, key_dh: logindata.key_dh }); }; // Clicking OK will not cause the box to destroy, as this function returns true. logindata.mb_object.onbeforeclick['OK'] = function() { // Just call the submitter and let it take care of everything ajaxLoginSubmitForm(); return true; } // Fetch the inner content area logindata.mb_inner = document.getElementById('messageBox').getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; // Initialize state logindata.showing_status = false; logindata.user_level = user_level; logindata.successfunc = call_on_finish; logindata.start_time = (new Date()).getTime(); // Build the "loading" window ajaxLoginSetStatus(AJAX_STATUS_LOADING_KEY); // Request the key ajaxLoginPerformRequest({ mode: 'getkey' });}/** * For compatibility only. Really, folks, it's ajaxLoginInit. If you need a * mnemonic device, use "two 'in's." */window.ajaxLogonInit = function(call_on_finish, user_level){ return ajaxLoginInit(call_on_finish, user_level);}/** * Sets the contents of the AJAX login window to the appropriate status message. * @param int One of AJAX_STATUS_* constants */window.ajaxLoginSetStatus = function(status){ if ( !logindata.mb_inner ) return false; if ( logindata.showing_status ) { var div = document.getElementById('ajax_login_status'); if ( div ) logindata.mb_inner.removeChild(div); } switch(status) { case AJAX_STATUS_LOADING_KEY: // Create the status div var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'ajax_login_status'; = '10px'; = 'center'; // The circly ball ajaxy image + status message var status_msg = $lang.get('user_login_ajax_fetching_key'); // Insert the status message div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(status_msg)); // Append a br or two to space things properly div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = ( ajax_login_loadimg_path ) ? ajax_login_loadimg_path : scriptPath + '/images/loading-big.gif'; div.appendChild(img); // Another coupla brs div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); // The link to the full login form var small = document.createElement('small'); small.innerHTML = $lang.get('user_login_ajax_link_fullform', { link_full_form: makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/' + title) }); div.appendChild(small); // Insert the entire message into the login window logindata.mb_inner.innerHTML = ''; logindata.mb_inner.appendChild(div); break; case AJAX_STATUS_GENERATING_KEY: // Create the status div var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'ajax_login_status'; = '10px'; = 'center'; // The circly ball ajaxy image + status message var status_msg = $lang.get('user_login_ajax_generating_key'); // Insert the status message div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(status_msg)); // Append a br or two to space things properly div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = ( ajax_login_lockimg_path ) ? ajax_login_lockimg_path : scriptPath + '/images/lock48.png'; div.appendChild(img); // Another coupla brs div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); // The link to the full login form var small = document.createElement('small'); small.innerHTML = $lang.get('user_login_ajax_link_fullform_dh', { link_full_form: makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/' + title) }); div.appendChild(small); // Insert the entire message into the login window logindata.mb_inner.innerHTML = ''; logindata.mb_inner.appendChild(div); break; case AJAX_STATUS_LOGGING_IN: // Create the status div var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'ajax_login_status'; = '10px'; = 'center'; // The circly ball ajaxy image + status message var status_msg = $lang.get('user_login_ajax_loggingin'); // Insert the status message div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(status_msg)); // Append a br or two to space things properly div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = ( ajax_login_loadimg_path ) ? ajax_login_loadimg_path : scriptPath + '/images/loading-big.gif'; div.appendChild(img); // Insert the entire message into the login window logindata.mb_inner.innerHTML = ''; logindata.mb_inner.appendChild(div); break; case AJAX_STATUS_SUCCESS: // Create the status div var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'ajax_login_status'; = '10px'; = 'center'; // The circly ball ajaxy image + status message var status_msg = $lang.get('user_login_success_short'); // Insert the status message div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(status_msg)); // Append a br or two to space things properly div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = ( ajax_login_successimg_path ) ? ajax_login_successimg_path : scriptPath + '/images/check.png'; div.appendChild(img); // Insert the entire message into the login window logindata.mb_inner.innerHTML = ''; logindata.mb_inner.appendChild(div); break; case AJAX_STATUS_ERROR: // Create the status div var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'ajax_login_status'; = '10px'; = 'center'; // The circly ball ajaxy image + status message var status_msg = $lang.get('user_login_ajax_err_crypto'); // Insert the status message div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(status_msg)); // Append a br or two to space things properly div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = ( ajax_login_successimg_path ) ? ajax_login_successimg_path : scriptPath + '/images/checkbad.png'; div.appendChild(img); // Append a br or two to space things properly div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); // The circly ball ajaxy image + status message var detail_msg = $lang.get('user_login_ajax_err_crypto_details'); var full_link = $lang.get('user_login_ajax_err_crypto_link'); var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/' + title, 'level=' + logindata.user_level, true); link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(full_link)); var span = document.createElement('span'); = 'smaller'; // Insert the message span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(detail_msg + ' ')); span.appendChild(link); div.appendChild(span); // Insert the entire message into the login window logindata.mb_inner.innerHTML = ''; logindata.mb_inner.appendChild(div); break; default: eval(setHook('login_set_status')); break; case AJAX_STATUS_DESTROY: case null: case undefined: logindata.showing_status = false; return; break; } logindata.showing_status = true;}/** * Performs an AJAX logon request to the server and calls ajaxLoginProcessResponse() on the result. * @param object JSON packet to send * @param function Optional function to call on the response as well. */window.ajaxLoginPerformRequest = function(json, _hookfunc){ json = toJSONString(json); json = ajaxEscape(json); var hookfunc = typeof(_hookfunc) == 'function' ? _hookfunc : false; ajaxPost(makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/action.json'), 'r=' + json, function(ajax) { if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) { // parse response var response = String(ajax.responseText + ''); if ( !check_json_response(response) ) { handle_invalid_json(response); return false; } response = parseJSON(response); ajaxLoginProcessResponse(response, hookfunc); } }, true);}/** * Processes a response from the login server * @param object JSON response */window.ajaxLoginProcessResponse = function(response, hookfunc){ // Did the server send a plaintext error? if ( response.mode == 'error' ) { if ( logindata.mb_object ) { logindata.mb_object.destroy(); var error_msg = $lang.get('user_' + ( response.error.toLowerCase() )); new MessageBox(MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK, $lang.get('user_err_login_generic_title'), error_msg); } else { alert(response.error); } return false; } // Main mode switch switch ( response.mode ) { case 'initial': // Rid ourselves of any loading windows ajaxLoginSetStatus(AJAX_STATUS_DESTROY); // show any errors ajaxLoginShowFriendlyError(response); // The server wants us to build the login form, all the information is there ajaxLoginBuildForm(response); break; case 'login_success': ajaxLoginSetStatus(AJAX_STATUS_SUCCESS); logindata.successfunc(response.key, response); break; case 'reset_pass_used': // We logged in with a temporary password. Prompt the user to go to the temp password page and // reset their real password. If they click no, treat it as a login failure, as no session key // is actually issued when this type of login is performed. var conf = confirm($lang.get('user_login_ajax_msg_used_temp_pass')); if ( conf ) { var url = response.redirect_url; window.location = url; break; } // else, treat as a failure default: // Rid ourselves of any loading windows ajaxLoginSetStatus(AJAX_STATUS_DESTROY); document.getElementById('messageBox').style.backgroundColor = '#C0C0C0'; var mb_parent = document.getElementById('messageBox').parentNode; $(mb_parent).effect("shake", {}, 200); setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById('messageBox').style.backgroundColor = '#FFF'; console.debug(response); ajaxLoginShowFriendlyError(response); ajaxLoginBuildForm(response); }, 2500); break; case 'logout_success': if ( ENANO_SID ) { ajaxLoginReplaceSIDInline(false, ENANO_SID, USER_LEVEL_MEMBER); } break; case 'noop': break; } if ( hookfunc ) { hookfunc(response); }}/* * RESPONSE HANDLERS *//** * Builds the login form. * @param object Metadata to build off of */window.ajaxLoginBuildForm = function(data){ // let's hope this effectively preloads the image... var _1 = document.createElement('img'); _1.src = ( ajax_login_successimg_path ) ? ajax_login_successimg_path : scriptPath + '/images/check.png'; var _2 = document.createElement('img'); _2.src = ( ajax_login_lockimg_path ) ? ajax_login_lockimg_path : scriptPath + '/images/lock48.png'; var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'ajax_login_form'; var show_captcha = ( && data.lockout.policy == 'captcha' ) ? data.lockout.captcha : false; // text displayed on re-auth if ( logindata.user_level > USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) { div.innerHTML += $lang.get('user_login_ajax_prompt_body_elev') + '<br /><br />'; } // Create the form var form = document.createElement('form'); form.action = 'javascript:void(ajaxLoginSubmitForm());'; form.onsubmit = function() { ajaxLoginSubmitForm(); return false; } if ( IE ) { = '-20px'; } // Using tables to wrap form elements because it results in a // more visually appealing form. Yes, tables suck. I don't really // care - they make forms look good. var table = document.createElement('table'); = '0 auto'; // Field - username var tr1 = document.createElement('tr'); var td1_1 = document.createElement('td'); td1_1.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('user_login_field_username') + ':')); tr1.appendChild(td1_1); var td1_2 = document.createElement('td'); var f_username = document.createElement('input'); = 'ajax_login_field_username'; = 'ajax_login_field_username'; f_username.type = 'text'; f_username.size = '25'; if ( data.username ) f_username.value = data.username; td1_2.appendChild(f_username); tr1.appendChild(td1_2); table.appendChild(tr1); // Field - password var tr2 = document.createElement('tr'); var td2_1 = document.createElement('td'); td2_1.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('user_login_field_password') + ':')); tr2.appendChild(td2_1); var td2_2 = document.createElement('td'); var f_password = document.createElement('input'); = 'ajax_login_field_password'; = 'ajax_login_field_username'; f_password.type = 'password'; f_password.size = '25'; if ( !show_captcha ) { f_password.onkeyup = function(e) { if ( !e ) e = window.event; if ( !e && IE ) return true; if ( e.keyCode == 13 ) { ajaxLoginSubmitForm(); } } } td2_2.appendChild(f_password); tr2.appendChild(td2_2); table.appendChild(tr2); // Field - captcha if ( show_captcha ) { var tr3 = document.createElement('tr'); var td3_1 = document.createElement('td'); td3_1.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('user_login_field_captcha') + ':')); tr3.appendChild(td3_1); var td3_2 = document.createElement('td'); var f_captcha = document.createElement('input'); = 'ajax_login_field_captcha'; = 'ajax_login_field_username'; f_captcha.type = 'text'; f_captcha.size = '25'; f_captcha.onkeyup = function(e) { if ( !e ) e = window.event; if ( !e.keyCode ) return true; if ( e.keyCode == 13 ) { ajaxLoginSubmitForm(); } } td3_2.appendChild(f_captcha); tr3.appendChild(td3_2); table.appendChild(tr3); } // ok, this is a compatibility hack data.locked_out = { locked_out: }; // hook for the login form eval(setHook('login_build_form')); delete(data.locked_out); // Done building the main part of the form form.appendChild(table); // Checkbox container var boxen = document.createElement('div'); = 'center'; = '7px 0'; // Field: remember login if ( logindata.user_level <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) { var lbl_remember = document.createElement('label'); = 'smaller'; = 'center'; // figure out what text to put in the "remember me" checkbox // infinite session length? if ( data.extended_time == 0 ) { // yes, infinite var txt_remember = $lang.get('user_login_ajax_check_remember_infinite'); } else { if ( data.extended_time % 7 == 0 ) { // number of days is a multiple of 7 // use weeks as our unit var sess_time = data.extended_time / 7; var unit = 'week'; } else { // use days as our unit var sess_time = data.extended_time; var unit = 'day'; } // more than one week or day? if ( sess_time != 1 ) unit += 's'; // assemble the string var txt_remember = $lang.get('user_login_ajax_check_remember', { session_length: sess_time, length_units: $lang.get('etc_unit_' + unit) }); } var check_remember = document.createElement('input'); check_remember.type = 'checkbox'; // this onclick attribute changes the cookie whenever the checkbox or label is clicked check_remember.setAttribute('onclick', 'var ck = ( this.checked ) ? "enable" : "disable"; createCookie("login_remember", ck, 3650);'); if ( readCookie('login_remember') != 'disable' ) check_remember.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); = 'ajax_login_field_remember'; lbl_remember.appendChild(check_remember); lbl_remember.innerHTML += ' ' + txt_remember; boxen.appendChild(lbl_remember); } var bullet = document.createElement('span'); bullet.innerHTML = ' '; = '12pt'; = '1px solid #aaa'; = '0 6px 0 4px'; // Field: enable Diffie Hellman if ( ajax_login_prevent_dh ) { if ( logindata.user_level <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) // only show this if both checkboxes are visible boxen.appendChild(bullet); var lbl_dh = document.createElement('span'); = 'smaller'; = 'center'; lbl_dh.innerHTML = $lang.get('user_login_ajax_check_dh_ie'); boxen.appendChild(lbl_dh); } else if ( !data.crypto.dh_enable ) { // create hidden control - server requested that DiffieHellman be disabled (usually means not supported) var check_dh = document.createElement('input'); check_dh.type = 'hidden'; = 'ajax_login_field_dh'; boxen.appendChild(check_dh); } else { if ( logindata.user_level <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) // only show this if both checkboxes are visible boxen.appendChild(bullet); var lbl_dh = document.createElement('label'); = 'smaller'; = 'center'; var check_dh = document.createElement('input'); check_dh.type = 'checkbox'; // this onclick attribute changes the cookie whenever the checkbox or label is clicked check_dh.setAttribute('onclick', 'var ck = ( this.checked ) ? "enable" : "disable"; createCookie("diffiehellman_login", ck, 3650);'); if ( readCookie('diffiehellman_login') != 'disable' ) check_dh.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); = 'ajax_login_field_dh'; lbl_dh.appendChild(check_dh); lbl_dh.innerHTML += ' ' + $lang.get('user_login_ajax_check_dh'); boxen.appendChild(lbl_dh); } form.appendChild(boxen); if ( IE ) { div.innerHTML += form.outerHTML; } else { div.appendChild(form); } // Diagnostic / help links // (only displayed in login, not in re-auth) if ( logindata.user_level == USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) { var links = document.createElement('small'); = 'block'; = 'center'; links.innerHTML = ''; if ( !show_captcha ) links.innerHTML += $lang.get('user_login_ajax_link_fullform', { link_full_form: makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/' + title) }) + ' • '; // Always shown links.innerHTML += $lang.get('user_login_ajax_link_forgotpass', { forgotpass_link: makeUrlNS('Special', 'PasswordReset') }) + ' • '; if ( !show_captcha ) links.innerHTML += $lang.get('user_login_ajax_createaccount_blurb', { reg_link: makeUrlNS('Special', 'Register') }); div.appendChild(links); } // Insert the entire form into the login window logindata.mb_inner.innerHTML = ''; logindata.mb_inner.appendChild(div); // Post operations: field focus var wait_time = AJAX_LOGIN_FOCUS_WAIT - ((new Date()).getTime() - logindata.start_time); wait_time = Math.max(0, wait_time); setTimeout( function() { if ( logindata.loggedin_username ) document.getElementById('ajax_login_field_password').focus(); else document.getElementById('ajax_login_field_username').focus(); }, wait_time); // Post operations: show captcha window if ( show_captcha ) { ajaxShowCaptcha(show_captcha); } // Post operations: stash encryption keys and All That Jazz(TM) logindata.key_aes = data.crypto.aes_key; logindata.key_dh = data.crypto.dh_public_key; logindata.captcha_hash = show_captcha; logindata.loggedin_username = data.username; // If policy is lockout, also disable controls if ( data.lockout.policy == 'lockout' && ) { f_username.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); f_password.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); }}window.ajaxLoginSubmitForm = function(real, username, password, captcha, remember){ // Perform AES test to make sure it's all working if ( !aes_self_test() ) { alert('BUG: AES self-test failed'); login_cache.mb_object.destroy(); return false; } // Hide the error message and captcha if ( document.getElementById('ajax_login_error_box') ) { document.getElementById('ajax_login_error_box').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('ajax_login_error_box')); } if ( document.getElementById('autoCaptcha') ) { var to = fly_out_top(document.getElementById('autoCaptcha'), false, true); setTimeout(function() { var d = document.getElementById('autoCaptcha'); d.parentNode.removeChild(d); }, to); } // "Remember session" switch if ( typeof(remember) == 'boolean' ) { var remember_session = remember; } else { if ( document.getElementById('ajax_login_field_remember') ) { var remember_session = ( document.getElementById('ajax_login_field_remember').checked ) ? true : false; } else { var remember_session = false; } } // Encryption: preprocessor if ( real ) { var do_dh = true; } else if ( document.getElementById('ajax_login_field_dh') ) { var do_dh = document.getElementById('ajax_login_field_dh').checked; } else { if ( ajax_login_prevent_dh ) { // IE/MobileSafari doesn't have this control, continue silently IF the rest // of the login form is there if ( !document.getElementById('ajax_login_field_username') ) { return false; } } else { // The user probably clicked ok when the form wasn't in there. return false; } } if ( typeof(username) != 'string' ) { var username = document.getElementById('ajax_login_field_username').value; } if ( typeof(password) != 'string' ) { var password = document.getElementById('ajax_login_field_password').value; } if ( !captcha && document.getElementById('ajax_login_field_captcha') ) { var captcha = document.getElementById('ajax_login_field_captcha').value; } // Only run early submit hook once if ( !window.logindata.early_submit_run ) eval(setHook('login_submit_early')); window.logindata.early_submit_run = true; try { if ( do_dh ) { ajaxLoginSetStatus(AJAX_STATUS_GENERATING_KEY); if ( !real ) { // Wait while the browser updates the login window setTimeout(function() { ajaxLoginSubmitForm(true, username, password, captcha, remember_session); }, 20); return true; } var dh_start = (new Date()).getTime(); // Perform Diffie Hellman stuff var dh_priv = dh_gen_private(); var dh_pub = dh_gen_public(dh_priv); var secret = dh_gen_shared_secret(dh_priv, logindata.key_dh); // secret_hash is used to verify that the server guesses the correct secret var secret_hash = hex_sha1(secret); // crypt_key is the actual AES key var crypt_key = (hex_sha256(secret)).substr(0, (keySizeInBits / 4)); var dh_time = (new Date()).getTime() - dh_start; console.debug("DH: complete, time = %dms", dh_time); } else { var crypt_key = logindata.key_aes; } ajaxLoginSetStatus(AJAX_STATUS_LOGGING_IN); // Encrypt the password and username var userinfo = { username: username, password: password }; eval(setHook('login_build_userinfo')); userinfo = toJSONString(userinfo); var crypt_key_ba = hexToByteArray(crypt_key); userinfo = stringToByteArray(userinfo); userinfo = rijndaelEncrypt(userinfo, crypt_key_ba, 'ECB'); userinfo = byteArrayToHex(userinfo); // Encrypted username and password (serialized with JSON) are now in the userinfo string // Collect other needed information if ( logindata.captcha_hash ) { var captcha_hash = logindata.captcha_hash; var captcha_code = captcha; } else { var captcha_hash = false; var captcha_code = false; } // Ship it across the 'net if ( do_dh ) { var json_packet = { mode: 'login_dh', userinfo: userinfo, captcha_code: captcha_code, captcha_hash: captcha_hash, dh_public_key: logindata.key_dh, dh_client_key: dh_pub, dh_secret_hash: secret_hash, level: logindata.user_level, remember: remember_session } } else { var json_packet = { mode: 'login_aes', userinfo: userinfo, captcha_code: captcha_code, captcha_hash: captcha_hash, key_aes: hex_md5(crypt_key), level: logindata.user_level, remember: remember_session } } } catch(e) { ajaxLoginSetStatus(AJAX_STATUS_ERROR); console.error('Exception caught in login process; backtrace follows'); console.debug(e); return false; } // reset this... window.logindata.early_submit_run = false; ajaxLoginPerformRequest(json_packet);}window.ajaxLoginShowFriendlyError = function(response){ eval(setHook('ajax_login_process_error')); var text = ajaxLoginGetErrorText(response); if ( text == false ) return true; if ( document.getElementById('ajax_login_error_box') ) { //'Reusing existing error-box'); document.getElementById('ajax_login_error_box').innerHTML = text; return true; } //'Drawing new error-box'); // calculate position for the top of the box var mb_bottom = $dynano('messageBoxButtons').Top() + $dynano('messageBoxButtons').Height(); // if the box isn't done flying in yet, just estimate if ( mb_bottom < ( getHeight() / 2 ) ) { mb_bottom = ( getHeight() / 2 ) + 120; } var win_bottom = getHeight() + getScrollOffset(); var top = mb_bottom + ( ( win_bottom - mb_bottom ) / 2 ) - 32; // left position = 0.2 * window_width, seeing as the box is 60% width this works hackishly but nice and quick var left = getWidth() * 0.2; // create the div var errbox = document.createElement('div'); errbox.className = 'error-box-mini'; = 'absolute'; = '60%'; = top + 'px'; = left + 'px'; = getHighestZ(); errbox.innerHTML = text; = 'ajax_login_error_box'; var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.appendChild(errbox);}window.ajaxLoginGetErrorText = function(response){ if ( response.lockout ) { // set this pluralality thing response.lockout.plural = response.lockout.time_rem == 1 ? '' : $lang.get('meta_plural'); } if ( response.mode == 'initial' ) { // Just showing the box for the first time. If there's an error now, it's based on a preexisting lockout. if ( ) { return $lang.get('user_err_locked_out_initial_' + response.lockout.policy, response.lockout); } return false; } else { // An attempt was made. switch(response.mode) { case 'login_failure': // Generic login user error. var error = '', x; if ( (x = $lang.get(response.error)) != response.error || ! (/^[a-z0-9_]+/).test(response.error) ) error = x; else error = $lang.get('user_err_' + response.error); if ( && response.lockout.policy == 'lockout' ) { // Lockout enforcement was just activated. return $lang.get('user_err_locked_out_initial_' + response.lockout.policy, response.lockout); } else if ( response.lockout.policy != 'disable' && ! && response.lockout.fails > 0 ) { // Lockout is in a warning state. error += ' ' + $lang.get('user_err_invalid_credentials_' + response.lockout.policy, response.lockout); } return error; break; case 'api_error': // Error in the API. return $lang.get('user_err_login_generic_title') + ': ' + $lang.get('user_' + response.error.toLowerCase()); break; } } return typeof(response.error) == 'string' ? response.error : false;}window.ajaxShowCaptcha = function(code){ var mydiv = document.createElement('div'); = '#FFFFFF'; = '10px'; = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = 'autoCaptcha'; = String( getHighestZ() + 1 ); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.onload = function() { if ( this.loaded ) return true; var mydiv = document.getElementById('autoCaptcha'); var width = getWidth(); var divw = $dynano(mydiv).Width(); var left = ( width / 2 ) - ( divw / 2 ); = left + 'px'; fly_in_top(mydiv, false, true); this.loaded = true; }; img.src = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Captcha/' + code); img.onclick = function() { this.src = this.src + '/a'; }; = 'pointer'; mydiv.appendChild(img); domObjChangeOpac(0, mydiv); var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.appendChild(mydiv);}window.ajaxInitLogout = function(){ load_component(['messagebox', 'l10n', 'flyin', 'fadefilter', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui']); var title = $lang.get('user_logout_confirm_title'); var message = ( auth_level > USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) ? $lang.get('user_logout_confirm_body_nelev') : $lang.get('user_logout_confirm_body_normal'); var buttons = []; buttons.push({ text: $lang.get('user_logout_confirm_btn_logout'), color: 'red', style: { fontWeight: 'bold' }, onclick: function() { miniPromptDestroy(this); window.location = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Logout/' + csrf_token + '/' + window.title); return false; } }); if ( auth_level > USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) { buttons.push({ text: $lang.get('user_logout_confirm_btn_deauth'), color: 'blue', onclick: function() { var mp = miniPromptGetParent(this); var whitey = whiteOutMiniPrompt(mp); ajaxLoginPerformRequest({ mode: 'logout', level: auth_level, csrf_token: csrf_token }, function(response) { whiteOutReportSuccess(whitey); }); return false; } }); } buttons.push({ text: $lang.get('etc_cancel'), onclick: function() { miniPromptDestroy(this); return false; } }); miniPromptMessage({ title: title, message: message, buttons: buttons });}window.mb_logout = function(){ ajaxInitLogout();}window.ajaxStartLogin = function(){ ajaxLogonToMember();}window.ajaxStartAdminLogin = function(){ // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility if ( KILL_SWITCH ) return true; if ( auth_level < USER_LEVEL_ADMIN ) { ajaxLoginInit(function(k) { ENANO_SID = k; auth_level = USER_LEVEL_ADMIN; var loc = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Administration'); if ( (ENANO_SID + ' ').length > 1 ) window.location = loc; }, USER_LEVEL_ADMIN); return false; } var loc = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Administration'); window.location = loc;}window.ajaxAdminPage = function(){ // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility if ( KILL_SWITCH ) return true; if ( auth_level < USER_LEVEL_ADMIN ) { ajaxPromptAdminAuth(function(k) { ENANO_SID = k; auth_level = USER_LEVEL_ADMIN; var loc = String(window.location + ''); window.location = append_sid(loc); var loc = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Administration', 'module=' + namespace_list['Admin'] + 'PageManager&source=ajax&page_id=' + ajaxEscape(title)); if ( (ENANO_SID + ' ').length > 1 ) window.location = loc; }, 9); return false; } var loc = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Administration', 'module=' + namespace_list['Admin'] + 'PageManager&source=ajax&page_id=' + ajaxEscape(title)); window.location = loc;}window.ajaxLoginNavTo = function(namespace, page_id, min_level, get){ // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility if ( KILL_SWITCH ) return true; void(namespace); void(page_id); get = get || false; if ( auth_level < min_level ) { ajaxPromptAdminAuth(function(k) { ENANO_SID = k; auth_level = min_level; var loc = makeUrlNS(namespace, page_id, get); if ( (ENANO_SID + ' ').length > 1 ) window.location = loc; }, min_level); return false; } var loc = makeUrlNS(namespace, page_id, get); window.location = loc;}window.ajaxAdminUser = function(username){ // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility if ( KILL_SWITCH ) return true; if ( auth_level < USER_LEVEL_ADMIN ) { ajaxPromptAdminAuth(function(k) { ENANO_SID = k; auth_level = USER_LEVEL_ADMIN; var loc = String(window.location + ''); window.location = append_sid(loc); var loc = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Administration', 'module=' + namespace_list['Admin'] + 'UserManager&src=get&user=' + ajaxEscape(username)); if ( (ENANO_SID + ' ').length > 1 ) window.location = loc; }, 9); return false; } var loc = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Administration', 'module=' + namespace_list['Admin'] + 'UserManager&src=get&user=' + ajaxEscape(username)); window.location = loc;}window.ajaxDynamicReauth = function(adminpage, level){ if ( auth_level < USER_LEVEL_MEMBER ) { ajaxStartLogin(); return false; } var old_sid = ENANO_SID; var targetpage = adminpage; if ( !level ) { level = USER_LEVEL_ADMIN; } ajaxLogonInit(function(k, response) { ajaxLoginReplaceSIDInline(k, old_sid, level); window.user_id = response.user_id; window.user_level = response.user_level; mb_current_obj.destroy(); if ( typeof(targetpage) == 'string' ) { ajaxPage(targetpage); } else if ( typeof(targetpage) == 'function' ) { targetpage(k); } }, level); if ( typeof(adminpage) == 'string' ) { ajaxLoginShowFriendlyError({ error_code: 'admin_session_timed_out', respawn_info: {} }); }}window.ajaxRenewSession = function(){ ajaxDynamicReauth(false);}window.ajaxTrashElevSession = function(){ load_component(['messagebox', 'fadefilter', 'l10n', 'flyin', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui']); miniPromptMessage({ title: $lang.get('user_logout_confirm_title_elev'), message: $lang.get('user_logout_confirm_body_elev'), buttons: [ { text: $lang.get('user_logout_confirm_btn_logout'), color: 'red', style: { fontWeight: 'bold' }, onclick: function() { ajaxLoginPerformRequest({ mode: 'logout', level: auth_level, csrf_token: csrf_token }); miniPromptDestroy(this); } }, { text: $lang.get('etc_cancel'), onclick: function() { miniPromptDestroy(this); } } ] });}/** * Take an SID and patch all internal links on the page. * @param string New key. If false, removes keys from the page. * @param string Old key. If false, only appends the new SID (more work as it uses DOM, use when dynamically going up to elevated) * @param int New level, not a huge deal but sets auth_level. Try to specify it as some functions depend on it. */window.ajaxLoginReplaceSIDInline = function(key, oldkey, level){ var host = String(window.location.hostname); var exp = new RegExp('^https?://' + host.replace('.', '\.') + contentPath.replace('.', '\.'), 'g'); var rexp = new RegExp('^https?://' + host.replace('.', '\.'), 'g'); if ( key ) { if ( oldkey ) { var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; var replace = new RegExp(oldkey, 'g'); body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML.replace(replace, key); ENANO_SID = key; } else { // append SID to all internal links ENANO_SID = key; var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for ( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ) { if ( links[i].href.match(exp, links[i]) && links[i].href.indexOf('#') == -1 ) { var newurl = (String(append_sid(links[i].href))).replace(rexp, ''); links[i].href = newurl; } } var forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form'); for ( var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++ ) { if ( forms[i].method.toLowerCase() == 'post' ) { if ( forms[i].action.match(exp, links[i]) ) { var newurl = (String(append_sid(forms[i].action))).replace(rexp, ''); forms[i].action = newurl; } } else { if ( !forms[i].auth ) { var auth = document.createElement('input'); auth.type = 'hidden'; = 'auth'; auth.value = key; forms[i].appendChild(auth); } else { forms[i].auth.value = key; } } } } if ( level ) { auth_level = level; } window.location.hash = '#auth:' + key; } else { auth_level = USER_LEVEL_MEMBER; ENANO_SID = false; if ( oldkey ) { var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for ( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ) { if ( links[i].href.match(exp, links[i]) && links[i].href.indexOf('#') == -1 ) { links[i].href = links[i].href.replace(/\?auth=([a-f0-9]+)(&|#|$)/, '$2').replace(/&auth=([a-f0-9]+)/, '').replace(rexp, ''); } } } window.location.hash = '#auth:false'; } window.stdAjaxPrefix = append_sid(scriptPath + '/ajax.php?title=' + title);}