changeset 1227 bdac73ed481e
parent 981 888502d761b4
child 1295 3c9c1b18567b
--- a/language/english/tools.json	Sun Mar 28 21:49:26 2010 -0400
+++ b/language/english/tools.json	Sun Mar 28 23:10:46 2010 -0400
@@ -11,191 +11,191 @@
 var enano_lang = {
-  categories: [
-    'meta', 'search', 'specialpage', 'pagetools', 'log'
-  ],
-  strings: {
-    meta: {
-      search: 'Search page',
-      specialpage: 'Special pages',
-      pagetools: 'Userspace page-management tools',
-      log: 'Log and history display',
-    },
-    specialpage: {
-      administration: 'Administration',
-      manage_sidebar: 'Manage the Sidebar',
-      css: 'Templated style sheet generator',
-      groupcp: 'Group Membership',
-      create_page: 'Create page',
-      all_pages: 'All pages',
-      special_pages: 'List of special pages',
-      about_enano: 'About Enano',
-      gnu_gpl: 'GNU General Public License',
-      tag_cloud: 'Tag cloud',
-      search_rebuild: 'Rebuild search index',
-      search: 'Search',
-      upload_file: 'Upload file',
-      download_file: 'Download file',
-      log_in: 'Log in',
-      log_out: 'Log out',
-      register: 'Register',
-      preferences: 'Edit Profile',
-      autofill: 'Javascript suggestion servlet',
-      contributions: 'User contributions',
-      change_theme: 'Change my preferred theme',
-      activate_account: 'Activate user account',
-      captcha: 'CAPTCHA image generator',
-      password_reset: 'Reset forgotten password',
-      member_list: 'Member list',
-      language_export: 'Language exporter',
-      private_messages: 'Private Messages',
-      log: 'Log',
-      avatar: 'Fetch avatar'
-    },
-    search: {
-      th_advanced_search: 'Advanced Search',
-      err_query_title: 'Some problems were encountered during your search.',
-      err_query_body: 'There was a problem with your search query, and as a result there may be a reduced number of search results.',
-      err_query_too_many_terms: 'Some of your search terms were excluded because searches are limited to 20 terms to prevent excessive server load.',
-      err_query_has_stopwords: 'One or more of your search terms was excluded because either it was less than 2 characters in length or is a common word (a stopword) that is typically found on a large number of pages. Examples of stopwords include "the", "this", "which", "with", etc.',
-      err_query_dup_terms: 'One or more of your search terms was excluded because duplicate terms were encountered.',
-      err_query_term_too_short: 'One or more of your search terms was excluded because terms must be at least 4 characters in length.',
-      err_query_no_positive: 'You need to have at least one keyword in your search query. Searching only for pages not containing a term is not allowed.',
-      btn_search: 'Search',
-      // note the case difference with th_advanced_search
-      btn_advanced_search: 'Advanced search',
-      msg_no_results: 'No results.',
-      msg_result_detail: 'Results <b>%start_string%</b> - <b>%per_string%</b> of about <b>%num_results%</b> for <b>%q_trim%</b> in %search_time%s.',
-      body_no_results_title: 'Your search for <b>"%query%"</b> didn\'t turn up any results.',
-      body_no_results_body: '<p>There are a few things you can try:</p>
-                             <ul>
-                               <li>Were you looking for a specific Special page? Special pages are not searchable. You may want to see a <a href="%special_url%">list of special pages</a>.</li>
-                               <li>If you have the appropriate permissions, you can <a href="%create_url%">start the %query% page</a>.</li>
-                               <li>Try using fewer keywords. You can get broader results if you remove quotes from your search query.</li>
-                               <li>Did your search trigger any warnings? Sometimes a search can be cancelled if there aren\'t any terms in a search query that are 4 characters or greater in length.</li>
-                             </ul>',
-      lbl_site_search: 'Site search',
-      lbl_relevance: 'Relevance:',
-      lbl_field_any: 'Search for pages with <b>any of these words</b>:',
-      lbl_field_exact: 'with <b>this exact phrase</b>:',
-      lbl_field_none: 'with <b>none of these words</b>:',
-      lbl_field_all: 'with <b>all of these words</b>:',
-      lbl_field_casesensitive: 'Case-sensitive search:',
-      result_tag_special: 'Special page',
-    },
-    pagetools: {
-      // Create a page
-      create_err_invalid_namespace: 'You have selected an invalid page type.',
-      create_err_invalid_urlname: 'Please enter a title for your page and a custom URL if desired.',
-      create_err_already_exists: 'A page with that URL already exists. Please enter another title or enter a custom URL. (You can have two pages with the same name, but not two pages with the same URL.)',
-      create_err_no_permission: 'You don\'t have permission to create this page. Try another URL or title; if that does not work, please contact the site administration for permission to create pages.',
-      create_err_nodb_namespace: 'You cannot create Special or Admin pages - they can\'t be stored in the database.',
-      create_err_reserved_prefix: 'The prefix "Project:" is reserved for internal links and can\'t be used on a page name.',
-      create_blurb: 'Add a new page to the site.',
-      create_field_title: 'Page title:',
-      create_field_namespace: 'Page type:',
-      create_group_advanced: 'Advanced options',
-      create_field_url_auto: 'Generate a URL based on the title',
-      create_field_url_manual: 'Enter a custom page URL',
-      create_field_url: 'Page ID:',
-      create_field_preview: 'Preview of URL:',
-      create_field_preview_hint: '(Requires Javascript support)',
-      create_btn_create: 'Create page',
-      // All pages
-      allpages_blurb: 'Below is a list of all of the pages on this website.',
-      // Special pages
-      specialpages_blurb: 'Below is a list of all of the special pages on this website.',
-      // GPL page
-      gpl_blurb: 'The following text represents the license that the <a href="%about_url%">Enano</a> content management system is under. To make it easier to read, the text has been wiki-formatted; in no other way has it been changed.',
-      // !!
-      // !! The following three strings will be used ONLY in non-English
-      // !! languages. A Spanish example is provided here.
-      // !!
-      // "Version in Spanish"
-      gpl_title_native: 'Versión en español',
-      // "Version in English"
-      gpl_title_english: 'Versión en inglés',
-      // "View the license in English"
-      gpl_link_to_english: 'Vea la licencia en inglés',
-      gpl_err_file_missing: 'It appears that the file "GPL" is missing from your Enano installation. You may find a wiki-formatted copy of the GPL at: <a href=""></a>. In the mean time, you may wish to contact the site administration and ask them to replace the GPL file.',
-      // Tag cloud
-      tagcloud_pagelist_th: 'Pages tagged "%tag%"',
-      tagcloud_blurb: 'Summary of page tagging',
-      tagcloud_msg_no_tags: 'No pages are tagged yet.',
-      tagcloud_btn_return: 'Return to tag cloud',
-      tagcloud_instructions: 'Hover your mouse over a tag to see how many pages have the tag. Click on a tag to see a list of the pages that have it.',
-      tagcloud_sidebar_title: 'Tag cloud',
-      tagcloud_sidebar_btn_larger: 'Larger version',
-      tagcloud_tip_popularity_one: '1 page',
-      tagcloud_tip_popularity_plural: '%popularity% pages',
-      // Recent changes
-      rc_btn_diff: 'diff',
-      rc_btn_hist: 'hist',
-      rc_btn_undo: 'undo',
-      rc_btn_view: 'view',
-      rc_btn_pm: 'PM',
-      rc_btn_usertalk: 'comment',
-    },
-    log: {
-      action_rename: 'Renamed (old name: %old_name%)',
-      action_create: 'Created page',
-      action_delete: 'Deleted page (%reason%)',
-      action_protect_none: 'Unprotected page (%reason%)',
-      action_protect_semi: 'Semiprotected page (%reason%)',
-      action_protect_full: 'Protected page (%reason%)',
-      action_reupload: 'Uploaded new revision: %reason%',
-      action_votereset: 'Reset deletion votes (had %num_votes% vote%plural%)',
-      action_protect: 'Protect and unprotect',
-      action_edit: 'Edit',
-      breadcrumb_author: 'Author: %user%',
-      breadcrumb_within: 'Newer than: %time%',
-      breadcrumb_page: 'Page: %page%',
-      breadcrumb_action: 'Action: %action%',
-      msg_no_reason_provided: 'No reason provided',
-      msg_reversion: 'Reversion of previous action',
-      msg_file_restored: 'Restored previous version',
-      msg_no_results: 'No results',
-      msg_no_filters: 'All site logs',
-      form_filtertype_user: 'Author',
-      form_filtertype_within: 'Within',
-      form_filtertype_page: 'Page',
-      form_filtertype_action: 'Action',
-      form_filtertype_minor: 'Minor edit',
-      form_filtertype_minor_yes: 'Show only minor edits',
-      form_filtertype_minor_no: 'Hide minor edits',
-      formaction_rename: 'Rename',
-      formaction_create: 'Create page',
-      formaction_delete: 'Delete page',
-      formaction_reupload: 'File reupload',
-      formaction_votereset: 'Reset of deletion votes',
-      heading_addfilter: 'Add a filter',
-      heading_logdisplay: 'Log filter results',
-      btn_add_filter: 'Add filter',
-      err_addfilter_field_empty: 'The filter was not added because you didn\'t enter a valid value in the field.',
-      err_access_denied: 'You don\'t have permission to view page logs.',
-    }
-  }
+	categories: [
+		'meta', 'search', 'specialpage', 'pagetools', 'log'
+	],
+	strings: {
+		meta: {
+			search: 'Search page',
+			specialpage: 'Special pages',
+			pagetools: 'Userspace page-management tools',
+			log: 'Log and history display',
+		},
+		specialpage: {
+			administration: 'Administration',
+			manage_sidebar: 'Manage the Sidebar',
+			css: 'Templated style sheet generator',
+			groupcp: 'Group Membership',
+			create_page: 'Create page',
+			all_pages: 'All pages',
+			special_pages: 'List of special pages',
+			about_enano: 'About Enano',
+			gnu_gpl: 'GNU General Public License',
+			tag_cloud: 'Tag cloud',
+			search_rebuild: 'Rebuild search index',
+			search: 'Search',
+			upload_file: 'Upload file',
+			download_file: 'Download file',
+			log_in: 'Log in',
+			log_out: 'Log out',
+			register: 'Register',
+			preferences: 'Edit Profile',
+			autofill: 'Javascript suggestion servlet',
+			contributions: 'User contributions',
+			change_theme: 'Change my preferred theme',
+			activate_account: 'Activate user account',
+			captcha: 'CAPTCHA image generator',
+			password_reset: 'Reset forgotten password',
+			member_list: 'Member list',
+			language_export: 'Language exporter',
+			private_messages: 'Private Messages',
+			log: 'Log',
+			avatar: 'Fetch avatar'
+		},
+		search: {
+			th_advanced_search: 'Advanced Search',
+			err_query_title: 'Some problems were encountered during your search.',
+			err_query_body: 'There was a problem with your search query, and as a result there may be a reduced number of search results.',
+			err_query_too_many_terms: 'Some of your search terms were excluded because searches are limited to 20 terms to prevent excessive server load.',
+			err_query_has_stopwords: 'One or more of your search terms was excluded because either it was less than 2 characters in length or is a common word (a stopword) that is typically found on a large number of pages. Examples of stopwords include "the", "this", "which", "with", etc.',
+			err_query_dup_terms: 'One or more of your search terms was excluded because duplicate terms were encountered.',
+			err_query_term_too_short: 'One or more of your search terms was excluded because terms must be at least 4 characters in length.',
+			err_query_no_positive: 'You need to have at least one keyword in your search query. Searching only for pages not containing a term is not allowed.',
+			btn_search: 'Search',
+			// note the case difference with th_advanced_search
+			btn_advanced_search: 'Advanced search',
+			msg_no_results: 'No results.',
+			msg_result_detail: 'Results <b>%start_string%</b> - <b>%per_string%</b> of about <b>%num_results%</b> for <b>%q_trim%</b> in %search_time%s.',
+			body_no_results_title: 'Your search for <b>"%query%"</b> didn\'t turn up any results.',
+			body_no_results_body: '<p>There are a few things you can try:</p>
+ 														<ul>
+ 															<li>Were you looking for a specific Special page? Special pages are not searchable. You may want to see a <a href="%special_url%">list of special pages</a>.</li>
+ 															<li>If you have the appropriate permissions, you can <a href="%create_url%">start the %query% page</a>.</li>
+ 															<li>Try using fewer keywords. You can get broader results if you remove quotes from your search query.</li>
+ 															<li>Did your search trigger any warnings? Sometimes a search can be cancelled if there aren\'t any terms in a search query that are 4 characters or greater in length.</li>
+ 														</ul>',
+			lbl_site_search: 'Site search',
+			lbl_relevance: 'Relevance:',
+			lbl_field_any: 'Search for pages with <b>any of these words</b>:',
+			lbl_field_exact: 'with <b>this exact phrase</b>:',
+			lbl_field_none: 'with <b>none of these words</b>:',
+			lbl_field_all: 'with <b>all of these words</b>:',
+			lbl_field_casesensitive: 'Case-sensitive search:',
+			result_tag_special: 'Special page',
+		},
+		pagetools: {
+			// Create a page
+			create_err_invalid_namespace: 'You have selected an invalid page type.',
+			create_err_invalid_urlname: 'Please enter a title for your page and a custom URL if desired.',
+			create_err_already_exists: 'A page with that URL already exists. Please enter another title or enter a custom URL. (You can have two pages with the same name, but not two pages with the same URL.)',
+			create_err_no_permission: 'You don\'t have permission to create this page. Try another URL or title; if that does not work, please contact the site administration for permission to create pages.',
+			create_err_nodb_namespace: 'You cannot create Special or Admin pages - they can\'t be stored in the database.',
+			create_err_reserved_prefix: 'The prefix "Project:" is reserved for internal links and can\'t be used on a page name.',
+			create_blurb: 'Add a new page to the site.',
+			create_field_title: 'Page title:',
+			create_field_namespace: 'Page type:',
+			create_group_advanced: 'Advanced options',
+			create_field_url_auto: 'Generate a URL based on the title',
+			create_field_url_manual: 'Enter a custom page URL',
+			create_field_url: 'Page ID:',
+			create_field_preview: 'Preview of URL:',
+			create_field_preview_hint: '(Requires Javascript support)',
+			create_btn_create: 'Create page',
+			// All pages
+			allpages_blurb: 'Below is a list of all of the pages on this website.',
+			// Special pages
+			specialpages_blurb: 'Below is a list of all of the special pages on this website.',
+			// GPL page
+			gpl_blurb: 'The following text represents the license that the <a href="%about_url%">Enano</a> content management system is under. To make it easier to read, the text has been wiki-formatted; in no other way has it been changed.',
+			// !!
+			// !! The following three strings will be used ONLY in non-English
+			// !! languages. A Spanish example is provided here.
+			// !!
+			// "Version in Spanish"
+			gpl_title_native: 'Versión en español',
+			// "Version in English"
+			gpl_title_english: 'Versión en inglés',
+			// "View the license in English"
+			gpl_link_to_english: 'Vea la licencia en inglés',
+			gpl_err_file_missing: 'It appears that the file "GPL" is missing from your Enano installation. You may find a wiki-formatted copy of the GPL at: <a href=""></a>. In the mean time, you may wish to contact the site administration and ask them to replace the GPL file.',
+			// Tag cloud
+			tagcloud_pagelist_th: 'Pages tagged "%tag%"',
+			tagcloud_blurb: 'Summary of page tagging',
+			tagcloud_msg_no_tags: 'No pages are tagged yet.',
+			tagcloud_btn_return: 'Return to tag cloud',
+			tagcloud_instructions: 'Hover your mouse over a tag to see how many pages have the tag. Click on a tag to see a list of the pages that have it.',
+			tagcloud_sidebar_title: 'Tag cloud',
+			tagcloud_sidebar_btn_larger: 'Larger version',
+			tagcloud_tip_popularity_one: '1 page',
+			tagcloud_tip_popularity_plural: '%popularity% pages',
+			// Recent changes
+			rc_btn_diff: 'diff',
+			rc_btn_hist: 'hist',
+			rc_btn_undo: 'undo',
+			rc_btn_view: 'view',
+			rc_btn_pm: 'PM',
+			rc_btn_usertalk: 'comment',
+		},
+		log: {
+			action_rename: 'Renamed (old name: %old_name%)',
+			action_create: 'Created page',
+			action_delete: 'Deleted page (%reason%)',
+			action_protect_none: 'Unprotected page (%reason%)',
+			action_protect_semi: 'Semiprotected page (%reason%)',
+			action_protect_full: 'Protected page (%reason%)',
+			action_reupload: 'Uploaded new revision: %reason%',
+			action_votereset: 'Reset deletion votes (had %num_votes% vote%plural%)',
+			action_protect: 'Protect and unprotect',
+			action_edit: 'Edit',
+			breadcrumb_author: 'Author: %user%',
+			breadcrumb_within: 'Newer than: %time%',
+			breadcrumb_page: 'Page: %page%',
+			breadcrumb_action: 'Action: %action%',
+			msg_no_reason_provided: 'No reason provided',
+			msg_reversion: 'Reversion of previous action',
+			msg_file_restored: 'Restored previous version',
+			msg_no_results: 'No results',
+			msg_no_filters: 'All site logs',
+			form_filtertype_user: 'Author',
+			form_filtertype_within: 'Within',
+			form_filtertype_page: 'Page',
+			form_filtertype_action: 'Action',
+			form_filtertype_minor: 'Minor edit',
+			form_filtertype_minor_yes: 'Show only minor edits',
+			form_filtertype_minor_no: 'Hide minor edits',
+			formaction_rename: 'Rename',
+			formaction_create: 'Create page',
+			formaction_delete: 'Delete page',
+			formaction_reupload: 'File reupload',
+			formaction_votereset: 'Reset of deletion votes',
+			heading_addfilter: 'Add a filter',
+			heading_logdisplay: 'Log filter results',
+			btn_add_filter: 'Add filter',
+			err_addfilter_field_empty: 'The filter was not added because you didn\'t enter a valid value in the field.',
+			err_access_denied: 'You don\'t have permission to view page logs.',
+		}
+	}
 // All done! :-)