--- a/includes/functions.php Sat Oct 20 21:59:27 2007 -0400
+++ b/includes/functions.php Sat Nov 03 07:40:54 2007 -0400
@@ -273,15 +273,19 @@
* @param string $timeout Timeout, in seconds, to delay the redirect. Defaults to 3.
-function redirect($url, $title = 'Redirecting...', $message = 'Please wait while you are redirected.', $timeout = 3)
+function redirect($url, $title = 'etc_redirect_title', $message = 'etc_redirect_body', $timeout = 3)
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ global $lang;
if ( $timeout == 0 )
header('Location: ' . $url);
header('HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect');
+ $title = $lang->get($title);
+ $message = $lang->get($message);
$template->add_header('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $timeout . '; url=' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $url) . '" />');
$template->add_header('<script type="text/javascript">
@@ -295,7 +299,12 @@
$template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = $title;
- echo '<p>' . $message . '</p><p>If you are not redirected within ' . ( $timeout + 1 ) . ' seconds, <a href="' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $url) . '">please click here</a>.</p>';
+ echo '<p>' . $message . '</p>';
+ $subst = array(
+ 'timeout' => ( $timeout + 1 ),
+ 'redirect_url' => str_replace('"', '\\"', $url)
+ );
+ echo '<p>' . $lang->get('etc_redirect_timeout', $subst) . '</p>';
@@ -423,7 +432,9 @@
$str = '0x';
foreach($nums as $n)
- $str .= (string)dechex($n);
+ $byte = (string)dechex($n);
+ if ( strlen($byte) < 2 )
+ $byte = '0' . $byte;
return $str;
@@ -630,6 +641,7 @@
function show_category_info()
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ global $lang;
if ( $paths->namespace == 'Category' )
@@ -745,9 +757,9 @@
echo '<div class="mdg-comment" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0;" id="category_box_wrapper">';
echo '<div style="float: right;">';
- echo '(<a href="#" onclick="ajaxCatToTag(); return false;">show page tags</a>)';
+ echo '(<a href="#" onclick="ajaxCatToTag(); return false;">' . $lang->get('tags_catbox_link') . '</a>)';
echo '</div>';
- echo '<div id="mdgCatBox">Categories: ';
+ echo '<div id="mdgCatBox">' . $lang->get('catedit_catbox_lbl_categories') . ' ';
$where = '( c.page_id=\'' . $db->escape($paths->cpage['urlname_nons']) . '\' AND c.namespace=\'' . $db->escape($paths->namespace) . '\' )';
$prefix = table_prefix;
@@ -777,13 +789,13 @@
- echo '(Uncategorized)';
+ echo $lang->get('catedit_catbox_lbl_uncategorized');
$can_edit = ( $session->get_permissions('edit_cat') && ( !$paths->page_protected || $session->get_permissions('even_when_protected') ) );
if ( $can_edit )
- $edit_link = '<a href="' . makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=catedit', true) . '" onclick="ajaxCatEdit(); return false;">edit categorization</a>';
+ $edit_link = '<a href="' . makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=catedit', true) . '" onclick="ajaxCatEdit(); return false;">' . $lang->get('catedit_catbox_link_edit') . '</a>';
echo ' [ ' . $edit_link . ' ]';
@@ -874,23 +886,19 @@
function display_page_headers()
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ global $lang;
if($session->get_permissions('vote_reset') && $paths->cpage['delvotes'] > 0)
$delvote_ips = unserialize($paths->cpage['delvote_ips']);
$hr = htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $delvote_ips['u']));
- $is = 'is';
- $s = '';
- $s2 = 's';
- if ( $paths->cpage['delvotes'] > 1)
- {
- $is = 'are';
- $s = 's';
- $s2 = '';
- }
+ $string_id = ( $paths->cpage['delvotes'] == 1 ) ? 'delvote_lbl_votes_one' : 'delvote_lbl_votes_plural';
+ $string = $lang->get($string_id, array('num_users' => $paths->cpage['delvotes']));
echo '<div class="info-box" style="margin-left: 0; margin-top: 5px;" id="mdgDeleteVoteNoticeBox">
- <b>Notice:</b> There '.$is.' '.$paths->cpage['delvotes'].' user'.$s.' that think'.$s2.' this page should be deleted.<br />
- <b>Users that voted:</b> ' . $hr . '<br />
- <a href="'.makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=deletepage').'" onclick="ajaxDeletePage(); return false;">Delete page</a> | <a href="'.makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=resetvotes').'" onclick="ajaxResetDelVotes(); return false;">Reset votes</a>
+ <b>' . $lang->get('etc_lbl_notice') . '</b> ' . $string . '<br />
+ <b>' . $lang->get('delvote_lbl_users_that_voted') . '</b> ' . $hr . '<br />
+ <a href="'.makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=deletepage').'" onclick="ajaxDeletePage(); return false;">' . $lang->get('delvote_btn_deletepage') . '</a> | <a href="'.makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=resetvotes').'" onclick="ajaxResetDelVotes(); return false;">' . $lang->get('delvote_btn_resetvotes') . '</a>
@@ -3169,17 +3177,50 @@
- * Registers a task that will be run every X hours. Scheduled tasks should always be scheduled at runtime - they are not stored in the DB.
- * @param string Function name to call, or array(object, string method)
- * @param int Interval between runs, in hours. Defaults to 24.
+ * Installs a language.
+ * @param string The ISO-639-3 identifier for the language. Maximum of 6 characters, usually 3.
+ * @param string The name of the language in English (Spanish)
+ * @param string The name of the language natively (Español)
+ * @param string The path to the file containing the language's strings. Optional.
-function register_cron_task($func, $hour_interval = 24)
+function install_language($lang_code, $lang_name_neutral, $lang_name_local, $lang_file = false)
- global $cron_tasks;
- if ( !isset($cron_tasks[$hour_interval]) )
- $cron_tasks[$hour_interval] = array();
- $cron_tasks[$hour_interval][] = $func;
+ global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT 1 FROM '.table_prefix.'language WHERE lang_code = "' . $db->escape($lang_code) . '";');
+ if ( !$q )
+ $db->_die('functions.php - checking for language existence');
+ if ( $db->numrows() > 0 )
+ // Language already exists
+ return false;
+ $q = $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . table_prefix . 'language(lang_code, lang_name_default, lang_name_native)
+ "' . $db->escape($lang_code) . '",
+ "' . $db->escape($lang_name_neutral) . '",
+ "' . $db->escape($lang_name_native) . '"
+ );');
+ if ( !$q )
+ $db->_die('functions.php - installing language');
+ $lang_id = $db->insert_id();
+ if ( empty($lang_id) )
+ return false;
+ // Do we also need to install a language file?
+ if ( is_string($lang_file) && file_exists($lang_file) )
+ {
+ $lang = new Language($lang_id);
+ $lang->import($lang_file);
+ }
+ else if ( is_string($lang_file) && !file_exists($lang_file) )
+ {
+ echo '<b>Notice:</b> Can\'t load language file, so the specified language wasn\'t fully installed.<br />';
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
//die('<pre>Original: 01010101010100101010100101010101011010'."\nProcessed: ".uncompress_bitfield(compress_bitfield('01010101010100101010100101010101011010')).'</pre>');