184 heading_main: 'Welcome to Runt, the Enano administration panel.', |
184 heading_main: 'Welcome to Runt, the Enano administration panel.', |
185 welcome_line1: 'Thank you for choosing Enano as your CMS. This screen allows you to see some information about your website, plus some details about how your site is doing statistically.', |
185 welcome_line1: 'Thank you for choosing Enano as your CMS. This screen allows you to see some information about your website, plus some details about how your site is doing statistically.', |
186 welcome_line2: 'Using the links on the left you can control every aspect of your website\'s look and feel, plus you can manage users, work with pages, and install plugins to make your Enano installation even better.', |
186 welcome_line2: 'Using the links on the left you can control every aspect of your website\'s look and feel, plus you can manage users, work with pages, and install plugins to make your Enano installation even better.', |
187 msg_demo_title: 'Enano is running in demo mode.', |
187 msg_demo_title: 'Enano is running in demo mode.', |
188 msg_demo_body: 'If you borked something up, or if you\'re done testing, you can <a href="%reset_url%">reset this site</a>. The site is reset automatically once every two hours. When a reset is performed, all custom modifications to the site are lost and replaced with default values.', |
188 msg_demo_body: 'If you borked something up, or if you\'re done testing, you can <a href="%reset_url%">reset this site</a>. The site is reset automatically once every two hours. When a reset is performed, all custom modifications to the site are lost and replaced with default values.', |
189 msg_install_files: '<b>NOTE:</b> It appears that your install.php and/or schema.sql files still exist. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you delete or rename these files, to prevent getting your server hacked.', |
189 msg_install_files: '<b>NOTE:</b> It appears that the install/ directory still exists in your Enano installation root. Even though sensitive tools try to avoid hacking attempts, it is highly recommended that you remove the entire install directory from your server for security reasons.', |
190 heading_updates: 'Check for updates', |
190 heading_updates: 'Check for updates', |
191 msg_updates_info: 'Periodically, new releases of Enano will be made available. Click the button below to check for updates to Enano. During this process, a request will be sent to the Enano CMS server (germantown.enanocms.org) over HTTP for an <a href="%updates_url%">XML file</a> containing a list of the latest releases. No information about your Enano installation will be transmitted.', |
191 msg_updates_info: 'Periodically, new releases of Enano will be made available. Click the button below to check for updates to Enano. During this process, a request will be sent to the Enano CMS server (germantown.enanocms.org) over HTTP for an <a href="%updates_url%">XML file</a> containing a list of the latest releases. No information about your Enano installation will be transmitted.', |
192 btn_check_updates: 'Check for updates', |
192 btn_check_updates: 'Check for updates', |
193 msg_inactive_users_one: 'It appears that 1 user is awaiting account activation. You can activate the account by going to the <a %um_flags%>User Manager</a>.', |
193 msg_inactive_users_one: 'It appears that 1 user is awaiting account activation. You can activate the account by going to the <a %um_flags%>User Manager</a>.', |
194 msg_inactive_users_plural: 'It appears that %num_users% users are awaiting account activation. You can activate those accounts by going to the <a %um_flags%>User Manager</a>.', |
194 msg_inactive_users_plural: 'It appears that %num_users% users are awaiting account activation. You can activate those accounts by going to the <a %um_flags%>User Manager</a>.', |
946 field_style_basic: 'Basic style options:', |
946 field_style_basic: 'Basic style options:', |
947 field_style_basic_bold: 'Bold', |
947 field_style_basic_bold: 'Bold', |
948 field_style_basic_italic: 'Italic', |
948 field_style_basic_italic: 'Italic', |
949 field_style_basic_underline: 'Underline', |
949 field_style_basic_underline: 'Underline', |
950 field_style_color: 'Username color:', |
950 field_style_color: 'Username color:', |
951 field_style_css: 'Additional CSS:', |
951 field_preview: 'Preview:', |
952 field_preview: 'Preview:', |
952 |
953 |
953 btn_save: 'Save rank', |
954 btn_save: 'Save rank', |
954 btn_create_submit: 'Create rank', |
955 btn_create_submit: 'Create rank', |
955 btn_create_init: 'Create new rank', |
956 btn_create_init: 'Create new rank', |