changeset 0 902822492a68
child 31 dc8741857bde
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:902822492a68
     1 <?php
     2 /*
     3 Plugin Name: User control panel
     4 Plugin URI:
     5 Description: Provides the page Special:Preferences.
     6 Author: Dan Fuhry
     7 Version: 1.0
     8 Author URI:
     9 */
    11 /*
    12  * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
    13  * Version 1.0 release candidate 2
    14  * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
    15  *
    16  * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    17  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    18  *
    19  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
    20  * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
    21  */
    23 $userprefs_menu = Array();
    24 $userprefs_menu_links = Array();
    25 function userprefs_menu_add($section, $text, $link)
    26 {
    27   global $userprefs_menu;
    28   if ( is_array($userprefs_menu[$section]) )
    29   {
    30     $userprefs_menu[$section][] = Array(
    31       'text' => $text,
    32       'link' => $link
    33       );
    34   }
    35   else
    36   {
    37     $userprefs_menu[$section] = Array(Array(
    38       'text' => $text,
    39       'link' => $link
    40       ));
    41   }
    42 }
    44 function userprefs_menu_html()
    45 {
    46   global $userprefs_menu;
    47   global $userprefs_menu_links;
    49   $html = '';
    50   $quot = '"';
    52   foreach ( $userprefs_menu as $section => $buttons )
    53   {
    54     $html .= ( isset($userprefs_menu_links[$section]) ) ? "<a href={$quot}{$userprefs_menu_links[$section]}{$quot}>{$section}</a>\n        " : "<a>{$section}</a>\n        ";
    55     $html .= "<ul>\n          ";
    56     foreach ( $buttons as $button )
    57     {
    58       $html .= "  <li><a href={$quot}{$button['link']}{$quot}>{$button['text']}</a></li>\n          ";
    59     }
    60     $html .= "</ul>\n        ";
    61   }
    63   return $html;
    64 }
    66 function userprefs_show_menu()
    67 {
    68   echo '<div class="menu_nojs">
    69           ' . userprefs_menu_html() . '
    70           <span class="menuclear"></span>
    71         </div>
    72         <br />
    73         ';
    74 }
    76 function userprefs_menu_init()
    77 {
    78   global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
    79   global $userprefs_menu_links;
    81   userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Edit e-mail address and password', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/EmailPassword'));
    82   userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Edit signature', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/Signature'));
    83   userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Edit public profile', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/Profile'));
    84   userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Inbox', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Inbox'));
    85   userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Outbox', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Outbox'));
    86   userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Sent items', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Sent'));
    87   userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Drafts', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Drafts'));
    88   userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Archive', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Archive'));
    90   $userprefs_menu_links['Profile/membership'] = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences');
    91   $userprefs_menu_links['Private messages']  = makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages');
    93   $code = $plugins->setHook('userprefs_jbox');
    94   foreach ( $code as $cmd )
    95   {
    96     eval($cmd);
    97   }
    98 }
   100 $plugins->attachHook('session_started', 'userprefs_menu_init();');
   102 function page_Special_Preferences()
   103 {
   104   global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
   106   // We need a login to continue
   107   if ( !$session->user_logged_in )
   108     redirect(makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/' . $paths->page), 'Login required', 'You need to be logged in to access this page. Please wait while you are redirected to the login page.');
   110   // User ID - later this will be specified on the URL, but hardcoded for now
   111   $uid = intval($session->user_id);
   113   // Instanciate the AES encryptor
   114   $aes = new AESCrypt(AES_BITS, AES_BLOCKSIZE);
   116   // Basic user info
   117   $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT username, password, email, real_name, signature, theme, style FROM '.table_prefix.'users WHERE user_id='.$uid.';');
   118   if ( !$q )
   119     $db->_die();
   121   $row = $db->fetchrow();
   122   $db->free_result();
   124   $section = $paths->getParam(0);
   125   if ( !$section )
   126   {
   127     $section = 'Home';
   128   }
   130   $errors = '';
   132   switch ( $section )
   133   {
   134     case 'EmailPassword':
   135       // Require elevated privileges (well sortof)
   136       if ( $session->auth_level < USER_LEVEL_CHPREF )
   137       {
   138         redirect(makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/' . $paths->fullpage, 'level=' . USER_LEVEL_CHPREF, true), 'Authentication required', 'You need to re-authenticate to access this page.', 0);
   139       }
   141       if ( isset($_POST['submit']) )
   142       {
   143         $email_changed = false;
   144         // First do the e-mail address
   145         if ( strlen($_POST['newemail']) > 0 )
   146         {
   147           switch('foo') // Same reason as in the password code...
   148           {
   149             case 'foo':
   150               if ( $_POST['newemail'] != $_POST['newemail_conf'] )
   151               {
   152                 $errors .= '<div class="error-box">The e-mail addresses you entered did not match.</div>';
   153                 break;
   154               }
   155           }
   156           $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT password FROM '.table_prefix.'users WHERE user_id='.$session->user_id.';');
   157           if ( !$q )
   158             $db->_die();
   159           $row = $db->fetchrow();
   160           $db->free_result();
   161           $old_pass = $aes->decrypt($row['password'], $session->private_key, ENC_HEX);
   163           $new_email = $_POST['newemail'];
   165           $result = $session->update_user($session->user_id, false, $old_pass, false, $new_email);
   166           if ( $result != 'success' )
   167           {
   168             die_friendly('Error updating e-mail address', '<p>Session API returned error: ' . $result . '</p>');
   169           }
   170           $email_changed = true;
   171         }
   172         // Obtain password
   173         if ( $_POST['use_crypt'] == 'yes' && !empty($_POST['crypt_data']) )
   174         {
   175           $key = $session->fetch_public_key($_POST['crypt_key']);
   176           if ( !$key )
   177             die('Can\'t lookup key');
   178           $key = hexdecode($key);
   179           $newpass = $aes->decrypt($_POST['crypt_data'], $key, ENC_HEX);
   180           // At this point we know if we _want_ to change the password...
   182           // We can't check the password to see if it matches the confirmation
   183           // because the confirmation was destroyed during the encryption. I figured
   184           // this wasn't a big deal because if the encryption worked, then either
   185           // the Javascript validated it or the user hacked the form. In the latter
   186           // case, if he's smart enough to hack the encryption code, he's probably
   187           // smart enough to remember his password.
   189           if ( strlen($newpass) > 0 )
   190           {
   191             // Perform checks
   192             if ( strlen($newpass) < 6 )
   193               $errors .= '<div class="error-box">Password must be at least 6 characters. You hacked my script, darn you!</div>';
   194             // Encrypt new password
   195             $newpass_enc = $aes->encrypt($newpass, $session->private_key, ENC_HEX);
   196             // Perform the swap
   197             $q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE '.table_prefix.'users SET password=\'' . $newpass_enc . '\' WHERE user_id=' . $session->user_id . ';');
   198             if ( !$q )
   199               $db->_die();
   200             // Log out and back in
   201             $username = $session->username;
   202             $session->logout();
   203             if ( $email_changed )
   204             {
   205               if ( getConfig('account_activation') == 'user' )
   206               {
   207                 redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), 'Profile changed', 'Your password and e-mail address have been changed. Since e-mail activation is required on this site, you will need to re-activate your account to continue. An e-mail has been sent to the new e-mail address with an activation link. You must click that link in order to log in again.', 19);
   208               }
   209               else if ( getConfig('account_activation') == 'admin' )
   210               {
   211                 redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), 'Profile changed', 'Your password and e-mail address have been changed. Since administrative activation is requires on this site, a request has been sent to the administrators to activate your account for you. You will not be able to use your account until it is activated by an administrator.', 19);
   212               }
   213             }
   214             $session->login_without_crypto($session->username, $newpass);
   215             redirect(makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences'), 'Password changed', 'Your password has been changed, and you will now be redirected back to the user control panel.', 4);
   216           }
   217         }
   218         else
   219         {
   220           switch('foo') // allow breaking out of our section...i can't wait until PHP6 (goto support!)
   221           {
   222             case 'foo':
   223               $pass = $_POST['newpass'];
   224               if ( $pass != $_POST['newpass_conf'] )
   225               {
   226                 $errors .= '<div class="error-box">The passwords you entered did not match</div>';
   227                 break;
   228               }
   230               if ( $email_changed )
   231               {
   232                 if ( getConfig('account_activation') == 'user' )
   233                 {
   234                   redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), 'Profile changed', 'Your e-mail address has been changed. Since e-mail activation is required on this site, you will need to re-activate your account to continue. An e-mail has been sent to the new e-mail address with an activation link. You must click that link in order to log in again.', 19);
   235                 }
   236                 else if ( getConfig('account_activation') == 'admin' )
   237                 {
   238                   redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), 'Profile changed', 'Your e-mail address has been changed. Since administrative activation is requires on this site, a request has been sent to the administrators to activate your account for you. You will not be able to use your account until it is activated by an administrator.', 19);
   239                 }
   240                 else
   241                 {
   242                   redirect(makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences'), 'Password changed', 'Your e-mail address has been changed, and you will now be redirected back to the user control panel.', 4);
   243                 }
   244               }
   246               return;
   247           }
   248         }
   249       }
   250       $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = 'Change E-mail Address or Password';
   251       break;
   252     case 'Signature':
   253       $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = 'Editing signature';
   254       break;
   255     case 'Profile':
   256       $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = 'Editing public profile';
   257       break;
   258   }
   260   $template->header();
   262   // Output the menu
   263   // This is not templatized because it conforms to the jBox menu standard.
   265   userprefs_show_menu();
   267   switch ( $section )
   268   {
   269     case 'Home':
   270       global $email;
   271       $user_page = '<a href="' . makeUrlNS('User', str_replace(' ', '_', $session->username)) . '">user page</a> <sup>(<a href="' . makeUrlNS('User', str_replace(' ', '_', $session->username)) . '#do:comments">comments</a>)</sup>';
   272       $site_admin = $email->encryptEmail(getConfig('contact_email'), '', '', 'administrator');
   273       echo "<h3 style='margin-top: 0;'>$session->username, welcome to your control panel</h3>";
   274       echo "<p>Here you can make changes to your profile, view statistics on yourself on this site, and set your preferences.</p>
   275             <p>If you have not already done so, you are encouraged to make a $user_page and tell the other members of this site a little about yourself.</p>
   276             <p>Use the menu at the top to navigate around. If you have any questions, you may contact the $site_admin.";
   277       break;
   278     case 'EmailPassword':
   280       echo '<form action="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/EmailPassword') . '" method="post" onsubmit="return runEncryption();" name="empwform" >';
   282       // Password change form
   283       $pubkey = $session->rijndael_genkey();
   285       echo '<fieldset>
   286         <legend>Change password</legend>
   287         Type a new password:<br />
   288           <input type="password" name="newpass" size="30" tabindex="1" />
   289         <br />
   290         <br />
   291         Type the password again to confirm:<br />
   292           <input type="password" name="newpass_conf" size="30" tabindex="2" />
   293       </fieldset><br />
   294       <fieldset>
   295         <legend>Change e-mail address</legend>
   296         New e-mail address:<br />
   297           <input type="text" name="newemail" size="30" tabindex="3" />
   298         <br />
   299         <br />
   300         Confirm e-mail address:<br />
   301           <input type="text" name="newemail_conf" size="30" tabindex="4" />
   302       </fieldset>
   303       <input type="hidden" name="use_crypt" value="no" />
   304       <input type="hidden" name="crypt_key" value="' . $pubkey . '" />
   305       <input type="hidden" name="crypt_data" value="" />
   306       <br />
   307       <div style="text-align: right;"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save Changes" tabindex="5" /></div>';
   309       echo '</form>';
   311       // ENCRYPTION CODE
   312       ?>
   313       <script type="text/javascript">
   314         disableJSONExts();
   315         str = '';
   316         for(i=0;i<keySizeInBits/4;i++) str+='0';
   317         var key = hexToByteArray(str);
   318         var pt = hexToByteArray(str);
   319         var ct = rijndaelEncrypt(pt, key, "ECB");
   320         var ct = byteArrayToHex(ct);
   321         switch(keySizeInBits)
   322         {
   323           case 128:
   324             v = '66e94bd4ef8a2c3b884cfa59ca342b2e';
   325             break;
   326           case 192:
   327             v = 'aae06992acbf52a3e8f4a96ec9300bd7aae06992acbf52a3e8f4a96ec9300bd7';
   328             break;
   329           case 256:
   330             v = 'dc95c078a2408989ad48a21492842087dc95c078a2408989ad48a21492842087';
   331             break;
   332         }
   333         var aes_testpassed = ( ct == v && md5_vm_test() );
   334         function runEncryption()
   335         {
   336           var frm = document.forms.empwform;
   337           if ( frm.newpass.value.length < 1 )
   338             return true;
   339           if(aes_testpassed)
   340           {
   341             frm.use_crypt.value = 'yes';
   342             var cryptkey = frm.crypt_key.value;
   343             frm.crypt_key.value = hex_md5(cryptkey);
   344             cryptkey = hexToByteArray(cryptkey);
   345             if(!cryptkey || ( ( typeof cryptkey == 'string' || typeof cryptkey == 'object' ) ) && cryptkey.length != keySizeInBits / 8 )
   346             {
   347               frm.submit.disabled = true;
   348               len = ( typeof cryptkey == 'string' || typeof cryptkey == 'object' ) ? '\nLen: '+cryptkey.length : '';
   349               alert('The key is messed up\nType: '+typeof(cryptkey)+len);
   350             }
   351           }
   352           pass1 = frm.newpass.value;
   353           pass2 = frm.newpass_conf.value;
   354           if ( pass1 != pass2 )
   355           {
   356             alert('The passwords you entered do not match.');
   357             return false;
   358           }
   359           if ( pass1.length < 6 && pass1.length > 0 )
   360           {
   361             alert('The new password must be 6 characters or greater in length.');
   362             return false;
   363           }
   364           if(aes_testpassed)
   365           {
   366             pass = frm.newpass.value;
   367             pass = stringToByteArray(pass);
   368             cryptstring = rijndaelEncrypt(pass, cryptkey, 'ECB');
   369             if(!cryptstring)
   370             {
   371               return false;
   372             }
   373             cryptstring = byteArrayToHex(cryptstring);
   374             frm.crypt_data.value = cryptstring;
   375             frm.newpass.value = "";
   376             frm.newpass_conf.value = "";
   377           }
   378           return true;
   379         }
   380       </script>
   381       <?php
   383       break;
   384     case 'Signature':
   385       if ( isset($_POST['new_sig']) )
   386       {
   387         $sig = $_POST['new_sig'];
   388         $sig = RenderMan::preprocess_text($sig, true, false);
   389         $sql_sig = $db->escape($sig);
   390         $q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE '.table_prefix.'users SET signature=\'' . $sql_sig . '\' WHERE user_id=' . $session->user_id . ';');
   391         if ( !$q )
   392           $db->_die();
   393         $session->signature = $sig;
   394         echo '<div class="info-box" style="margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Your signature has been saved.</div>';
   395       }
   396       echo '<form action="'.makeUrl($paths->fullpage).'" method="post">';
   397       echo $template->tinymce_textarea('new_sig', $session->signature);
   398       echo '<input type="submit" value="Save signature" />';
   399       echo '</form>';
   400       break;
   401     case "Profile":
   402       if ( isset($_POST['submit']) )
   403       {
   404         $real_name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['real_name']);
   405         $real_name = $db->escape($real_name);
   406         $q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE '.table_prefix."users SET real_name='$real_name' WHERE user_id=$session->user_id;");
   407         if ( !$q )
   408           $db->_die();
   410         echo '<div class="info-box" style="margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Your profile has been updated.</div>';
   411       }
   412       echo '<form action="'.makeUrl($paths->fullpage).'" method="post">';
   413       ?>
   414       <div class="tblholder">
   415         <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
   416           <tr>
   417             <th colspan="2">Your public profile</th>
   418           </tr>
   419           <tr>
   420             <td colspan="2" class="row3">Please note that all of the information you enter here will be <b>publicly viewable.</b> All of the fields on this page are optional and may be left blank if you so desire.</td>
   421           </tr>
   422           <tr>
   423             <td class="row2" style="width: 50%;">Real name:</td>
   424             <td class="row1" style="width: 50%;"><input type="text" name="real_name" value="<?php echo $session->real_name; ?>" size="30" /></td>
   425           </tr>
   426           <tr>
   427             <td class="row2">Change theme:</td>
   428             <td class="row1">If you don't like the look of the site, need a visual break, or are just curious, we might have some different themes for you to try out! <a href="<?php echo makeUrlNS('Special', 'ChangeStyle/' . $paths->page); ?>" onclick="ajaxChangeStyle(); return false;">Change my theme...</a></td>
   429           </tr>
   430           <tr>
   431             <td colspan="2" class="row3"><small>More is coming soon - planned fields include AOL, WLM, Yahoo, and XMPP messenger fields, allow public display of e-mail address, allow private messages from users not on your buddy list, homepage, occupation, and location.</small></td>
   432           </tr>
   433           <tr>
   434             <th class="subhead" colspan="2">
   435               <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save profile" />
   436             </th>
   437           </tr>
   438         </table>
   439       </div>
   440       <?php
   441       echo '</form>';
   442       break;
   443     default:
   444       $good = false;
   445       $code = $plugins->setHook('userprefs_body');
   446       foreach ( $code as $cmd )
   447       {
   448         if ( eval($code) )
   449           $good = true;
   450       }
   451       if ( !$good )
   452       {
   453         echo '<h3>Invalid module</h3>
   454               <p>Userprefs module "'.$section.'" not found.</p>';
   455       }
   456       break;
   457   }
   459   $template->footer();
   460 }
   462 ?>