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Enano 1.1.4 - Known Bugs and Issues
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These are the issues in Enano 1.1.4 that the development team knows
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about, but did not have time to fix before this release was
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scheduled. Hopefully all of these will be fixed in the next release.
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- Username and page name auto-complation does not work
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These components were moved to a new framework - Spry data sets - in
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Enano 1.1.4. We're having a lot of issues with this due to the
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requirement for loading the data only on demand (e.g. when the user
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starts typing in the form field). We also need to be able to create
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username autocompletion fields with DHTML, which spry is also
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failing at. Now if only Spry's effects library wasn't so damn nice,
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we'd probably swap it out for something else entirely.
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- Several expected ACL management features are missing
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We know, we know. You want ACL presets and more ways to debug
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existing rules. The good news is that the latter is fully implemented
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on the backend level. The bad news is that creating a good frontend
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is a hard thing especially with the standard that the existing ACL
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editor sets. We'll have both presets and ACL rule tracing done for
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Enano 1.1.5.
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