Not sure if $taboo was getting sanitized or not. Possibly an SQL injection vulnerability that allows maliciously crafted group names to inject SQL at a later date when the group CP is loaded. Unconfirmed, theoretical fix.
// The "Dynano" Javascript framework. Similar in syntax to JQuery but only has what Enano needs.var $ = function(id){ return new DNobj(id);}var $dynano = $;function DNobj(id){ this.object = ( typeof(id) == 'object' ) ? id : document.getElementById(id); if ( !this.object ) { this.object = false; return this; } this.height = __DNObjGetHeight(this.object); this.width = __DNObjGetWidth(this.object); if ( this.object.tagName == 'TEXTAREA' && typeof(tinyMCE) == 'object' ) { this.object.dnIsMCE = 'no'; this.switchToMCE = DN_switchToMCE; this.destroyMCE = DN_destroyMCE; this.getContent = DN_mceFetchContent; }}function __DNObjGetHeight(o) { return o.offsetHeight;}function __DNObjGetWidth(o) { return o.offsetWidth;}function addClass(obj, clsname){ var cnt = obj.className; var space = ( (cnt + '').length > 0 ) ? ' ' : ''; var cls = cnt + space + clsname; obj.className = cls;}function rmClass(obj, clsname){ var cnt = obj.className; if ( cnt == clsname ) { obj.className = ''; } else { cnt = cnt.replace(clsname, ''); cnt = trim(cnt); obj.className = cnt; }}function hasClass(obj, clsname){ var cnt = obj.className; if ( !cnt ) return false; if ( cnt == clsname ) return true; cnt = cnt.split(' '); for ( var i in cnt ) if ( cnt[i] == clsname ) return true; return false;}function __DNObjGetLeft(obj) { var left_offset = obj.offsetLeft; while ((obj = obj.offsetParent) != null) { left_offset += obj.offsetLeft; } return left_offset;}function __DNObjGetTop(obj) { var left_offset = obj.offsetTop; while ((obj = obj.offsetParent) != null) { left_offset += obj.offsetTop; } return left_offset;}function DN_switchToMCE(){ //if ( this.object.dn_is_mce ) // return this; if ( ! ) = 'textarea_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); if ( ! ) = 'textarea_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); tinyMCE.addMCEControl(this.object,, document); this.object.dnIsMCE = 'yes'; return this;}function DN_destroyMCE(){ //if ( !this.object.dn_is_mce ) // return this; if ( ) tinyMCE.removeMCEControl(; this.object.dnIsMCE = 'no'; return this;}function DN_mceFetchContent(){ if ( ) { var text = this.object.value; if ( tinyMCE.getInstanceById( ) text = tinyMCE.getContent(; return text; } else { return this.object.value; }}DNobj.prototype.addClass = function(clsname) { addClass(this.object, clsname); return this; };DNobj.prototype.rmClass = function(clsname) { rmClass( this.object, clsname); return this; };DNobj.prototype.hasClass = function(clsname) { return hasClass(this.object, clsname); };DNobj.prototype.Height = function() { return __DNObjGetHeight(this.object); }DNobj.prototype.Width = function() { return __DNObjGetWidth( this.object); }DNobj.prototype.Left = function() { /* return this.object.offsetLeft; */ return __DNObjGetLeft(this.object); }DNobj.prototype.Top = function() { /* return this.object.offsetTop; */ return __DNObjGetTop( this.object); }