Fixed non-object reference in databaseless template, added locking for Javascript paginator, made comments on AES key size more clear in constants, and disallowed "anonymous" and IP addresses for admin username in install.php; Loch Ness release candidate
+ − <html xmlns="">
+ − <head>
+ − <title>{$lang_xhtmlxtras_title_abbr_element}</title>
+ − <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../../tiny_mce_popup.js"></script>
+ − <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../../utils/mctabs.js"></script>
+ − <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../../utils/form_utils.js"></script>
+ − <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../../utils/editable_selects.js"></script>
+ − <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="jscripts/element_common.js"></script>
+ − <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="jscripts/abbr.js"></script>
+ − <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/popup.css" />
+ − <base target="_self" />
+ − </head>
+ − <body onload="tinyMCEPopup.executeOnLoad('init();');" style="display: none">
+ − <form onsubmit="insertAbbr();return false;" action="#">
+ − <div class="tabs">
+ − <ul>
+ − <li id="general_tab" class="current"><span><a href="javascript:mcTabs.displayTab('general_tab','general_panel');" onmousedown="return false;">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_general_tab}</a></span></li>
+ − <!-- <li id="events_tab"><span><a href="javascript:mcTabs.displayTab('events_tab','events_panel');" onmousedown="return false;">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_events_tab}</a></span></li> -->
+ − </ul>
+ − </div>
+ −
+ − <div class="panel_wrapper">
+ − <div id="general_panel" class="panel current">
+ − <fieldset>
+ − <legend>{$lang_xhtmlxtras_fieldset_attrib_tab}</legend>
+ − <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label id="titlelabel" for="title">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_attribute_label_title}</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="title" name="title" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label id="idlabel" for="id">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_attribute_label_id}</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="id" name="id" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label id="classlabel" for="class">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_attribute_label_class}</label>:</td>
+ − <td>
+ − <select id="class" name="class" class="field mceEditableSelect">
+ − <option value="">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_not_set}</option>
+ − </select>
+ − </td>
+ − </tr>
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label id="stylelabel" for="class">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_attribute_label_style}</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="style" name="style" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label id="dirlabel" for="dir">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_attribute_label_langdir}</label>:</td>
+ − <td>
+ − <select id="dir" name="dir" class="field">
+ − <option value="">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_not_set}</option>
+ − <option value="ltr">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_attribute_option_ltr}</option>
+ − <option value="rtl">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_attribute_option_rtl}</option>
+ − </select>
+ − </td>
+ − </tr>
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label id="langlabel" for="lang">{$lang_xhtmlxtras_attribute_label_langcode}</label>:</td>
+ − <td>
+ − <input id="lang" name="lang" type="text" value="" class="field" />
+ − </td>
+ − </tr>
+ − </table>
+ − </fieldset>
+ − </div>
+ − <div id="events_panel" class="panel">
+ − <fieldset>
+ − <legend>{$lang_xhtmlxtras_fieldset_events_tab}</legend>
+ −
+ − <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="onfocus">onfocus</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="onfocus" name="onfocus" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ −
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="onblur">onblur</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="onblur" name="onblur" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ −
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="onclick">onclick</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="onclick" name="onclick" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ −
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="ondblclick">ondblclick</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="ondblclick" name="ondblclick" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ −
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="onmousedown">onmousedown</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="onmousedown" name="onmousedown" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ −
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="onmouseup">onmouseup</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="onmouseup" name="onmouseup" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ −
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="onmouseover">onmouseover</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="onmouseover" name="onmouseover" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ −
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="onmousemove">onmousemove</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="onmousemove" name="onmousemove" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ −
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="onmouseout">onmouseout</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="onmouseout" name="onmouseout" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ −
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="onkeypress">onkeypress</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="onkeypress" name="onkeypress" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ −
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="onkeydown">onkeydown</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="onkeydown" name="onkeydown" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ −
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="label"><label for="onkeyup">onkeyup</label>:</td>
+ − <td><input id="onkeyup" name="onkeyup" type="text" value="" class="field" /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ − </table>
+ − </fieldset>
+ − </div>
+ − </div>
+ − <div class="mceActionPanel">
+ − <div style="float: left">
+ − <input type="button" id="insert" name="insert" value="{$lang_update}" onclick="insertAbbr();" />
+ − </div>
+ − <div style="float: left">
+ − <input type="button" id="remove" name="remove" value="{$lang_xhtmlxtras_remove}" onclick="removeAbbr();" style="display: none;" />
+ − </div>
+ − <div style="float: right">
+ − <input type="button" id="cancel" name="cancel" value="{$lang_cancel}" onclick="tinyMCEPopup.close();" />
+ − </div>
+ − </div>
+ −
+ − </form>
+ − </body>
+ − </html>