Fixed non-object reference in databaseless template, added locking for Javascript paginator, made comments on AES key size more clear in constants, and disallowed "anonymous" and IP addresses for admin username in install.php; Loch Ness release candidate
* $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 201 2007-02-12 15:56:56Z spocke $
* @author Moxiecode
* @copyright Copyright © 2004-2007, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
/* Import plugin specific language pack */
var TinyMCE_MediaPlugin = {
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Media',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : '',
infourl : '',
version : tinyMCE.majorVersion + "." + tinyMCE.minorVersion
initInstance : function(inst) {
// Warn if user has flash plugin and media plugin at the same time
if (inst.hasPlugin('flash') && !tinyMCE.flashWarn) {
alert('Flash plugin is deprecated and should not be used together with the media plugin.');
tinyMCE.flashWarn = true;
if (!tinyMCE.settings['media_skip_plugin_css'])
tinyMCE.importCSS(inst.getDoc(), tinyMCE.baseURL + "/plugins/media/css/content.css");
getControlHTML : function(cn) {
switch (cn) {
case "media":
return tinyMCE.getButtonHTML(cn, 'lang_media_desc', '{$pluginurl}/images/media.gif', 'mceMedia');
return "";
execCommand : function(editor_id, element, command, user_interface, value) {
// Handle commands
switch (command) {
case "mceMedia":
file : '../../plugins/media/media.htm',
width : 430 + tinyMCE.getLang('lang_media_delta_width', 0),
height : 470 + tinyMCE.getLang('lang_media_delta_height', 0)
}, {
editor_id : editor_id,
inline : "yes"
return true;
// Pass to next handler in chain
return false;
cleanup : function(type, content, inst) {
var nl, img, i, ne, d, s, ci;
switch (type) {
case "insert_to_editor":
img = tinyMCE.getParam("theme_href") + '/images/spacer.gif';
content = content.replace(/<script[^>]*>\s*write(Flash|ShockWave|WindowsMedia|QuickTime|RealMedia)\(\{([^\)]*)\}\);\s*<\/script>/gi, '<img class="mceItem$1" title="$2" src="' + img + '" />');
content = content.replace(/<object([^>]*)>/gi, '<div class="mceItemObject" $1>');
content = content.replace(/<embed([^>]*)>/gi, '<div class="mceItemObjectEmbed" $1>');
content = content.replace(/<\/(object|embed)([^>]*)>/gi, '</div>');
content = content.replace(/<param([^>]*)>/gi, '<div $1 class="mceItemParam"></div>');
content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\/ class="mceItemParam"><\\/div>', 'gi'), 'class="mceItemParam"></div>');
case "insert_to_editor_dom":
d = inst.getDoc();
nl = content.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
if (/mceItem(Flash|ShockWave|WindowsMedia|QuickTime|RealMedia)/.test(nl[i].className)) {
nl[i].width = nl[i].title.replace(/.*width:[^0-9]?([0-9]+)%?.*/g, '$1');
nl[i].height = nl[i].title.replace(/.*height:[^0-9]?([0-9]+)%?.*/g, '$1');
//nl[i].align = nl[i].title.replace(/.*align:([a-z]+).*/gi, '$1');
nl = tinyMCE.selectElements(content, 'DIV', function (n) {return tinyMCE.hasCSSClass(n, 'mceItemObject');});
for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
ci = tinyMCE.getAttrib(nl[i], "classid").toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '');
switch (ci) {
case 'clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000':
nl[i].parentNode.replaceChild(TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._createImg('mceItemFlash', d, nl[i]), nl[i]);
case 'clsid:166b1bca-3f9c-11cf-8075-444553540000':
nl[i].parentNode.replaceChild(TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._createImg('mceItemShockWave', d, nl[i]), nl[i]);
case 'clsid:6bf52a52-394a-11d3-b153-00c04f79faa6':
nl[i].parentNode.replaceChild(TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._createImg('mceItemWindowsMedia', d, nl[i]), nl[i]);
case 'clsid:02bf25d5-8c17-4b23-bc80-d3488abddc6b':
nl[i].parentNode.replaceChild(TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._createImg('mceItemQuickTime', d, nl[i]), nl[i]);
case 'clsid:cfcdaa03-8be4-11cf-b84b-0020afbbccfa':
case 'clsid:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95':
case 'clsid:05589fa1-c356-11ce-bf01-00aa0055595a':
nl[i].parentNode.replaceChild(TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._createImg('mceItemRealMedia', d, nl[i]), nl[i]);
// Handle embed (if any)
nl = tinyMCE.selectNodes(content, function (n) {return n.className == 'mceItemObjectEmbed';});
for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
switch (tinyMCE.getAttrib(nl[i], 'type')) {
case 'application/x-shockwave-flash':
TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._createImgFromEmbed(nl[i], d, 'mceItemFlash');
case 'application/x-director':
TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._createImgFromEmbed(nl[i], d, 'mceItemShockWave');
case 'application/x-mplayer2':
TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._createImgFromEmbed(nl[i], d, 'mceItemWindowsMedia');
case 'video/quicktime':
TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._createImgFromEmbed(nl[i], d, 'mceItemQuickTime');
case 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin':
TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._createImgFromEmbed(nl[i], d, 'mceItemRealMedia');
case "get_from_editor":
var startPos = -1, endPos, attribs, chunkBefore, chunkAfter, embedHTML, at, pl, cb, mt, ex;
while ((startPos = content.indexOf('<img', startPos+1)) != -1) {
endPos = content.indexOf('/>', startPos);
attribs = TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._parseAttributes(content.substring(startPos + 4, endPos));
// Is not flash, skip it
if (!/mceItem(Flash|ShockWave|WindowsMedia|QuickTime|RealMedia)/.test(attribs['class']))
endPos += 2;
// Parse attributes
at = attribs['title'];
if (at) {
at = at.replace(/&(#39|apos);/g, "'");
at = at.replace(/&#quot;/g, '"');
try {
pl = eval('x={' + at + '};');
} catch (ex) {
pl = {};
// Use object/embed
if (!tinyMCE.getParam('media_use_script', false)) {
switch (attribs['class']) {
case 'mceItemFlash':
ci = 'd27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000';
cb = ',0,40,0';
mt = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
case 'mceItemShockWave':
ci = '166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000';
cb = ',5,1,0';
mt = 'application/x-director';
case 'mceItemWindowsMedia':
ci = tinyMCE.getParam('media_wmp6_compatible') ? '05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A' : '6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6';
cb = ',1,52,701';
mt = 'application/x-mplayer2';
case 'mceItemQuickTime':
ci = '02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B';
cb = ',0,2,0';
mt = 'video/quicktime';
case 'mceItemRealMedia':
ci = 'CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA';
cb = ',0,40,0';
mt = 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin';
// Force absolute URL
if (!tinyMCE.getParam("relative_urls"))
pl.src = tinyMCE.convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL(tinyMCE.settings['base_href'], pl.src);
embedHTML = TinyMCE_MediaPlugin._getEmbed(ci, cb, mt, pl, attribs);
} else {
// Use script version
switch (attribs['class']) {
case 'mceItemFlash':
s = 'writeFlash';
case 'mceItemShockWave':
s = 'writeShockWave';
case 'mceItemWindowsMedia':
s = 'writeWindowsMedia';
case 'mceItemQuickTime':
s = 'writeQuickTime';
case 'mceItemRealMedia':
s = 'writeRealMedia';
if (attribs.width)
at = at.replace(/width:[^0-9]?[0-9]+%?[^0-9]?/g, "width:'" + attribs.width + "'");
if (attribs.height)
at = at.replace(/height:[^0-9]?[0-9]+%?[^0-9]?/g, "height:'" + attribs.height + "'");
// Force absolute URL
if (!tinyMCE.getParam("relative_urls")) {
pl.src = tinyMCE.convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL(tinyMCE.settings['base_href'], pl.src);
at = at.replace(new RegExp("src:'[^']*'", "g"), "src:'" + pl.src + "'");
embedHTML = '<script type="text/javascript">' + s + '({' + at + '});</script>';
// Insert embed/object chunk
chunkBefore = content.substring(0, startPos);
chunkAfter = content.substring(endPos);
content = chunkBefore + embedHTML + chunkAfter;
return content;
handleNodeChange : function(editor_id, node, undo_index, undo_levels, visual_aid, any_selection) {
if (node == null)
do {
if (node.nodeName == "IMG" && /mceItem(Flash|ShockWave|WindowsMedia|QuickTime|RealMedia)/.test(tinyMCE.getAttrib(node, 'class'))) {
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_media', 'mceButtonSelected');
return true;
} while ((node = node.parentNode));
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_media', 'mceButtonNormal');
return true;
_createImgFromEmbed : function(n, d, cl) {
var ne, at, i, ti = '', an;
ne = d.createElement('img');
ne.src = tinyMCE.getParam("theme_href") + '/images/spacer.gif';
ne.width = tinyMCE.getAttrib(n, 'width');
ne.height = tinyMCE.getAttrib(n, 'height');
ne.className = cl;
at = n.attributes;
for (i=0; i<at.length; i++) {
if (at[i].specified && at[i].nodeValue) {
an = at[i].nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (an == 'src')
if (an == 'mce_src')
an = 'src';
if (an.indexOf('mce_') == -1 && !new RegExp('^(class|type)$').test(an))
ti += an.toLowerCase() + ':\'' + at[i].nodeValue + "',";
ti = ti.length > 0 ? ti.substring(0, ti.length - 1) : ti;
ne.title = ti;
n.parentNode.replaceChild(ne, n);
_createImg : function(cl, d, n) {
var i, nl, ti = "", an, av, al = new Array();
ne = d.createElement('img');
ne.src = tinyMCE.getParam("theme_href") + '/images/spacer.gif';
ne.width = tinyMCE.getAttrib(n, 'width');
ne.height = tinyMCE.getAttrib(n, 'height');
ne.className = cl; = tinyMCE.getAttrib(n, 'id'); = tinyMCE.getAttrib(n, 'name');
al.width = tinyMCE.getAttrib(n, 'width');
al.height = tinyMCE.getAttrib(n, 'height');
al.bgcolor = tinyMCE.getAttrib(n, 'bgcolor');
al.align = tinyMCE.getAttrib(n, 'align');
al.class_name = tinyMCE.getAttrib(n, 'mce_class');
nl = n.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
av = tinyMCE.getAttrib(nl[i], 'value');
av = av.replace(new RegExp('\\\\', 'g'), '\\\\');
av = av.replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '\\"');
av = av.replace(new RegExp("'", 'g'), "\\'");
an = tinyMCE.getAttrib(nl[i], 'name');
al[an] = av;
if ( {
al.src =; = null;
for (an in al) {
if (al[an] != null && typeof(al[an]) != "function" && al[an] != '')
ti += an.toLowerCase() + ':\'' + al[an] + "',";
ti = ti.length > 0 ? ti.substring(0, ti.length - 1) : ti;
ne.title = ti;
return ne;
_getEmbed : function(cls, cb, mt, p, at) {
var h = '', n;
p.width = at.width ? at.width : p.width;
p.height = at.height ? at.height : p.height;
h += '<object classid="clsid:' + cls + '" codebase="' + cb + '"';
h += typeof( != "undefined" ? ' id="' + + '"' : '';
h += typeof( != "undefined" ? ' name="' + + '"' : '';
h += typeof(p.width) != "undefined" ? ' width="' + p.width + '"' : '';
h += typeof(p.height) != "undefined" ? ' height="' + p.height + '"' : '';
h += typeof(p.align) != "undefined" ? ' align="' + p.align + '"' : '';
h += '>';
for (n in p) {
if (p[n] && typeof(p[n]) != "function") {
h += '<param name="' + n + '" value="' + p[n] + '" />';
// Add extra url parameter if it's an absolute URL on WMP
if (n == 'src' && p[n].indexOf('://') != -1 && mt == 'application/x-mplayer2')
h += '<param name="url" value="' + p[n] + '" />';
h += '<embed type="' + mt + '"';
for (n in p) {
if (typeof(p[n]) == "function")
// Skip url parameter for embed tag on WMP
if (!(n == 'url' && mt == 'application/x-mplayer2'))
h += ' ' + n + '="' + p[n] + '"';
h += '></embed></object>';
return h;
_parseAttributes : function(attribute_string) {
var attributeName = "", endChr = '"';
var attributeValue = "";
var withInName;
var withInValue;
var attributes = new Array();
var whiteSpaceRegExp = new RegExp('^[ \n\r\t]+', 'g');
if (attribute_string == null || attribute_string.length < 2)
return null;
withInName = withInValue = false;
for (var i=0; i<attribute_string.length; i++) {
var chr = attribute_string.charAt(i);
if ((chr == '"' || chr == "'") && !withInValue) {
withInValue = true;
endChr = chr;
} else if (chr == endChr && withInValue) {
withInValue = false;
var pos = attributeName.lastIndexOf(' ');
if (pos != -1)
attributeName = attributeName.substring(pos+1);
attributes[attributeName.toLowerCase()] = attributeValue.substring(1);
attributeName = "";
attributeValue = "";
} else if (!whiteSpaceRegExp.test(chr) && !withInName && !withInValue)
withInName = true;
if (chr == '=' && withInName)
withInName = false;
if (withInName)
attributeName += chr;
if (withInValue)
attributeValue += chr;
return attributes;
tinyMCE.addPlugin("media", TinyMCE_MediaPlugin);