1 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}categories( page_id varchar(64), namespace varchar(64), category_id varchar(64)); |
1 -- Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between |
2 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}comments( comment_id int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment, page_id text, namespace text, subject text, comment_data text, name text, approved tinyint(1) default 1, user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, time int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ( comment_id )); |
2 -- Version 1.0 (Banshee) |
3 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}config( config_name varchar(63), config_value text); |
3 -- Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry |
4 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}logs( log_type varchar(16), action varchar(16), time_id int(12) NOT NULL default '0', date_string varchar(63), page_id text, namespace text, page_text text, char_tag varchar(40), author varchar(63), edit_summary text, minor_edit tinyint(1)); |
4 |
5 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}page_text( page_id varchar(63), namespace varchar(16) NOT NULL default 'Article', page_text text, char_tag varchar(63)); |
5 -- This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
6 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}pages( page_order int(8), name varchar(127), urlname varchar(63), namespace varchar(16) NOT NULL default 'Article', special tinyint(1) default '0', visible tinyint(1) default '1', comments_on tinyint(1) default '1', protected tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, wiki_mode tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 2, delvotes int(10) NOT NULL default 0, password varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', delvote_ips text NOT NULL); |
6 -- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
7 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}session_keys( session_key varchar(32), salt varchar(32), user_id mediumint(8), auth_level tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', source_ip varchar(10) default '0x7f000001', time bigint(15) default '0'); |
7 |
8 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}themes( theme_id varchar(63), theme_name text, theme_order smallint(5) NOT NULL default '1', default_style varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', enabled tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1'); |
8 -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied |
9 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}users( user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment, username text, password varchar(255), email text, real_name text, user_level tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 2, theme varchar(64) NOT NULL default 'bleu.css', style varchar(64) NOT NULL default 'default', signature text, reg_time int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, account_active tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, activation_key varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, old_encryption tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, temp_password text, temp_password_time int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (user_id)); |
9 -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. |
10 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}users_extra( user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL, user_aim varchar(63), user_yahoo varchar(63), user_msn varchar(255), user_xmpp varchar(255), user_homepage text, user_location text, user_job text, user_hobbies text, email_public tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ( user_id ) ); |
10 |
11 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}banlist( ban_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment, ban_type tinyint(1), ban_value varchar(64), is_regex tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, reason text, PRIMARY KEY ( ban_id ) ); |
11 -- schema.sql - MySQL installation schema. Firebird version in development. |
12 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}files( file_id int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment, time_id int(12) NOT NULL, page_id varchar(63) NOT NULL, filename varchar(127) default NULL, size bigint(15) NOT NULL, mimetype varchar(63) default NULL, file_extension varchar(8) default NULL, file_key varchar(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (file_id) ); |
12 |
13 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}buddies( buddy_id int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, user_id mediumint(8), buddy_user_id mediumint(8), is_friend tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (buddy_id) ); |
13 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}categories( |
14 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}privmsgs( message_id int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, message_from varchar(63), message_to varchar(255), date int(12), subject varchar(63), message_text text, folder_name varchar(63), message_read tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (message_id) ); |
14 page_id varchar(64), |
15 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}sidebar( item_id smallint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment, item_order smallint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, item_enabled tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, sidebar_id smallint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, block_name varchar(63) NOT NULL, block_type tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, block_content text, PRIMARY KEY ( item_id )); |
15 namespace varchar(64), |
16 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}hits( hit_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, username varchar(63) NOT NULL, time int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, page_id varchar(63), namespace varchar(63), PRIMARY KEY ( hit_id ) ); |
16 category_id varchar(64) |
17 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}search_index( word varbinary(64) NOT NULL, page_names text, PRIMARY KEY ( word ) ); |
17 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
18 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}groups( group_id mediumint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, group_name varchar(64), group_type tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY ( group_id ), system_group tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); |
18 |
19 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}group_members( member_id int(12) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, group_id mediumint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, user_id int(12) NOT NULL, is_mod tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, pending tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ( member_id ) ); |
20 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}acl( rule_id int(12) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, target_type tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, target_id int(12) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, page_id varchar(255), namespace varchar(24), rules text, PRIMARY KEY ( rule_id ) ); |
20 comment_id int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment, |
21 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}search_cache( search_id int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, search_time int(11) NOT NULL, query text, results longblob, PRIMARY KEY ( search_id )); |
21 page_id text, |
22 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}config(config_name, config_value) VALUES ('site_name', '{{SITE_NAME}}'), ('main_page', 'Main_Page'), ('site_desc', '{{SITE_DESC}}'), ('wiki_mode', '{{WIKI_MODE}}'), ('wiki_edit_notice', '0'), ('sflogo_enabled', '0'), ('sflogo_groupid', ''), ('sflogo_type', '1'), ('w3c_vh32', '0'), ('w3c_vh40', '0'), ('w3c_vh401', '0'), ('w3c_vxhtml10', '0'), ('w3c_vxhtml11', '0'), ('w3c_vcss', '0'), ('approve_comments', '0'), ('enable_comments', '1'), ('plugin_SpecialAdmin.php', '1'), ('plugin_SpecialPageFuncs.php', '1'), ('plugin_SpecialUserFuncs.php', '1'), ('plugin_SpecialCSS.php', '1'), ('copyright_notice', '{{COPYRIGHT}}'), ('wiki_edit_notice_text', '== Why can I edit this page? ==\n\nEveryone can edit almost any page in this website. This concept is called a wiki. It gives everyone the opportunity to make a change for the best. While some spam and vandalism may occur, it is believed that most contributions will be legitimate and helpful.\n\nFor security purposes, a history of all page edits is kept, and administrators are able to restore vandalized or spammed pages with just a few clicks.'), ('cache_thumbs', '{{ENABLE_CACHE}}'), ('max_file_size', '256000'),('enano_version', '{{VERSION}}'),( 'allowed_mime_types', 'cbf:len=168;crc=c3dcad3f;data=0[1],1[4],0[3],1[1],0[2],1[1],0[11],1[1],0[7],1[1],0[9],1[1],0[6],1[3],0[10],1[1],0[2],1[2],0[1],1[1],0[1],1[2],0[6],1[3],0[1],1[1],0[2],1[4],0[1],1[2],0[3],1[1],0[4],1[2],0[26],1[5],0[6],1[2],0[2],1[1],0[4],1[1],0[10],1[2],0[1],1[1],0[6]|end' ), ('contact_email', '{{ADMIN_EMAIL}}'); |
22 namespace text, |
23 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}page_text(page_id, namespace, page_text, char_tag) VALUES ('Main_Page', 'Article', '=== Enano has been successfully installed! ===\n\nYou have finished installing Enano on this server. Congratulations!', ''); |
23 subject text, |
24 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}pages(page_order, name, urlname, namespace, special, visible, comments_on, protected, delvotes, delvote_ips) VALUES (NULL, 'Main Page', 'Main_Page', 'Article', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, ''); |
24 comment_data text, |
25 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}themes(theme_id, theme_name, theme_order, default_style, enabled) VALUES ('oxygen', 'Oxygen', 1, 'bleu.css', 1),('stpatty', 'St. Patty', 2, 'shamrock.css', 1); |
25 name text, |
26 approved tinyint(1) default 1, |
27 user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, |
28 time int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
29 PRIMARY KEY ( comment_id ) |
30 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
31 |
33 config_name varchar(63), |
34 config_value text |
35 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
36 |
38 log_type varchar(16), |
39 action varchar(16), |
40 time_id int(12) NOT NULL default '0', |
41 date_string varchar(63), |
42 page_id text, |
43 namespace text, |
44 page_text text, |
45 char_tag varchar(40), |
46 author varchar(63), |
47 edit_summary text, |
48 minor_edit tinyint(1) |
49 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
50 |
51 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}page_text( |
52 page_id varchar(63), |
53 namespace varchar(16) NOT NULL default 'Article', |
54 page_text text, |
55 char_tag varchar(63) |
56 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
57 |
59 page_order int(8), |
60 name varchar(127), |
61 urlname varchar(63), |
62 namespace varchar(16) NOT NULL default 'Article', |
63 special tinyint(1) default '0', |
64 visible tinyint(1) default '1', |
65 comments_on tinyint(1) default '1', |
66 protected tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
67 wiki_mode tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 2, |
68 delvotes int(10) NOT NULL default 0, |
69 password varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
70 delvote_ips text NOT NULL |
71 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
72 |
73 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}session_keys( |
74 session_key varchar(32), |
75 salt varchar(32), |
76 user_id mediumint(8), |
77 auth_level tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', |
78 source_ip varchar(10) default '0x7f000001', |
79 time bigint(15) default '0' |
80 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
81 |
83 theme_id varchar(63), |
84 theme_name text, |
85 theme_order smallint(5) NOT NULL default '1', |
86 default_style varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
87 enabled tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1' |
88 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
89 |
91 user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment, |
92 username text, |
93 password varchar(255), |
94 email text, |
95 real_name text, |
96 user_level tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 2, |
97 theme varchar(64) NOT NULL default 'bleu.css', |
98 style varchar(64) NOT NULL default 'default', |
99 signature text, |
100 reg_time int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
101 account_active tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
102 activation_key varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
103 old_encryption tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
104 temp_password text, |
105 temp_password_time int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
106 PRIMARY KEY (user_id) |
107 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
108 |
109 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}users_extra( |
110 user_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL, |
111 user_aim varchar(63), |
112 user_yahoo varchar(63), |
113 user_msn varchar(255), |
114 user_xmpp varchar(255), |
115 user_homepage text, |
116 user_location text, |
117 user_job text, |
118 user_hobbies text, |
119 email_public tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
120 PRIMARY KEY ( user_id ) |
121 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
122 |
124 ban_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment, |
125 ban_type tinyint(1), |
126 ban_value varchar(64), |
127 is_regex tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, |
128 reason text, |
129 PRIMARY KEY ( ban_id ) |
130 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
131 |
133 file_id int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment, |
134 time_id int(12) NOT NULL, |
135 page_id varchar(63) NOT NULL, |
136 filename varchar(127) default NULL, |
137 size bigint(15) NOT NULL, |
138 mimetype varchar(63) default NULL, |
139 file_extension varchar(8) default NULL, |
140 file_key varchar(32) NOT NULL, |
141 PRIMARY KEY (file_id) |
142 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
143 |
145 buddy_id int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, |
146 user_id mediumint(8), |
147 buddy_user_id mediumint(8), |
148 is_friend tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', |
149 PRIMARY KEY (buddy_id) |
150 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
151 |
152 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}privmsgs( |
153 message_id int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, |
154 message_from varchar(63), |
155 message_to varchar(255), |
156 date int(12), |
157 subject varchar(63), |
158 message_text text, |
159 folder_name varchar(63), |
160 message_read tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
161 PRIMARY KEY (message_id) |
162 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
163 |
165 item_id smallint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment, |
166 item_order smallint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
167 item_enabled tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, |
168 sidebar_id smallint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, |
169 block_name varchar(63) NOT NULL, |
170 block_type tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
171 block_content text, |
172 PRIMARY KEY ( item_id ) |
173 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
174 |
176 hit_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, |
177 username varchar(63) NOT NULL, |
178 time int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
179 page_id varchar(63), |
180 namespace varchar(63), |
181 PRIMARY KEY ( hit_id ) |
182 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
183 |
184 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}search_index( |
185 word varbinary(64) NOT NULL, |
186 page_names text, |
187 PRIMARY KEY ( word ) |
188 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
189 |
191 group_id mediumint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, |
192 group_name varchar(64), |
193 group_type tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, |
194 PRIMARY KEY ( group_id ), |
195 system_group tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 |
196 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
197 |
198 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}group_members( |
199 member_id int(12) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, |
200 group_id mediumint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, |
201 user_id int(12) NOT NULL, |
202 is_mod tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
203 pending tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
204 PRIMARY KEY ( member_id ) |
205 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
206 |
208 rule_id int(12) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, |
209 target_type tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, |
210 target_id int(12) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, |
211 page_id varchar(255), |
212 namespace varchar(24), |
213 rules text, |
214 PRIMARY KEY ( rule_id ) |
215 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
216 |
217 CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_PREFIX}}search_cache( |
218 search_id int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, |
219 search_time int(11) NOT NULL, |
220 query text, |
221 results longblob, |
222 PRIMARY KEY ( search_id ) |
223 ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`; |
224 |
225 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}config(config_name, config_value) VALUES |
226 ('site_name', '{{SITE_NAME}}'), |
227 ('main_page', 'Main_Page'), |
228 ('site_desc', '{{SITE_DESC}}'), |
229 ('wiki_mode', '{{WIKI_MODE}}'), |
230 ('wiki_edit_notice', '0'), |
231 ('sflogo_enabled', '0'), |
232 ('sflogo_groupid', ''), |
233 ('sflogo_type', '1'), |
234 ('w3c_vh32', '0'), |
235 ('w3c_vh40', '0'), |
236 ('w3c_vh401', '0'), |
237 ('w3c_vxhtml10', '0'), |
238 ('w3c_vxhtml11', '0'), |
239 ('w3c_vcss', '0'), |
240 ('approve_comments', '0'), |
241 ('enable_comments', '1'), |
242 ('plugin_SpecialAdmin.php', '1'), |
243 ('plugin_SpecialPageFuncs.php', '1'), |
244 ('plugin_SpecialUserFuncs.php', '1'), |
245 ('plugin_SpecialCSS.php', '1'), |
246 ('copyright_notice', '{{COPYRIGHT}}'), |
247 ('wiki_edit_notice_text', '== Why can I edit this page? ==\n\nEveryone can edit almost any page in this website. This concept is called a wiki. It gives everyone the opportunity to make a change for the best. While some spam and vandalism may occur, it is believed that most contributions will be legitimate and helpful.\n\nFor security purposes, a history of all page edits is kept, and administrators are able to restore vandalized or spammed pages with just a few clicks.'), |
248 ('cache_thumbs', '{{ENABLE_CACHE}}'), |
249 ('max_file_size', '256000'),('enano_version', '{{VERSION}}'),( 'allowed_mime_types', 'cbf:len=168;crc=c3dcad3f;data=0[1],1[4],0[3],1[1],0[2],1[1],0[11],1[1],0[7],1[1],0[9],1[1],0[6],1[3],0[10],1[1],0[2],1[2],0[1],1[1],0[1],1[2],0[6],1[3],0[1],1[1],0[2],1[4],0[1],1[2],0[3],1[1],0[4],1[2],0[26],1[5],0[6],1[2],0[2],1[1],0[4],1[1],0[10],1[2],0[1],1[1],0[6]|end' ), |
250 ('contact_email', '{{ADMIN_EMAIL}}'), |
251 ('powered_btn', '1'); |
252 |
253 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}page_text(page_id, namespace, page_text, char_tag) VALUES |
254 ('Main_Page', 'Article', '=== Enano has been successfully installed! ===\n\nYou have finished installing Enano on this server. Congratulations!', ''); |
255 |
256 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}pages(page_order, name, urlname, namespace, special, visible, comments_on, protected, delvotes, delvote_ips) VALUES |
257 (NULL, 'Main Page', 'Main_Page', 'Article', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, ''); |
258 |
259 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}themes(theme_id, theme_name, theme_order, default_style, enabled) VALUES |
260 ('oxygen', 'Oxygen', 1, 'bleu.css', 1), |
261 ('stpatty', 'St. Patty', 2, 'shamrock.css', 1); |
262 |
26 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}users(user_id, username, password, email, real_name, user_level, theme, style, signature, reg_time) VALUES(1, 'Anonymous', 'invalid-pass-hash', 'anonspam@enanocms.org', 'None', 1, 'oxygen', 'bleu', '', 0); |
263 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}users(user_id, username, password, email, real_name, user_level, theme, style, signature, reg_time) VALUES(1, 'Anonymous', 'invalid-pass-hash', 'anonspam@enanocms.org', 'None', 1, 'oxygen', 'bleu', '', 0); |
27 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}users(user_id, username, password, email, real_name, user_level, theme, style, account_active, reg_time) VALUES (2, '{{ADMIN_USER}}', '{{ADMIN_PASS}}', '{{ADMIN_EMAIL}}', '{{REAL_NAME}}', 9, 'oxygen', 'bleu', 1, UNIX_TIMESTAMP()); |
264 |
28 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}groups(group_id,group_name,group_type,system_group) VALUES(1, 'Everyone', 3, 1),(2,'Administrators',3,1),(3,'Moderators',3,1); |
265 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}users(user_id, username, password, email, real_name, user_level, theme, style, account_active, reg_time) VALUES |
266 (2, '{{ADMIN_USER}}', '{{ADMIN_PASS}}', '{{ADMIN_EMAIL}}', '{{REAL_NAME}}', 9, 'oxygen', 'bleu', 1, UNIX_TIMESTAMP()); |
267 |
268 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}groups(group_id,group_name,group_type,system_group) VALUES(1, 'Everyone', 3, 1), |
269 (2,'Administrators',3,1), |
270 (3,'Moderators',3,1); |
271 |
29 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}group_members(group_id,user_id,is_mod) VALUES(2, 2, 1); |
272 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}group_members(group_id,user_id,is_mod) VALUES(2, 2, 1); |
30 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}acl(target_type,target_id,page_id,namespace,rules) VALUES(1,2,NULL,NULL,'read=4;post_comments=4;edit_comments=4;edit_page=4;view_source=4;mod_comments=4;history_view=4;history_rollback=4;history_rollback_extra=4;protect=4;rename=4;clear_logs=4;vote_delete=4;vote_reset=4;delete_page=4;set_wiki_mode=4;password_set=4;password_reset=4;mod_misc=4;edit_cat=4;even_when_protected=4;upload_files=4;upload_new_version=4;create_page=4;php_in_pages={{ADMIN_EMBED_PHP}};edit_acl=4;'),(1,3,NULL,NULL,'read=4;post_comments=4;edit_comments=4;edit_page=4;view_source=4;mod_comments=4;history_view=4;history_rollback=4;history_rollback_extra=4;protect=4;rename=3;clear_logs=2;vote_delete=4;vote_reset=4;delete_page=4;set_wiki_mode=2;password_set=2;password_reset=2;mod_misc=2;edit_cat=4;even_when_protected=4;upload_files=2;upload_new_version=3;create_page=3;php_in_pages=2;edit_acl=2;'); |
273 |
31 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}sidebar(item_id, item_order, sidebar_id, block_name, block_type, block_content) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 'Navigation', 1, '[[Main Page|Home]]'),(2, 2, 1, 'Tools', 1, '[[$NS_SPECIAL$CreatePage|Create a page]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$UploadFile|Upload file]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$SpecialPages|Special pages]]\n{if auth_admin}\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$EditSidebar|Edit the sidebar]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Administration|Administration]]\n{/if}'),(3, 3, 1, '$USERNAME$', 1, '[[$NS_USER$$USERNAME$|User page]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Contributions/$USERNAME$|My Contributions]]\n{if user_logged_in}\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Preferences|Preferences]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$PrivateMessages|Private messages]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Usergroups|Group control panel]]\n$THEME_LINK$\n{/if}\n{if user_logged_in}\n$LOGOUT_LINK$\n{else}\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Register|Create an account]]\n$LOGIN_LINK$\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Login/$NS_SPECIAL$PrivateMessages|Private messages]]\n{/if}'),(4, 4, 1, 'Search', 1, '<div class="slideblock2" style="padding: 0px;"><form action="$SCRIPTPATH$/$NS_SPECIAL$Search" method="get" style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"><p><input name="q" alt="Search box" type="text" size="10" style="width: 70%" /> <input type="submit" value="Go" style="width: 20%" /></p></form></div>'),(5, 2, 2, 'Links', 4, 'Links') |
274 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}acl(target_type,target_id,page_id,namespace,rules) VALUES(1,2,NULL,NULL,'read=4;post_comments=4;edit_comments=4;edit_page=4;view_source=4;mod_comments=4;history_view=4;history_rollback=4;history_rollback_extra=4;protect=4;rename=4;clear_logs=4;vote_delete=4;vote_reset=4;delete_page=4;set_wiki_mode=4;password_set=4;password_reset=4;mod_misc=4;edit_cat=4;even_when_protected=4;upload_files=4;upload_new_version=4;create_page=4;php_in_pages={{ADMIN_EMBED_PHP}};edit_acl=4;'), |
275 (1,3,NULL,NULL,'read=4;post_comments=4;edit_comments=4;edit_page=4;view_source=4;mod_comments=4;history_view=4;history_rollback=4;history_rollback_extra=4;protect=4;rename=3;clear_logs=2;vote_delete=4;vote_reset=4;delete_page=4;set_wiki_mode=2;password_set=2;password_reset=2;mod_misc=2;edit_cat=4;even_when_protected=4;upload_files=2;upload_new_version=3;create_page=3;php_in_pages=2;edit_acl=2;'); |
276 |
277 INSERT INTO {{TABLE_PREFIX}}sidebar(item_id, item_order, sidebar_id, block_name, block_type, block_content) VALUES |
278 (1, 1, 1, 'Navigation', 1, '[[Main Page|Home]]'), |
279 (2, 2, 1, 'Tools', 1, '[[$NS_SPECIAL$CreatePage|Create a page]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$UploadFile|Upload file]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$SpecialPages|Special pages]]\n{if auth_admin}\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$EditSidebar|Edit the sidebar]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Administration|Administration]]\n{/if}'), |
280 (3, 3, 1, '$USERNAME$', 1, '[[$NS_USER$$USERNAME$|User page]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Contributions/$USERNAME$|My Contributions]]\n{if user_logged_in}\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Preferences|Preferences]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$PrivateMessages|Private messages]]\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Usergroups|Group control panel]]\n$THEME_LINK$\n{/if}\n{if user_logged_in}\n$LOGOUT_LINK$\n{else}\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Register|Create an account]]\n$LOGIN_LINK$\n[[$NS_SPECIAL$Login/$NS_SPECIAL$PrivateMessages|Private messages]]\n{/if}'), |
281 (4, 4, 1, 'Search', 1, '<div class="slideblock2" style="padding: 0px;"><form action="$SCRIPTPATH$/$NS_SPECIAL$Search" method="get" style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"><p><input name="q" alt="Search box" type="text" size="10" style="width: 70%" /> <input type="submit" value="Go" style="width: 20%" /></p></form></div>'), |
282 (5, 2, 2, 'Links', 4, 'Links'); |